February 01, 2015 - limiting recent clinical developments in this priority area, with most progress restricted to basic
September 29, 2010 - , Science Citation Index Expanded® and Social Sciences Citation
Index®(both via Web of Science®), Academic
August 01, 2022 - Subcommittee will convene a panel of disease-site experts and general cancer care practitioners
from academic
August 01, 2022 - Subcommittee will convene a panel
of disease-site experts and general cancer care practitioners from academic
August 17, 2011 - Family/ or Professional
Practice/ or Allied Health Personnel/ or Outpatient clinics,
hospital/ or Academic
July 01, 2011 - broad range of stakeholders (e.g.,
biopharmaceutical and device manufacturers, governmental agencies, academic
January 01, 2009 - Public Health, University of
Sydney, Australia
cDepartment of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Academic
October 04, 2016 - TEP #5 Results p. 23 line 22 “Research (e.g., academic, pharma)” probably
should not be put together
June 11, 2014 - presently exist at least five published guidelines regarding the diagnosis of CD by recognized research/academic
January 28, 2016 - The finding that the intestinal biopsy can be not
"gold" in community hospitals compared to
January 01, 2009 - Studies conducted in large academic medical centers in major cities might not be as applicable to rural
January 01, 2022 - Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: 2022 Update of the PTSD-Repository Evidence Base
Systematic Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatments for
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: 2022 Update of the PTSD-Reposit…
July 31, 2020 - the topic, this is
an extremely well put together report, and the methods
are well described at an academic … The study should
not be an academic exercise. … the committee members, there is an inherent insularity
from a pool of people drawn primarily from academic
July 31, 2020 - the topic, this is
an extremely well put together report, and the methods
are well described at an academic … The study should
not be an academic exercise. … the committee members, there is an inherent insularity
from a pool of people drawn primarily from academic
July 31, 2020 - the topic, this is
an extremely well put together report, and the methods
are well described at an academic … The study should
not be an academic exercise. … the committee members, there is an inherent insularity
from a pool of people drawn primarily from academic
November 01, 2018 - Use figures that are familiar to the
intended audience(s) (e.g., forest plots for
academic audiences … Boston,
MA: Academic Press; 1993.
7. Charmaz K. Coding in grounded theory
research. … relatively simple language/less jargon, however the writing is still at a level
appropriate for an academic
September 12, 2016 - unremitting course leading
to additional psychopathology and often interfere with social, emotional, and academic
January 01, 2020 - the Cochrane Library, AMED,
CINAHL, the CSA Physical Education Index, the Web of Science, PEDro, and Academic … searched the MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, CSA
Physical Education Index Web of Science, PEDro, and Academic
December 01, 2013 - Seven U.S. academic medical centers have
initiated clinical protocols for POEM and perform the procedure … In the United States, the surgery is
being performed in at least seven academic teaching hospitals
September 01, 2011 - Effective
Health Care (EHC) Program.2 The EHC Program funds individual researchers, research centers,
and academic … effectiveness of interventions for various SMI disorders across
settings (community or real‐world settings vs. academic