September 01, 2022 - error in clinical medicine exists
in part because of the inherent uncertainty that stems from the great
October 16, 2019 - anomalies of heart 746.84
Other personal history presenting hazards to health Surgery to heart and great
October 16, 2019 - anomalies of heart 746.84
Other personal history presenting
hazards to health
Surgery to heart and great
September 01, 2017 - Slide 48
Say: Today, you made great progress in beginning to develop an implementation plan
September 01, 2014 - Although the changes are
typically very modest, the public health
impact may be great.
June 01, 2015 - family partners is that sometimes it works really well—because the practices get it and they have a great
May 29, 2013 - The Medical Home Index: Revised Short Form: Pediatric. Measuring the Organization and Delivery of Pediatric Primary Care for All Children, Youth, and Families
© Center for Medical Home Improvement, 2001. Used with permission. Transition to adulthood indicator #2.5 revised 2006; Medical Home Index revised to create…
May 11, 2023 - COVID-19 Pandemic Led to Long Absences, Reduced Hours, and Job Exits Among the U.S. Healthcare Workforce
COVID-19 Pandemic Led to Long
Absences, Reduced Hours,
and Job Exits Among the U.S.
Healthcare Workforce
The COVID-19 pandemic affected nearly all sectors of the U.S. economy, w…
February 01, 2014 - Skip to main content
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August 01, 2017 - The great majority of discrepancies (n=415 or 73.3 percent) were judged to be most appropriately communicated
September 01, 2015 - Payment reform goes hand in hand with these new care delivery
models and is also of great interest to
September 08, 2015 - family partners is that sometimes
it works really well—because the
practices get it and they have
a great
October 01, 2016 - The NP and PA are not
empaneled, but the practice makes great effort to have patients see their established
September 01, 2015 - An Introduction to Assessing Practices: Issues to Consider
Primary Care
Practice Facilitation
Module 12: An Introduction to Assessing Practices:
Issues to Consider
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Advancing Excellence in Health Care www.ahrq.gov
June 24, 2022 - Appendix 3: Data Abstraction
Table of content
Abstraction of criteria from existing sources Sheet number
[Click to go to specific sheet]
Pearson et. al 2018, white paper 1
Duke Margolis 2017, white paper 2
International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) position paper 3
Berger et al…
April 01, 2009 - o “It’s great that you are going to quit when you get
through this busy time at work.
September 01, 2020 - This is great information.
We have a lot to change.
This happens all the time. … They're great, but they're constantly being left in patients' rooms.
April 01, 2016 - Purpose: To help you identify members of your organization who are effective at delivering disclosure
Who should use this tool? Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) Implementation Team, Disclosure
Lead(s), Disclosure Communicators.
How to use this tool: Use the Communication Assessment Guid…
September 08, 2022 - . … I have
some really great colleagues who are doing things around homelessness intervention and
food … There is great potential to accelerate progress by aligning, creating synergies,
and collaborative learning
September 01, 2015 - Shadowing a patient through a visit should be a habit you develop as a PF, as it
allows you to learn a great