January 01, 2024 - The study also found that the IMPROVE-DD VTE risk assessment model demonstrated very good discrimination
January 01, 2013 - The majority (n =21)
reported that they were in good to very good health. … there are a few items of interest in each
website (and) the idea of putting that all into one place is good … 35 2 10 4 20
General Health Status n,%
Poor 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0
Fair 2 10 2 10 1 5 1 5
Good … 9 45 9 45 11 55 7 35
Very Good 7 35 6 30 4 20 7 35
Excellent 1 5 2 10 4 20 4 20
Other 0 0 0
March 28, 2007 - The Good News…
There is a science related to technology implementation
Presented by Ben-Tzion Karsh
March 01, 2010 - Recommendation 2b: Identify qualitative and quantitative metrics for evaluating good
design. … In
short, they need to reflect good user-centered design,
defined as “a multidisciplinary design approach … Recommendation #2b: Identify qualitative and quantitative metrics for evaluating good
design. … How do we know when we
have achieved good design for different population groups? … suggested that effective PHIM should be considered a proximal goal in helping
the consumer achieve good
January 01, 2012 - Randomization was also stratified by health status (dichotomized SF1:
excellent, very good and good
September 17, 2007 - vendors, five of them actually, three that were in our coalition and two others so that we could get a good … But it’s really been a
good way for us to demonstrate some of the challenges that the long-term care … It’s a good way to
introduce e-prescribing to a facility without having to leap all the way in and get … BD: So, good afternoon, this is Brian Dixon from the AHRQ National Resource Center for Health
January 01, 2007 - health care payers 6,
hospitals’ viability is coming to depend not only on their ability to provide
good … tool would
improve quality of care and patient safety, especially in those
hospitals that lacked good … 67%) of the
respondents reported that their experience with the IT
implementation was excellent or good
August 29, 2016 - So
hiding alerts from the nurse that the doctor ignored or overwrote is not a good idea.
June 01, 2012 - Accordingly, a good learning
collaborative is essential to a successful implementation. … Showing patients incomplete or inaccurate medical
information reflects poorly on a practice and is not good … + Advantages—good use of patients’ time when waiting for an appointment; direct confirmation
that … Reinforce behaviors
for physicians with good
December 12, 2008 - number (%) with adequacy to detect polyps > 5 mm
FOR [b], COUNT "Prep results" in ('excellent', 'good
January 01, 2019 - Participants’ rating of their health on a global rating scale were
fair (4), good (9), very good (6) … Participants’ rating of their health on a global rating scale were: very poor (3%), poor
(9%), fair (38%), good
January 17, 2013 - Without a complete list of all patients in
KeyHIE, it has been a challenge to find good lists of patients … Question 4: I have been trying to do research with HIE data for awhile, and it’s good to hear
that some
January 01, 2024 - It’s not good enough just to use wonderful quantitative measures; they need to be supplemented with personalized
January 01, 2021 - All recruitment and study procedures were approved by an Institutional Review Board and
followed Good
January 01, 2013 - enough time to do all of the
education themselves, so an educational section on the portal would be a good … The providers thought a blog on the portal would be a good idea but struggled with
concerns about how
January 01, 2014 - transition from the
NICU to home compared to non-users (85.7% and 27.6% respectively), feeling “very good … The controls were asked to rate the typical education material they received;
their “very good” endorsement … “Am I able to be a good parent?”
January 12, 2025 - Good rules
2b. … Bad rules or
failure to apply
good rules
Skill-based errors (slips, lapses)
in executing correctly
April 01, 2008 - technical
problems related to electronic devices and incomplete patient data, retention was
generally good … comments ranged from a perception of medication history as
inaccurate, to those who viewed it as a good … When they
do use it, clinicians need to understand that the medication history is only as good as its … sites had reasonable adoption of e-prescribing, and the adoption rates and retention were
generally good … ranged from those who perceived the information as inaccurate, to a few providers
who believed it was a good
April 01, 2008 - technical
problems related to electronic devices and incomplete patient data, retention was
generally good … comments ranged from a perception of medication history as
inaccurate, to those who viewed it as a good … When they
do use it, clinicians need to understand that the medication history is only as good as its … sites had reasonable adoption of e-prescribing, and the adoption rates and retention were
generally good … ranged from those who perceived the information as inaccurate, to a few providers
who believed it was a good
April 01, 2008 - technical
problems related to electronic devices and incomplete patient data, retention was
generally good … comments ranged from a perception of medication history as
inaccurate, to those who viewed it as a good … When they
do use it, clinicians need to understand that the medication history is only as good as its … sites had reasonable adoption of e-prescribing, and the adoption rates and retention were
generally good … ranged from those who perceived the information as inaccurate, to a few providers
who believed it was a good