
Total Results: 482 records

Showing results for "good".

  1. Scenario 1 (pdf file)
    February 28, 2014 - Shift: Rating Scale Please comment if 1 or 2. 1 = Very Poor 2 = Poor 3 = Acceptable 4 = Good
    January 01, 2022 - Poor ▼ Fair ▼ Good ▼ Very good ▼ Excellent ▼ 1.
    October 07, 2016 - 1 Excellent 2 Very good 3 Good 4 Fair 5 Poor 49. … 1 Excellent 2 Very good 3 Good 4 Fair 5 Poor CAHPS Cancer Care Survey Drug Therapy
    March 10, 2006 - All of this provides a good opportunity for an open discussion about the roles of team leaders, both … And good team leaders know how to resolve conflict and make sure that the team works most effectively … This also is a particularly good time to discuss issues that might affect how the team works. … The debrief reinforced that teamwork skills produce good outcomes. … And these are things that good team leaders, difficult as they may be, also address in making sure by
    June 01, 2021 - After viewing or presenting this presentation viewers will be able to— Recognize that collecting a good
    July 25, 2012 - You should avoid overly strenuous activity for the first few weeks, but it will be good to take a brisk
    July 01, 2016 - A good rule is that they have a key event every 1 to 2 minutes of scenario time. (2 min.) … That was a good catch.” … Event-based methods involve good training design practices, good scenario design practices, and good
    October 01, 2018 - Good afternoon. This is Caren Ginsberg. … Rachel Grob Grob, Slide 10 Good afternoon, everybody. … It’s really good. … This made me feel good. … Yeah, that’s a really good question.
    January 01, 2014 - or created to implement the CANDOR process. 16 Identification of A CANDOR Event Module 1 17 A good … the event needs to be supportive and ongoing. 28 Communication After a Harm Event Not everyone is a good … Identify good communicators. Understand conversations can be emotionally difficult. … 29 In the CANDOR process, there is training for CANDOR Communication Leads, as not everyone is a good … We all can identify who is a good communicator and who we would want to give us difficult or bad news
    March 01, 2023 - Identifying and treating Long COVID is complex, which is precisely why the condition is a good case study … “You’re on your own; good luck!” is a lousy way to run a healthcare system.
    February 14, 2013 - Provider site information Reason for appt Provider phone number 6 What exercises are good
    September 01, 2020 - Before the visit: It is a good idea to gather your decision aids. … Even good readers have trouble navigating the health care system when they are sick, scared, or in pain … The good news is teach-back can be done in as little as 1 to 2 minutes. … Follow these three steps: Step 1: Say, "I must have not done a good job explaining. … Also consider using teach-back as a good technique to expose any cultural misunderstandings.
    February 14, 2013 - CALLER: Is this a good time to talk? PATIENT: Yes. … PATIENT: It means my heart isn’t pumping blood as good as it used to.
    February 01, 2020 - In particular, they recognize that their staff value being able to achieve good results, and they equip … Rewards Over the past decade or so, the idea of rewarding health care organizations that exhibit good … Extraordinary performance of regular duties in a particularly difficult circumstance Extremely good … performance of regular duties over a long period of time A "Good Catch" (i.e., the person took the … Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't.
    November 01, 2018 - Quality Reporting Project Report sponsors often want to know whether the reporting project was a good
    February 10, 2011 - This is a good time to ask your questions. The time the doctor visits may vary from day to day.
    October 01, 2016 - How Taking Antibiotics When You Don't Need Them Can Cause More Harm Than Good is a handout that can be … How Taking Antibiotics When You Don't Need Them Can Cause More Harm Than Good” tool was created by the
  18. Assembleteam (doc file)
    August 24, 2012 - clear goals, make decisions using the collective input of CUSP team members, and promote and facilitate good … identify a potential physician champion at your hospital who fits these characteristics and would be a good … Can you identify a senior executive at your hospital who fits these characteristics and would be a good … ASK: Can you identify a nurse manager at your hospital who fits these characteristics and would be a good … patient safety coordinator or officer at your hospital who fits these characteristics and would be a good
    November 01, 2018 - Optimize care team communication Working well as a team requires good communication, which can take … colleagues informed and involved in changes to their workflow or responsibilities is fundamental to good
    September 01, 2019 - This approach highlights variation in the scores and communicates that good diabetes care involves multiple … For someone having a baby, the hospital's overall score may not reflect how good the childbirth experience

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