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    March 01, 2012 - Men were less likely than women to have a healthy weight (27.4 percent versus 38.6 percent) and more … Obesity, calculated from an individual’s height and weight as reported by household respondents in the … Findings Based on MEPS data for 2009, 33.2 percent of adults 20 and older had a healthy weight, 35.8 … Men were less likely to have a healthy weight than women (27.4 percent versus 38.6 percent) and more … Definitions Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated from individual’s height and weight as reported by
    March 01, 2012 - Men were less likely than women to have a healthy weight (27.4 percent versus 38.6 percent) and more … to have regular exercise reported (50.0 percent and 30.9 percent, respectively) compared to healthy weight … Obesity, calculated from an individual’s height and weight as reported by household respondents in the … Findings Based on MEPS data for 2009, 33.2 percent of adults 20 and older had a healthy weight, 35.8 … Men were less likely to have a healthy weight than women (27.4 percent versus 38.6 percent) and more
    October 02, 2020 - These variables, which jointly reflect the MEPS survey design, include the survey weight, sampling strata … example, the documentation for file HC-147 (2011 full-year consolidated data file) includes the person weight … population Code PROC SURVEYMEANS DATA=FY; STRATUM VARSTR; CLUSTER VARPSU; WEIGHT … and female Code PROC SURVEYREG DATA=FY; STRATUM VARSTR; CLUSTER VARPSU; WEIGHT … RUN; PROC DESCRIPT FILETYPE=SAS DESIGN=WR DATA=FY;  NEST VARSTR VARPSU /MISSUNIT; WEIGHT
    May 01, 1999 - A person must be key in order to be eligible to receive a person-level weight. … The following strategy was implemented to obtain a base weight for these dwelling units. … Otherwise, the sampling weight retained its initial value. … (New respondents acquired the sampling weight of the family they joined.) … These participants maintained their estimation weight, adjusted for survey attrition.
    August 01, 1999 - Thus, their final raked weight is set to zero. … The conditional within-facility weight was then multiplied by the facility weight to obtain the basic … person-level weight for each person selected. … This gave them 66.7 percent of the total weight, and the other one-third of the 10 percent unknown weight … The weight for any unit that had a larger weight (all were hospital-based units) was reduced to this
    March 01, 2007 - A little over one-third (38.6 percent) of the U.S. adult population reported maintaining a healthy weight … Similarly, age was correlated with maintaining a healthy weight. … Women were more likely than men to have maintained a healthy weight (45.1 percent versus 31.7 percent … Higher education was found to be related to maintaining a healthy weight. … fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.
    March 01, 2007 - A little over one-third (38.6 percent) of the U.S. adult population reported maintaining a healthy weight … Similarly, age was correlated with maintaining a healthy weight. … Women were more likely than men to have maintained a healthy weight (45.1 percent versus 31.7 percent … Higher education was found to be related to maintaining a healthy weight. … fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.
    March 01, 2007 - e over one-third (38.6 nt) of the U.S. adult lation reported main- g a healthy weight by ing their … Similarly, age was correlated with maintaining a healthy weight. … Non-Hispanic whites were more likely to have maintained a healthy weight than either Hispanics or non … Higher education was found to be related to maintaining a healthy weight. … based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.
    March 01, 2007 - A little over one-third (38.6 percent) of the U.S. adult population reported maintaining a healthy weight

    Similarly, age was correlated with maintaining a healthy weight. … A higher percentage of those between the ages of 18 and 44 had a healthy weight as compared with those …

    Women were more likely than men to have maintained a healthy weight (45.1 percent versus 31.7 …

    Higher education was found to be related to maintaining a healthy weight.
    January 01, 2005 - These variables, which jointly reflect the MEPS survey design, include the estimation weight … MEPS sample persons (e.g., those with positive values for the person weight … SAS proc surveymeans; stratum varstr; cluster varpsu; weight perwt02f; var ipxp02x … Analysis of MEPS supplements in which a substantial number of persons have a weight of 0 can produce … SAS proc surveymeans; stratum varstr; cluster varpsu; weight diabw02f; var insinject
    January 01, 2005 - These variables, which jointly reflect the MEPS survey design, include the estimation weight … MEPS sample persons (e.g., those with positive values for the person weight … SAS proc surveymeans; stratum varstr; cluster varpsu; weight perwt02f; var ipxp02x … Analysis of MEPS supplements in which a substantial number of persons have a weight of 0 can produce … SAS proc surveymeans; stratum varstr; cluster varpsu; weight diabw02f; var insinject
    January 01, 2013 - Finally, if this weight is multiplied by the NHIS household weight then estimates can be produced at … This weight is used as the base weight for the households selected for the MEPS. … weight for the second year. … Weight NHIS initial household weight (WTIA_HH) for NHIS WTFA_HH*1/f for MEPS Frame {f=3/8 in 2008 & … Weight NHIS final person weight (WTFA) for NHIS MEPS Panel-specific FY weight (ORIG_WTP15P10F and
    May 01, 1999 - A person must be key in order to be eligible to receive a person-level weight. … estimate required that the weight be divided by the number of quarters being pooled. … the mean of the base weights, the weight was truncated to that value. … Otherwise, the sampling weight retained its initial value. … (New respondents acquired the sampling weight of the family they joined.)
    January 01, 2012 - PUF Variable Number of Records Sum of Weights Minimum Weight Median Weight … Average Weight Maximum Weight CV Weights (%) Panel 12, 2007 DU Final … Weight - 5,525 116,942,394 4,406 20,345 21,166 116,377 48.6 … Round 1 Family Weight - 5,736 129,215,974 4,266 20,491 22,527 104,048 … 54.0 Round 1 Person Weight - 14,819 296,056,836 3,152 17,823 19,978
    October 01, 2010 - Based on the estimation strategy used to develop the 2007 MEPS Panel 12 weight, WTP12P07F, the sum … The population estimate based on this panel specific MEPS weight was 301,409,260 for 2007, which … To implement the additional adjustments to the MEPS Panel weight WTP12P07F, the following variables … If W(i) is the estimation weight of an adult that is part of the core NHIS sample, specified as the … Sample Adults linked to MEPS Panel 12, Wt by MEPS Adjusted Weight- PWTA N Wt.
    December 01, 2004 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … MEPS data show that regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and having a low level of stress … � The percentage of over­ weight, obese, and morbidly obese (combined) adults ever diagnosed with … hyper­ tension was twice that of healthy weight adults (26.7 percent and 13.2 percent, respectively … Body Mass Index (BMI) – Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5 – Normal weight: BMI is between 18.5 and
    August 12, 2015 - These variables, which jointly reflect the MEPS survey design, include the survey weight, sampling … example, the documentation for file HC-147 (2011 full-year consolidated data file) includes the person weight … SAS SUDAAN SPSS Full population Code PROC SURVEYMEANS DATA=FY; STRATUM VARSTR; CLUSTER VARPSU; WEIGHT … VAR TOTEXP11; RUN; PROC DESCRIPT FILETYPE=SAS DESIGN=WR DATA=FY; NEST VARSTR VARPSU /MISSUNIT; WEIGHT … DOMAIN CHILD; RUN; PROC DESCRIPT FILETYPE=SAS DESIGN=WR DATA=FY; NEST VARSTR VARPSU /MISSUNIT; WEIGHT
  18. Wp 10005 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2010 - estimation strategy to permit longitudinal analyses, and the development of the necessary estimation weight … Based on the estimation strategy used to develop the 2007 MEPS Panel 12 weight, WTP12P07F, the sum … The population estimate based on this panel specific MEPS weight was 301,409,260 for 2007, which … To implement the additional adjustments to the MEPS Panel weight WTP12P07F, the following variables … The MEPS full year 14 person weight on the expenditure file is used to derive estimates for
    February 01, 2012 - household base weight denoted MEPS WT. … The NHIS final weight represents the inverse of the probability of selection of the household with … The MEPS base weight uses the available NHIS weight at the time of MEPS weight construction as the … starting point and adjusts that weight for the probability of selection in MEPS. … Table 2 CV% of Weights Associated with NHIS and MEPS Person Household Weight Weight Panel WTFA
    August 01, 2006 - (PERWT04F) 3.1 Overview 3.2 Details on Person Weight Construction 3.2.1 MEPS Panel 8 Weight … 3.2.2 MEPS Panel 9 Weight 3.2.3 The Final Weight for 2004 3.2.4 Coverage 4.0 Strategies for Estimation … Return To Table Of Contents 3.2.1 MEPS Panel 8 Weight The person-level weight for MEPS Panel 8 was … developed using the MEPS Round 1 person-level weight as a "base" weight. … a "base" weight.

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