January 01, 2016 - The [AHRQ] review carried a lot of weight."
February 16, 2011 - how much weight should be given to patient experience in evaluating quality?
December 01, 2020 - Disparities
Difficulty Accessing a Usual Source of Care
High Family Medical Expenditures
Height and Weight … Sepsis
Largest Disparities for Uninsured People
Measurement of Children’s Height and Weight
December 01, 2020 - Child) data were calculated using
plan weights; i.e., all respondents in a plan received the same weight … that had
been calculated by multiplying the plan weight by a nonresponse adjustment factor based on … National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data Sources
health information, such as birth weight … Hispanic origin, marital status, attendant at birth, method of delivery, period of
gestation, birth weight … , plurality, medical risk factors, maternal weight gain, obstetric
procedures, characteristics of labor
February 01, 2024 - X n represents baseline risk factors and in-hospital clinical factors, as well as the coefficient (weight
January 01, 1995 - Persons who can be taught should shift their weight every 30 minutes while sitting in a chair. … Persons who can be taught should shift their weight every 30 minutes while sitting in a chair.
January 01, 2019 - HACs, the estimate is a weighted average of the HAC
rate for each group, where each group is given a weight … MPSMS samples by the number of
hospital inpatients represented by the sample, as calculated by the weight
December 01, 2023 - Child) data were calculated using
plan weights, i.e., all respondents in a plan received the same weight … include smoking, alcohol consumption, sexual practices, drug use, physical fitness and activity,
weight … Hispanic origin, marital status, attendant at birth, method of delivery, period of
gestation, birth weight … , plurality, medical risk factors, maternal weight gain, obstetric
procedures, characteristics of labor … associated with IV unfractionated
Adverse event associated with low molecular weight
February 01, 2017 - Following recommendations for low tidal volume ventilation—using a volume of 6-8 cc/kg predicted body weight … for patients without ARDS and 4-6cc/kg predicted body weight for patients with ARDS, plateau pressure … plateau pressure at less than or equal to 30cm H 2 0, and use tidal volume of 6-8 cc/kg predicted body weight
December 01, 2022 - Child) data were calculated using
plan weights, i.e., all respondents in a plan received the same weight … factors include smoking,
alcohol consumption, sexual practices, drug use, physical fitness and activity, weight … birth order; and mother’s marital status; and of maternal and infant
health information, such as birth weight … Hispanic origin, marital status, attendant at birth, method of delivery, period of
gestation, birth weight … , plurality, medical risk factors, maternal weight gain, obstetric
procedures, characteristics of labor
February 01, 2016 - formal research evidence and anecdotal information in the form of patient testimonials give insufficient weight
October 01, 2014 - Each morning, the patient transmits weight, blood pressure, pulse, and temperature information to the
January 01, 2018 - Associated With IV Heparin
ADE Associated With Low Molecular Weight
October 01, 2017 - Decline in bed mobility, transfer, or toileting
Symptoms of depression
Low body mass index
Significant weight … Change Bed Mobility Transfer Toileting Depression Score Increase Monthly BMI <22 kg/m2 Significant Weight … Decline
Toileting Decline
Depression Score (PHQ-9 or PHQ-90V) Increase
Monthly BMI <22 kg/m2
Significant Weight
March 01, 2023 - diagnosis of specific medical conditions, such as cancer, stroke, sepsis, hypertension, and unexplained weight
October 01, 2023 - Children with cancer are at particularly high risk for errors due to weight-based dosing calculations
June 24, 2022 - Appendix 3: Data Abstraction
Table of content
Abstraction of criteria from existing sources Sheet number
[Click to go to specific sheet]
Pearson et. al 2018, white paper 1
Duke Margolis 2017, white paper 2
International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) position paper 3
Berger et al…
April 01, 2022 - their RPI training to improvement initiatives, which resulted in improvements of UPEs, very low birth weight
February 01, 2017 - Use tidal volume of 6–8 cc/kg predicted body weight in patients who do not have ARDS, 4-6 cc/kg predicted … body weight in patients who do have ARDS.
January 01, 2024 - (257)
Nursing Homes
Obesity: Weight … Morphomics and pharmacokinetic data were available in 58 patients with a median weight of 95.9 kg and … The authors concluded that kidney function and morphomics were more informative than body weight as covariates