December 09, 2009 - Reviews of Effects (2009 Issue 3), EMBASE (1988 to present), Global Health, Health Source: Nursing/Academic … nonrandomized controlled trials, cohort studies (prospective or retrospective), case-control studies
November 01, 2019 - Barriers to timely discharge from the general medicine service
at an academic teaching hospital. … Most academic centers are overutilized because of complexity of care/cost
shifting from smaller hospitals … (by transferring patients to academic medical
centers). … prevents access to care for patients
who do not have other care options (or need to be transferred to the academic … hospitals that have greater patient demand than bed supply including
many safety net hospitals and academic
May 01, 2017 - Effect
Intermediate Outcomes
ASD symptom severity
Expressive or receptive
Academic … or
diagnostic outcome
Functional communication
Cognitive skills
Motor skills
Adaptive independence
Academic … treatment and followup periods limit
our ability to understand potential longer term outcomes
such as academic
January 01, 2014 - Primary care (outpatient) or acute care setting, preferentially;
o Outpatient rheumatology practices/academic … and acute care settings;
however it is understood that the studies of interest might be conducted in academic
December 09, 2009 - www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: December 9, 2009
Health, Health Source: Nursing/Academic … nonrandomized
controlled trials, cohort
studies (prospective or
retrospective), case-
control studies
January 01, 2022 - compulsions cause
significant anxiety or distress, and may interfere with the child's normal routine, academic
June 24, 2022 - method for evidence generation with a goal of rigor and transparency
Pearson Experts Engage outside academic … the company, and clinical and patient experts comment on study design
Pearson Experts engage outside academic
March 20, 2012 - treatment involved is systemic, or 2) outcomes are measures of the patient’s overall function, such as academic … Outcomes include: hearing, speech and language development, auditory processing, academic achievement … Functional and quality-of-life outcomes: hearing, auditory processing, speech and language development, academic
November 12, 2015 - very timely conversation that we’re having not only in bringing forward evidence but as leaders in academic
October 29, 2018 - scales
Functional outcomes
School performance and educational attainment
Grades/academic … The Connection Between Academic Failure and Adolescent Drinking in Secondary School.
January 01, 2016 - For KQ 2—
• Length of time ingesting gluten before biopsy
For all KQs—
• Outpatient: academic … Most studies were conducted by gastroenterologists
in academic settings. … This report found a significant
difference in interpretation of biopsy results between
academic and … moderate-strength evidence that CD is underdiagnosed
by pathologists in community settings compared with
academic … Endoscopy with biopsy has a very low risk of
adverse events; accuracy appears to be greater in academic
September 01, 2012 - including individuals from federal agencies, professional
societies, patient advocacy groups, and academic … They included two academic researchers whose primary research studies were
included in the CER, one … The six stakeholders who completed the questionnaire
included two academic researchers, three … Pre-doctoral support for nurses or
students with an academic career focused on the various
disciplines … Post-doctoral support for MDs and/or
PhDs receiving further academic training as scientific
January 06, 2017 - But from an innovation perspective, we really
haven't done it in sort of the non-clinical, non-academic
August 07, 2012 - treatment involved is systemic, or
2) outcomes are measures of the patient’s overall function, such as academic … Outcomes include: hearing, speech and language development,
auditory processing, academic achievement … /
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: August 7, 2012
development, academic
December 01, 2022 - and serious adverse events rates at “spoke” site with
ECHO participation were similar to those at an academic
February 01, 2018 - Many patient registries
are sponsored by professional associations, academic institutions, healthcare … progression.66 While the patient-led study generated a great deal of interest
outside the field, traditional academic … the medical research community as credible, scientific
endeavors without having the underpinnings of academic
February 01, 2018 - Many patient registries
are sponsored by professional associations, academic institutions, healthcare … progression.66 While the patient-led study generated a great deal of interest
outside the field, traditional academic … the medical research community as credible, scientific
endeavors without having the underpinnings of academic
December 01, 2013 - Several academic medical centers are
investigating off-label, intranasal oxytocin for treating social … Several academic medical centers—
including Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA; Montefiore Medical
June 01, 2013 - through its Effective Health Care
(EHC) Program, funds individual researchers, research centers, and academic … may target communications to key partners and related stakeholders (e.g., professional
societies, academic