December 14, 2016 - Study
Diagnostic pitfalls in paediatric ischaemic stroke.
Citation Text:
Braun KPJ, Kappelle J, Kirkham FJ, et al. Diagnostic pitfalls in paediatric ischaemic stroke. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006;48(12):985-90.
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December 12, 2012 - Review
Identifying nontechnical skills associated with safety in the emergency department: a scoping review of the literature.
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March 05, 2010 - Study
What constitutes a prescribing error in paediatrics?
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April 24, 2018 - Commentary
Laney's story: the problem of delayed diagnosis of pediatric stroke.
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Fitzsimons BT, Fitzsimons LL, Sun LR. Laney's Story: The Problem of Delayed Diagnosis of Pediatric Stroke. Pediatrics. 2019;143(4):e20183458. doi:10.1542/peds.2018-3458.
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August 11, 2015 - Commentary
Assessing diagnostic reasoning: a consensus statement summarizing theory, practice, and future needs.
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April 27, 2022 - Commentary
The Joint Commission's new and revised workplace violence prevention standards for hospitals: a major step forward toward improved quality and safety.
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February 10, 2021 - Study
A diagnostic time-out to improve differential diagnosis in pediatric abdominal pain.
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Kasick RT, Melvin JE, Perera ST, et al. A diagnostic time-out to improve differential diagnosis in pediatric abdominal pain. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021;8(2):209-217. doi:10.1515/dx-2019-…
May 12, 2021 - Commentary
Don't go to the hospital alone: ensuring safe, highly reliable patient visitation.
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Gandhi TK. Don't go to the hospital alone: ensuring safe, highly reliable patient visitation. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2022;48(1):61-64. doi:10.1016/j.jcjq.2021.10.006.
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December 07, 2022 - Study
Patient perception of fall risk and fall risk screening scores.
Citation Text:
Solares NP, Calero P, Connelly CD. Patient perception of fall risk and fall risk screening scores. J Nurs Care Qual. 2023;38(2):100-106. doi:10.1097/ncq.0000000000000645.
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December 16, 2020 - Study
Epidemiology of diagnostic errors in pediatric emergency departments using electronic triggers.
Citation Text:
Mahajan P, White E, Shaw KN, et al. Epidemiology of diagnostic errors in pediatric emergency departments using electronic triggers. Acad Emerg Med. 2025;Epub Jan 15. doi:1…
March 29, 2023 - Commentary
Beyond misadventure: compensation for medical injuries in New Zealand.
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February 28, 2024 - Study
Leading quality and safety on the frontline - a case study of department leaders in nursing homes.
Citation Text:
Magerøy M, Braut GS, Macrae C, et al. Leading quality and safety on the frontline - a case study of department leaders in nursing homes. J Healthc Leadersh. 2024;16:193…
September 13, 2023 - Study
Managing patient safety and staff safety in nursing homes: exploring how leaders of nursing homes negotiate their dual responsibilities- a case study.
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Magerøy MR, Macrae C, Braut GS, et al. Managing patient safety and staff safety in nursing homes: exploring how lead…
June 12, 2024 - Study
Learning from experience: a qualitative study of surgeons' perspectives on reporting and dealing with serious adverse events.
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April 26, 2023 - Commentary
Enhancing patient safety in the pediatric emergency department: teams, communication, and lessons from crew resource management.
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Pruitt CM, Liebelt EL. Enhancing patient safety in the pediatric emergency department: teams, communication, and lessons from crew …
October 06, 2021 - on measurement and assessment of clinical processes and outcomes
to ensure that mothers and their babies
August 20, 2014 - Study
Evaluation for occult fractures in injured children.
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Wood JN, French B, Song L, et al. Evaluation for Occult Fractures in Injured Children. Pediatrics. 2015;136(2):232-40. doi:10.1542/peds.2014-3977.
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April 24, 2018 - Commentary
Safe work-hour standards for parents of children with medical complexity.
Citation Text:
Schall TE, Foster CC, Feudtner C. Safe Work-Hour Standards for Parents of Children With Medical Complexity. JAMA Pediatr. 2019;174(1):7-8. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.4003.
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June 27, 2011 - Review
In-hospital mortality associated with the misdiagnosis or unidentified site of infection at admission.
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October 05, 2011 - Study
Pediatric emergency department discharge prescriptions requiring pharmacy clarification.
Citation Text:
Caruso MC, Gittelman MA, Widecan ML, et al. Pediatric emergency department discharge prescriptions requiring pharmacy clarification. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2015;31(6):403-8. doi:10.…