January 01, 2023 - Home Heart Failure (HF) Care: Comparing Patient-Driven Technology Models
Project Final Report ( PDF , 74.16 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent …
January 01, 2012 - completely replaced the
paper-based medical record system.
In summary, EHR has great … Although confounders are always a great concern in any non-experimental analyses of
clinical data, this … Implications
EHR has great potential for improving care coordination, especially for patients with
January 01, 2010 - How Do I Evaluate Workflow?
Why care about workflow when planning, implementing, and using health IT?
Answer #1:
To avoid pain and suffering
Many clinics have implemented health IT only to find that they did not anticipate how much health IT can change clinical and administrative workflows.
The unanticipate…
January 01, 2023 - Overall, the project took a great deal more time than anticipated.
January 17, 2006 - regions through site
visits and town hall meetings
• Met with HIT delegations from countries like Great
April 05, 2012 - understanding / learning / access to information
◦ Quality clinical care – process redesign
◦ Providing GREAT
March 15, 2007 - that are in -- guides that are contained in the
Connecting for Health documentation that provide some great … This is a difficult issue for a great many organizations. … Well that’s a great question. An HIE is a covered entity if it is one. … So again, thank you everyone, and have a great day.
February 21, 2008 - something that all the states who submitted proposals to
participate in the project identified as a great … educational
opportunities and they travel members to important meetings and really have provided a great … previously mentioned, there is
always going to be some level of crossover and RTI is going to be doing a great … It is correct to say there is a great deal of need for education and really interest
among providers
January 01, 2009 - • It is useful, but it would be great if we could get a result through HMVR
besides dates and place … When a patient is transferred from the hospital back to the
CHC, this remote access is of great value … With the cultural groups that we
worked with, there is great value placed on completing activities in … • Some members of the Healthcare Professionals workgroup have stated that there has been
January 01, 2008 - The few that did
use this approach found it of great value. … Recruitment and data gathering required a great deal of
time and effort. … It took a great deal of
effort to get referrals, especially from long-term care facilities.
December 01, 2005 - necessary
– 50% of back pain x-rays not necessary
– 50% of elderly patients don’t get a pneumovax
Great … “Evaluation on a shoestring”
General Methodologies for Evaluation
Great Evaluation Paper Search Engine … lessons learned”
– Implemented CPOE in a group of affiliated urban hospitals
– Resident physicians are a great
January 01, 2023 - Portals in Inpatient Care: Evaluating the Usability, Use, and Patient Experience Associated With Patient Portal Technology at the Bedside
Project Final Report ( PDF , 269.09 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who ar…
December 01, 2005 - not necessary
50% of back pain x-rays not necessary
50% of elderly patients don’t get a pneumovax
Great … “Evaluation on a shoestring”
General Methodologies for Evaluation
Great Evaluation Paper Search Engine … lessons learned”
Implemented CPOE in a group of affiliated urban hospitals
Resident physicians are a great
December 01, 2005 - necessary
– 50% of back pain x-rays not necessary
– 50% of elderly patients don’t get a pneumovax
Great … “Evaluation on a shoestring”
General Methodologies for Evaluation
Great Evaluation Paper Search Engine … lessons learned”
– Implemented CPOE in a group of affiliated urban hospitals
– Resident physicians are a great
January 01, 2008 - Rural Community Partnerships—EMR Implementation Project
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 5UC1HS015302-03
Rural Community Partnerships—
EMR Implementation Project
Inclusive dates: 09/20/04 - 08/31/07
Principal Investigator:
R’Nee Mullen
Performing Organization:
Magic Valley Regio…
January 01, 2015 - most health care is delivered in ambulatory settings and
the value of health IT may be especially great
July 01, 2011 - —PATIENT
“ Patients have been very
responsive to it and
think it’s a great tool!”
June 09, 2005 - Emerging
NHIN: Waiting to hear federal response to submissions
RHIOs: Still nascent concept with great
June 09, 2005 - Emerging
NHIN: Waiting to hear federal response to submissions
RHIOs: Still nascent concept with great
January 01, 2010 - Nationwide Children’s Hospital operates five community‐based clinics providing mental health
services, the great