
Total Results: 533 records

Showing results for "academic".

    March 29, 2013 - Sources for the gray literature include the following: LexisNexis® Academic: This source provides mostly … LexisNexis Academic is a Web-based service that provides access to most of the information formerly available … Library = 13 = 7 unduplicated EMBASE = 146 = 146 unduplicated CINAHL = 23 = 21 unduplicated Academic … OneFile = 46 = 39 unduplicated LexisNexis Academic = 10 = 10 unduplicated Dissertations & Theses
    October 01, 2017 - , non-academic, and small community health-systems, as well as health-system collaborative organizations … , non- academic, and small community health-systems, as well as health-system collaborative organizations … When possible, differences and commonalities in themes based on the type of health- system (e.g., academic … these Health-System Description of Health-System Titles of Key Informants Duke University Single academic … CHI) Third largest nonprofit health-system in the United States with health centers ranging from academic
    September 05, 2018 - Headache Society, American College of Physicians, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Society for Academic
    May 01, 2013 - It was also considered important to assess diagnostic accuracy of the test when used by non-academic … centered outcomes – symptom improvement, quality of life resource utilization Simul- taneous Academic … outcomes – diagnostic accuracy, diagnostic gain with additional tests, safety, tolerability Academic … , change in specificity or sensitivity with two tests as compared with one Any, preferably academic … Most of the identified studies were from major academic referral centers, which may have led to spectrum
    May 04, 2013 - In relation to functional outcomes, TT and WW did not differ in long-term language, cognitive or academic
    January 01, 2012 - *Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicians for treatment of complex … A specialist (e.g., from an academic medical center) guides a primary care provider in developing the … Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicians to provide complex … HS1069 - Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicians for treatment … HS1069 - Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicians for treatment
    March 27, 2013 - Sources for the gray literature include the following: • LexisNexis® Academic: This source provides … LexisNexis Academic is a Web-based service that provides access to most of the information formerly … Cochrane Library = 13 = 7 unduplicated EMBASE = 146 = 146 unduplicated CINAHL = 23 = 21 unduplicated Academic … OneFile = 46 = 39 unduplicated LexisNexis Academic = 10 = 10 unduplicated Source:
    March 01, 2016 - ��Provider and patient education plus practice profiling plus academic detailing reduced overall prescribing … Practice profiling involved audits of clinicians with feedback, and academic detailing involved face-to-face … to 0.62 (95% CI, 0.54 to 0.75) 5 RCTs ��� Provider and patient education + practice profiling + academic
  9. Ebctandcfinal (pdf file)
    June 05, 2012 - containing data first produced in performance of this work that are submitted for publication in academic
    July 31, 2012 - Quality (AHRQ) Effective Healthcare (EHC) Program funds individual researchers, research centers, and academic … Educational outreach and academic detailing are the most consistently effective interventions reported … settings in the United States, such as: Inpatient and outpatient settings and clinics of all types Academic … the evidence is sparse) Settings Inpatient and outpatient settings and clinics of all types Academic … Admissible settings include inpatient and outpatient settings and clinics of all types; academic health
    December 01, 2017 - A similarly designed study in a large academic health care system suggested the same.18 Members of … 2016 98 17% Rapid Review (2) 8% Evidence Map (3) 60% Traditional Review (3) 94% non-academic … Using health technology assessment to support evidence-based decision-making in Canada: an academic … the 'art' of commissioning - how English healthcare commissioners access and use information and academic … (academic medical centers) Framework (review and consensus) • Patient care decisions • Work process
    May 01, 2012 - Symptoms generally interfere with academic and behavior functioning at school and may also disrupt family … Other cohort studies suggest that long-term use of medication improves grade retention and academic … health centers, laboratory classroom settings, or academic day care centers. … Access to adequate educational/academic outcome data could be difficult in a retrospective study. … + Long-term outcomes include educational measures, which encompass academic outcomes.
    January 01, 2012 - A specialist (e.g., from an academic medical center) guides a primary care provider in developing the … HS1069 - Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicans for treatment … HS1069 - Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicans for treatment … HS1069 - Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicans for treatment … HS1069 - Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicans for treatment
    August 27, 2012 - Reed Johnson, Ph.D. , has over 35 years of academic and research experience in health and environmental
    January 06, 2017 - rigor of the medical environment, and in that regard I’d like to acknowledge my academic partner and … On one side the community but that has representation from the academic side, and then an academic steering … what it means to use numbers in statistics and what those numbers mean, but on the other hand if the academic … We often think in terms of dissemination is an academic exercise of peer review journals and all of … Just by using these different terms evidence from the academic and community belief systems we kind
    May 01, 2013 - go well beyond the financial: strongly held beliefs (personal or professional) and the desire for academic … All patients are treated at a limited number of specialist clinics, mostly at academic centers. … could converge when the perception of one’s peers and superiors is a significant consideration in academic … Some of his mentors and peers built their academic careers reporting the harms of saturated fat. … Public funding sources, such as government agencies, charitable foundations or academic institutions,
    April 06, 2016 - Provider and patient education plus practice profiling plus academic detailing reduced overall prescribing … Practice profiling involved audits of clinicians with feedback, and academic detailing involved face-to-face … communication training 3 RCTs [evidence low] Provider and patient education + practice profiling + academic
    July 26, 2023 - Similarly, documentation demands comparing academic and private practice settings, inpatient and outpatient … 5) What is the role of setting (i.e., rural vs. urban, hospital, outpatient, academic institution, … The impact of administrative burden on academic physicians: results of a hospital-wide physician survey
    May 01, 2024 - Moderate Sun, 202219 Retrospective cohort Single cardiovascular surgery department at an academic … surgery to detect MRSA colonization Moderate C. difficile Calaway, 201920 Pre-post Single academic … One study19 examined patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery at two campuses of an academic medical … In another study,18 a U.S. academic medical center examined the effects of discontinuing a policy of … Universal screening for Clostridioides difficile at an urban academic medical center.
  20. Ced -Appendix-2 (xls file)
    October 12, 2022 - RCTs are frequently available only at academic medical centers (AMCs) because they require significant … CED trial or registry, and minorities and the disabled – who rarely are able to easily access care at academic … CED trial or registry, and minorities and the disabled – who rarely are able to easily access care at academic … requirements Ensure a clear pathway from CED to a coverage determination RCTs are frequently available only at academic

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