
Total Results: 533 records

Showing results for "academic".

    August 21, 2023 - involved with implementation of long COVID models of care in various healthcare settings, including academic … medical centers, a non-academic managed health system, private practice, and the Veterans Affairs Health … The clinic setting was hospital only (17%), primary care only (4%), academic only (9%), hospital and … primary care (4%), hospital and academic (52%), and hospice, academic, and primary care (13%). … long COVID models of care described in the literature and by Key Informants have been implemented in academic
    December 10, 2021 - This study was limited by small sample size from a single, specialty-focused academic health center … 68.6%), were physicians in residency training or fellowship (39.7% and 34.6%, respectively), in mostly academic … Trials enrolled between 150 to 531 women from academic medical centers,61 family planning clinics,63 … and the other for high risk of bias.66 Both studies were conducted in the United States, one in an academic … disparities in the use of cancer screening before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a large U.S. academic
    August 12, 2021 - Nurse-Midwives, the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health, the Society for Academic
    June 01, 2014 - PowerPoint Presentation Welcome! Reminder: You will need a phone to take part in this discussion. Click “Audio” at the top of this WebEx screen and then click “Teleconference.” Enter the phone number where you’d like to be called in the second box and click “Call Me.” You will be called within two minutes after …
  5. EBC-webinar-slides (pdf file)
    June 01, 2014 - EBC-webinar-slides Source:       1   The Evidence-Based Care Challenge for NPs and PAs Webinar Recorded March 7, 2013 Text Alternatives Slide  1   The  Evidence-­‐Based  Care  (EBC)  Challenge  for  NPs  and  PAs:    Using  Evidence  in…
    December 01, 2013 - Patients seen in a PDC based in a large academic primary care practice had far earlier followup than … the American College of Emergency Physicians, Academy of Geriatric Emergency Medicine–Society for Academic … Partnering urban academic medical centers and rural primary care clinicians to provide complex chronic … In: Hartford/Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs (ADGAP) Leadership Retreat;
    May 01, 2016 - Applicability �� Most studies were conducted in supervised settings generally associated with academic
    May 20, 2024 - The Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health (ACIMH) and the American Academy of Pediatrics … , ECBI, CBCL, SDQ), coping skills (e.g., CSI-CA, CCSC, RSQ), executive functioning (e.g., BRIEF), academic
    December 01, 2018 - UPHS is a multicenter academic health care system in the Philadelphia region. … guideline quality assessments and pathways from professional organizations, governments and major academic … pathways from health systems or other organization (or help facilitate the development of a consortium of academic
    October 01, 2015 - A vast majority of studies were in the outpatient setting, and they were generally carried out at academicAcademic underachievement and the disruptive behavior disorders. … Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1999. 12. Maughan B, Rowe R, Messer J, et al.
  11. 04-E029-1 Summary (pdf file)
    December 01, 2011 - Academic centers vs. private practice d. Communication Strategies i. … Academic centers versus private practice One multivariable analysis reported that treatment facility … status (academic vs. community practice) was not a significant factor in predicting receiving observational
    February 01, 2023 - the included studies was the government (46%, 26/56), followed by multiple funding sources (9%), academic … Study Funding Unsurprisingly, many of the studies in our evidence map were researcher (academic funded … Academic pediatrics. 2018;18(7):769-775. 51. … Shared Medical Appointments: An Academic- Community Partnership to Improve Care Among Adults With Type
    June 01, 2010 - Cost of health care for a community of older adults in an urban academic healthcare system. … Identification, evaluation, and management of obesity in an academic primary care center.
    May 04, 2013 - impairments that are not identified at an earlier age do not come into play later in the setting of greater academic … variously concerned speech, language, cognition, auditory processing, attention and impulsivity, academic … variously concerned speech, language, cognition, auditory processing, attention and impulsivity, academic … Early vocabulary development is important because it is one of the strongest predictors of academic … Vocabulary is associated with many other cognitive, linguistic and academic tasks.
  15. Title (pdf file)
    March 31, 2010 - 2011 5 that some school-based interventions will only be implemented and measured within the academic … [tiab] Promotion[tiab] weight control[tiab] control[tiab] “educational setting”[tiab] Academic
    March 29, 2011 - other maladaptive behaviors, motor outcomes, psychological distress, adaptive skills development, academic …� Source: Published Online: March 29, 2011 7 academic
    January 01, 2023 - differences in patient outcomes Enrolled participants with an antepartum HDP diagnosis, primarily in urban academic
    September 13, 2016 - unremitting course leading to additional psychopathology and often interfere with social, emotional, and academic
    August 04, 2023 - counter-stereotyping, and skills and knowledge-building.14 Training can also vary by format (e.g., workshop, academic
    January 01, 2018 - The Cleveland Clinic Health System, a large multi-specialty academic medical center with over 3,000 … Data mining of clinical data is a growing enterprise, particularly in academic medical centers. … The sharing of algorithms and predictive models through academic publications and open- source software

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