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    August 01, 1999 - Thus, their final raked weight is set to zero. … Final Person-Level Weights In order to calculate a weight for each person in a facility, a basic weight … The conditional within-facility weight was then multiplied by the facility weight to obtain the basic … This gave them 66.7 percent of the total weight, and the other one- third of the 10 percent unknown weight … The weight for any unit that had a larger weight (all were hospital-based units) was reduced to this
    February 01, 2003 - (PERWT00F) 3.1 Overview 3.2 Details on Person Weight Construction 3.2.1 MEPS Panel 4 Weight … 3.2.2 MEPS Panel 5 Weight 3.2.3 The Final Weight for 2000 3.2.4 Coverage 4.0 Strategies for Estimation … Return to Table of Contents 3.2.1 MEPS Panel 4 Weight The person-level weight for MEPS Panel 4 was … developed using the MEPS Round 1 person-level weight as a "base" weight. … base" weight.
    February 12, 2013 - are to treat the NHIS observations for the non-linked cases as missing and apply the original MEPS weight … or exclude the cases with missing NHIS data and apply the MEPS weight adjusted for non-linkage. … approach is to impute missing values so that the full dataset can be analyzed using the original MEPS weight … with adjusted and unadjusted weights are then compared to assess the impact of an adjustment of MEPS weight
    November 01, 1999 - would be equal to the total weight for all employers who were successfully prescreened and provided … In an ideal world, if the value of the ith unit's initial weight were wt i , the adjusted weight for … Assume is the sampling weight for the ith sample unit in the jkth cell. … Otherwise, the adjusted weight is 0. One continues this process through all values of j. … times the current value of its corrected weight before poststratification.
    December 01, 2004 - obese, and morbidly obese (combined) adults ever diagnosed with hypertension was twice that of healthy weight

    Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk … MEPS data show that regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and having a low level of stress … overweight adults with diagnosed hypertension was 21.3 percent compared to 13.2 percent among normal weight … Underweight Normal weight Overweight Obese Morbidly obese
    December 01, 2004 - obese, and morbidly obese (combined) adults ever diagnosed with hypertension was twice that of healthy weight … Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … MEPS data show that regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and having a low level of stress … Body Mass Index (BMI) Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5 Normal weight: BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 … Underweight Normal weight Overweight Obese Morbidly obese Percent 12.7 13.2 21.3 33.1 44.1
    December 01, 2004 - obese, and morbidly obese (combined) adults ever diagnosed with hypertension was twice that of healthy weight … Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … MEPS data show that regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and having a low level of stress … Body Mass Index (BMI) Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5 Normal weight: BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 … Underweight Normal weight Overweight Obese Morbidly obese Percent 12.7 13.2 21.3 33.1 44.1
    October 01, 2004 - The base weight in the MEPS is the reciprocal of an intermediate weight from the NHIS reflecting the … This ratio adjusted base weight is then adjusted for nonresponse of MEPS eligible sample DUs at round … each respondent is used directly as the adjustment factor, i.e., each individual respondent's base weight … The direct method of using propensity scores was carried out by multiplying the respondent's base weight … The coefficient of the weight itself is marginally significant (with a p-value of 0.0929).
  9. Wp4004 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2004 - The base weight in the MEPS is the reciprocal of an intermediate weight from the NHIS reflecting the … This ratio adjusted base weight is then adjusted for nonresponse of MEPS eligible sample DUs at round … each respondent is used directly as the adjustment factor, i.e., each individual respondent's base weight … The direct method of using propensity scores was carried out by multiplying the respondent's base weight … The coefficient of the weight itself is marginally significant (with a p-value of 0.0929).
  10. MEPS HC-168G (pdf file)
    July 01, 2016 - C-15 3.2.1 MEPS Panel 18 Weight Development Process C-16 3.2.2 MEPS Panel 19 Weight Development Process … A 2014 composite weight was then formed by multiplying each weight from Panel 18 by the factor .500 … calibration. 3.2.1 MEPS Panel 18 Weight Development Process The person-level weight for MEPS Panel … 1 person-level weight as a “base” weight. … ” weight.
    November 01, 1999 - would be equal to the total weight for all employers who were successfully prescreened and provided … In an ideal world, if the value of the ith unit’s initial weight were wti, the adjusted weight for responding … Assume wtijk is the sampling weight for the ith sample unit in the jkth cell. … Otherwise, the adjusted weight is 0. One continues this process through all values of j. … times the current value of its corrected weight before poststratification.
    September 02, 2022 - These weights assign workers an initial weight of 1 (i.e., a weight representing year-round employment … of 1, all divided by the number of workers not assigned an initial weight of 1. … We finish weight production by adjusting the modified weights until point-in-time weighted employment … We do this by shrinking the individual weights toward the average weight that would sum to the correct … We produce the beginning-of-year weights by assigning a weight of 1 20 We currently have W2 and Form
    September 01, 2022 - These weights assign workers an initial weight of 1 (i.e., a weight representing year-round employment … of 1, all divided by the number of workers not assigned an initial weight of 1. … We finish weight production by adjusting the modified weights until point-in-time weighted employment … We do this by shrinking the individual weights toward the average weight that would sum to the correct … to an employment record from the same firm in the year prior to their reference year, and a weight of
    January 01, 2001 - Body mass index (BMI) was used to categorize people into one of the following weight categories: underweight … , normal weight, overweight, obese, and extremely obese. … adult community population, by BMI status, 2001 38.8 35.7 20.4 3.2 2.0 Underweight Normal Weight … . community population, by BMI status, 2001 20.3 33.0 36.5 9.5 0.7 Underweight Normal Weight … Overweight Obese Extremely Obese 40.1 35.8 19.3 2.7 2.1 Underweight Normal Weight Overweight
    December 01, 2016 - The exceptions to this are the weight variable and variance estimation variables. … , discussed weight loss goals, or referred you to a weight loss program to help with diet and exercise … For the same reasons, the height and weight variables (HGT_FT, HGT_IN, WGT_LBS) will not be reported … used in the development of the Panel 18, 2013 full year individual panel weight. … The number of PSAQ respondents receiving a sample weight was 2,185.
    August 20, 2013 - indicators) is also made available so that the users can form BRR replicate weights from the final MEPS weight … However, the BRR replicates derived from the final weight represent a shortcut approach because the replicates … are not produced starting with the base weight and all adjustments made in different stages of weighting
    March 01, 2011 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … MEPS data show that regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and having a low level of stress … percentage of adults ever diagnosed with hypertension increased progressively with increasing body weight … overweight adults with diagnosed hypertension was 25.7 percent compared to 15.2 percent among normal weight … Body Mass Index (BMI) Underweight = BMI is less than 18.5 Normal Weight = BMI is between 18.5-24.9
    March 01, 2011 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … MEPS data show that regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and having a low level of stress … percentage of adults ever diagnosed with hypertension increased progressively with increasing body weight … overweight adults with diagnosed hypertension was 25.7 percent compared to 15.2 percent among normal weight … Body Mass Index (BMI) Underweight = BMI is less than 18.5 Normal Weight = BMI is between 18.5-24.9
    October 02, 2012 - with adjusted and unadjusted weights are then compared to assess the impact of an adjustment of MEPS weight
    January 01, 2001 - Body mass index (BMI) was used to categorize people into one of the following weight categories: underweight … , normal weight, overweight, obese, and extremely obese. … Survey-Household Component, 2001 Underweight Normal Weight … Survey-Household Component, 2001 Underweight Normal Weight

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