January 01, 2023 - High Blood Pressure Medication Adherence Brochure Description:
This is a patient handout on good
January 01, 2023 - "You can't have a good system without an understanding of how it needs to work in the practice of care … nutritionist to the vendors who provide equipment - needs to be on the same page to guide development of a good
September 13, 2018 - Farris – is the pill bottle opening a good reward for the agent? … It may be a good reward
when there is true variability in adherence, but when adherence is as good
April 25, 2013 - Louise comes on and says, “Hi, how are you,” and something will come up and it will say, you know, good … SPEAKER: Yes, very good. … And Louise, the fidelity (ph), Louise can do it all day long, and she can do a good job every single … And that
people, no matter how much they want to, simply do not do a consistently good job every single … SPEAKER: Very good.
March 01, 2009 - actions could be
the stopping of the ordered medication because
of the alert (thus, decrease in rate is good … ) or
ordering the test because of the alert (thus,
increase in rate is good)
Prerate = (# of recommended
March 20, 1997 - Policies and procedures are only as good as their enforcement. … Training
Security programs are only as good as the knowledge level of the workforce charged with … It is good to remember that
security is more people-based rather than technology-based. … From small, rural physician practices to large, urban hospitals or
insurers, good physical security … Also, it is a good idea to inform workforce members
that if they receive an attachment from someone
March 20, 1997 - Policies and procedures are only as good as their enforcement. … Training
Security programs are only as good as the knowledge level of the workforce charged with … It is good to remember that
security is more people-based rather than technology-based. … From small, rural physician practices to large, urban hospitals or
insurers, good physical security … Also, it is a good idea to inform workforce members
that if they receive an attachment from someone
August 31, 2008 - "The field of vision rehabilitation has never had very good data on our intervention outcomes or results
January 01, 2012 - A well-designed health IT application with good usability will make routine performance of safe, efficient
June 15, 2023 - ANSWER: Ours is a good example of trying to put guidelines into action. … start with the guidelines that are being used in practice and find which components
not only have good
January 01, 2010 - earlier years of this project and, to date, has been used in four
guideline development efforts and with good
July 29, 2015 - • Good match to clinical care
• Widely accepted and supported by more than 35
commercial modeling … systems
• A good tutorial at
“All models
January 01, 2023 - The study also found that the IMPROVE-DD VTE risk assessment model demonstrated very good discrimination
January 01, 2023 - of safety that encourages and supports the reporting of errors and adverse events, near misses and good
September 14, 2016 - I believe there are many good reasons why
hypertensive patients are not
prescribed antihypertensive … Adhering to JNC 7 represents good 1 2 3 4 5
patient care
September 03, 2009 - It is very good to be here with you this afternoon, and we appreciate this invitation. … So, we have a good understanding of what the business of public health is now,
I hope. … Good question. What other questions?
Thank you both. … I think
this is a real good point. … No, that is good.
All right. Break.
October 01, 2007 - There are very talented and skilled people who work in rural facilities and provide good care to the
January 01, 2002 - Most respondents agree that "[t]he drug interaction alert system is good at alerting me to significant
January 01, 2011 - Participants from both age groups, regardless of age and education level, were not good at identifying
January 01, 2012 - team initially planned to pilot the medication reminders for 9 months, but after only 2 weeks had a good