September 30, 2024 - Better Quality Through Better Measurement Online Course with Coaching
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April 03, 2005 - Study
Measuring communication in the surgical ICU: better communication equals better … Measuring communication in the surgical ICU: better communication equals better care. … Measuring communication in the surgical ICU: better communication equals better care.
June 15, 2016 - Commentary
Making doctors better. … Making doctors better. BMJ. 2018;363:k4147. doi:10.1136/bmj.k4147. … Making doctors better. BMJ. 2018;363:k4147. doi:10.1136/bmj.k4147.
August 09, 2023 - Government Resource
Better Safer Care Victoria. … Citation Text:
Better Safer Care Victoria. … Linkedin
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August 11, 2021 - More Treatment—Better Care?
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Redberg R. More Treatment—Better Care?. … More Treatment—Better Care?. PSNet [internet]. … Do not assume that more treatment is always better! … Less is more: how less health care can result in better health. Arch Intern Med. 2010;170:749-750. … More Treatment—Better Care?. PSNet [internet].
April 12, 2011 - Study
Better medical office safety culture is not associated with better scores on … Better medical office safety culture is not associated with better scores on quality measures. … Better medical office safety culture is not associated with better scores on quality measures.
September 20, 2021 - Go to start of metadata
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 20, 2021 - high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better … without extensive manual processing; thus, it meets user needs and supports desired healthcare outcomes better
September 15, 2021 - Transformation Support
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 15, 2021 - Transformation Support
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 15, 2021 - high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better … without extensive manual processing; thus, it meets user needs and supports desired healthcare outcomes better
September 09, 2021 - Transformation Support
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 15, 2021 - Transformation Support
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 15, 2021 - high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better … without extensive manual processing; thus, it meets user needs and supports desired healthcare outcomes better
September 15, 2021 - Transformation Support
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 15, 2021 - Transformation Support
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 15, 2021 - Transformation Support
Why Better … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better
September 20, 2021 - Title:
Why Better … Page: Why Better
September 15, 2021 - high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better … without extensive manual processing; thus, it meets user needs and supports desired healthcare outcomes better
September 15, 2021 - high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional: What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and need-focused platform to serve users better by providing just … platforms from others could address pressing healthcare needs more efficiently and effectively to better … without extensive manual processing; thus, it meets user needs and supports desired healthcare outcomes better