January 01, 2013 - formal evaluations, WHITE participants overwhelmingly evaluated the workshop
between excellent and very good … As Table 2 details, WHITE 2013 provided the best overall experience yet, improving on already
very good-to-excellent … We also
select and recommend good work from young researchers for the special issue at the
journal … favorite little conference of the year”
“Mix of academic and industry/government attendees was very good … The main reason is the dissemination of
publication of research on value of HIT”
“Good balance
January 01, 2005 - They generally felt that guidelines were a good educational tool, a convenient source of information,
May 14, 2013 - its value, is extremely doubtful because its beneficial application requires much time and gives a good
July 06, 2009 - One of the good pieces of news was that the Certification Commission (that
until recently was the gold … We also [scheduled] a good morning for dentists
to perform dental services. … Then, involving and external stakeholders early in the process
[would have been good]. … Well, I kind of dealt with, especially HHS, I got a lot of
good exposure to how the federal government … It
would be good to hear from people. If you are interested, Stephanie at
February 20, 2014 - described how all of my health care needs were going to be
80.2% 78.6% 83.7% 84.9% +
I had a good … understanding of my health condition and what
makes it better or worse.
88.7% 86.4% 87.0% 86.8% -
I had a good
January 01, 2023 - Providers reported that coping strategies such as good self-care, exercise, and resiliency training help
January 01, 2023 - Staff reported that they saw clear value in the program, and felt that senior centers were a good venue
November 15, 2005 - MB: Thank you very much, Brian, and good afternoon to everyone who’s listening in. … But it’s always good to have something to shoot for,
and to understand where you’re really going. … We need to
really understand what good or bad leadership is, right? … All of these good questions to ask yourself.
The next issue is around accountability. … So I think there’s a good back-and-forth.
August 01, 2008 - with data, working
with data, multiple participants, and so on but we‘ve actually made some pretty good … The last thing which I‘ve been busy with for the last several days is a good example. … Well, thank you very much and good afternoon or wherever you are, it‘s still morning. … Very good. … Have a good day!
September 29, 2007 - "We want to develop indicators that help our partners understand that this kind of system offers a good
June 29, 2007 - practice that collaboration among physicians, nurses, patients, and their families are critical to good
January 01, 2005 - management and 40% found the prompts annoying. 14% believed that 'prompts of this kind do more harm than good
January 01, 2007 - It's not good.'
January 01, 2003 - the system is well designed, and training is sufficient, acceptance of the applications can be very good
January 01, 2018 - The research indicated the app had good usability, was effective, and was more cost effective than in-person
January 01, 2012 - Participants perceived the convenience of telemedicine as “cutting corners,” and said that “good mothers