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    December 01, 2019 - This review suggests that approaches that combine multiple components will have the best likelihood of
    September 01, 2019 - safety and efficacy, the Bayesian method's ability to deliver the probability that any treatment is best
    October 01, 2024 - Further testing should include consumer reviewers and explore how to best leverage LLM support in drafting
    January 09, 2014 -  This topic was found to be best suited to move forward as an update to or expansion of the existing
    February 19, 2014 - . § This topic was found to be best suited to move forward as an update to or expansion of the existing
    January 01, 2008 - Summary: The nominator is interested in a systematic review to define the markers that provide the best
    January 01, 2007 - Does site of care (office, hospital, nursing home) influence choice of best treatment? 5.
    November 01, 2017 - planning clinics]; other). 2) different screening tools (e.g., the Edinburgh is widely thought to be the best … Nominator Information Other Information About You: (optional) Please choose a description that best
    July 01, 2012 - is devoted to public reporting resources, including a recent series of reports on best … compared to a national/ regional data report on performance for which there are accepted standards or bestBest Practices in Public Reporting No. 1: How To Effectively Present Health Care Performance Data to … Best Practices in Public Reporting No. 2: Maximizing Consumer Understanding of Public Comparative Quality … Best Practices in Public Reporting No. 3: How To Maximize Public Awareness and Use of Comparative Quality
  10. Table 1 (pdf file)
    April 01, 2010 - Measuring the quality of end-of-life cancer care is essential to understanding how best to improve patient … between settings, using current tools, care teams can improve their current performance and learn best … Where multiple reasonable measures are available, choosing the best measure is less important than measuring … Toolkits of measures, including a repository of the best tools, will help to standardize care and improve … Key challenges include how best to incorporate measurement needs into electronic medical records, how
    July 31, 2020 - Re-word as “…in order to answer best the question….” Or “…in order to answer the question….” … Relevant to dementia, are questions of well-being and quality of life best measured in traditional … We believe the methods applied focused attention on those studies best able to inform the question … Practice Caregiving”; Best Practice Caregiving includes 44 non-pharmacological programs for family … There do remain interventions in the report where the term “care” may best describe the action.
    January 01, 2019 - In general, the first phase should focus on the most commonly-used and best understood data types, rely … In the authors’ opinions, the best way to create a viable and sustainable system is through a distributed … In general, the first phase should focus on the most commonly-used and best understood data types, rely … The best sources are ones that maintain administrative and claims data together with EMR data.
    December 01, 2019 - Should QMs be more strongly linked with fidelity to best practices or with outcomes? … What gaps exist in the evidence base for best practices or interventions for QMs for SMI? … Therefore, KIs can identify the best available and most useful QMs, provide information on whether their … Our review of the literature will be targeted and will rely on the best and most recent evidence available
    May 01, 2013 - Best test or combination for predicting outcomes without colectomy (colonic dysmotility/slow- transit … comparisons, outcomes, timing, setting), including recommendations on research designs that would best … is WMC data alone, or scintigraphy plus radiopaque markers, or the combination of all three the bestBest test or combination for predicting outcomes without colectomy (colonic dysmotility/slow- transit … Best test or combination for predicting outcomes after colectomy (colonic dysmotility/slow-transit
    August 01, 2019 - medicine, the n-of-1 trial presents a theoretically feasible and cost-effective method of determining the best … widely available tools help providers determine which medication (or behavioral health treatment) is best … The therapeutic decisions that result from these methods are imperfect at best, and at worst may lead … copy or log in to the Web site for the information, including which medication improved symptoms the best … conduct their own open-label trials quickly and inexpensively to determine which medication worked best
    December 01, 2019 - reminders, computerized provider order entry, clinical decision support systems, electronic access to best … Study Design For efficacy or effectiveness, a "best evidence" approach will be used. … will consult with our TEP, AHRQ TOO, and methods experts who have worked in this area to determine the best … Research Multicare National Academy of Social Insurance National Governors Association Center for Best … We will review and highlight studies by using a hierarchy of evidence approach, where the best evidence
    January 01, 2019 - patients to the K-Level they can eventually attain and, more importantly, to the component that would best … are important for determining the outcome of the matching of a patient to a specific LLP, and how to best … prescription of LLP so that recommendations may be made concerning the study designs and outcome measures that best … eligibility criteria were designed to assist CMS to better understand the state of the evidence regarding how best … to match patients with LLPs that would yield best outcomes for them, and related issues.
    December 01, 2019 - EPCs can choose to replace a denovo process to answer a key question by selecting the best review or … One approach is to incorporate the single “best” existing SR (most relevant and least biased) into their … Future Directions Many areas require further research to help determine how best to incorporate existing … sufficient relevance and quality, investigating whether the conduct of a meta-review or selecting the best … Evidence-based best practice recommendations.
    March 01, 2023 - Non-financial activities related to the EPC Project Please answer questions to the best of your ability … To the best of your knowledge, do you work for, or are you a member of an organization with a stated … Non-financial activities related to the EPC Project Please answer questions to the best of your ability … To the best of your knowledge, could your institution benefit or be harmed based on whether this review … To the best of your knowledge, do you work for, or are you a member of an organization with a stated
  20. M (pdf file)
    September 01, 2009 - • EPCs can choose to replace a de novo process to answer a key question by selecting the best review … One approach is to incorporate the single “best” existing SR (most relevant and least biased) into their … Future Directions Many areas require further research to help determine how best to incorporate existing … sufficient relevance and quality, investigating whether the conduct of a meta-review or selecting the best … Evidence-based best practice recommendations.

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