August 05, 2010 - Nonpharmacologic interventions (such as physical therapy, weight reduction, and exercise) also help improve … maximum, 40 mg/day
Peds: lowest effective dose for shortest possible duration; >65 years of age or weight … : 600 mg 1x/ day; JRA, 32 to 54 kg: 900 mg 1x/day; JRA, >55 kg: 1200 mg 1x/day; renal impairment or weight
May 13, 2016 - for older adults with back pain without radiculopathy in the absence of red flags (symptoms such as weight
August 01, 2016 - Telemonitoring Remote monitoring of physiological data (e.g., electrical activity of the heart, blood pressure, weight
April 01, 2016 - for older adults with back pain without radiculopathy in the absence of
red flags (symptoms such as weight
March 01, 2012 - pharmacologic agent
within the defined classes (oral antiplatelet agents,
injectable low molecular weight … The balance of benefits and harms from using enoxaparin
versus another low molecular weight heparin … = high; IPC = intermittent pneumatic compression; KQ = Key Question; L = low; LMWH = low molecular weight … additional between
class comparison (oral direct factor Xa inhibitor versus
injectable low molecular weight
October 01, 2021 - identified malnutrition using only biometric measures, such as serum albumin levels,
body mass index, and weight
October 01, 2021 - baseline function or spasticity in
children with cerebral palsy (total body vibration), or based on weight
October 01, 2021 - identified malnutrition using only biometric measures, such as serum albumin levels,
body mass index, and weight
October 01, 2007 - ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Use of Propensity Score Technique to Account for
Exposure-Related Covariates
An Example and Lesson
John D. Seeger, PharmD, DrPH,*† Tobias Kurth, MD, ScD,†‡
and Alexander M. Walker, MD, DrPH*†
Background: In observational research, propensity score tech-
niques can be used to account for baseline di…
May 19, 2013 - results section, the
relatively less focus on magnitude of response, and my belief that
insufficient weight … I believe,
however, they should be given more weight as being closer to a "gold
standard" This is of … TEP #2 Clarity and
Giving equal weight to process and clinical outcomes seems
August 01, 2012 - – General: extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS),
weight changes, agitation, constipation,
sedation, elevated … could be reasonably
examined during this time period (e.g., metabolic
conditions, body mass index or weight … total symptom scores); positive, negative, and depressive
symptoms; relapse; quality of life; EPS; weight … , showing poorer
safety profiles with respect to EPS for FGAs (specifically
haloperidol) and more weight
May 01, 2023 - aim to treat
participants who have
already been diagnosed
with the outcome of
interest (except weight
January 01, 2021 - Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation’s 2019 guideline recommends
palliative treatments for OA such as exercise, weight … preparation procedures
Comparators • Physical therapy, exercise, braces,
orthotics, acupuncture, weight … procedures, orthopedic
surgical procedures
• Physical therapy, exercise, braces,
orthotics, acupuncture, weight
January 01, 2021 - Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation’s 2019 guideline recommends
palliative treatments for OA such as exercise, weight … preparation procedures
Comparators • Physical therapy, exercise, braces,
orthotics, acupuncture, weight … procedures, orthopedic
surgical procedures
• Physical therapy, exercise, braces,
orthotics, acupuncture, weight
December 01, 2023 - Strategies https://traumainformedcare.chcs.org/what-is-trauma-informed-
○ Trauma-Informed Weight … It seeks to
transform weight lifting in an effort to both
promote and facilitate healing for trauma … Provides strategies for weight loss, improved nutrition, better
parenting,34 and promoting safety.31 … Trauma informed weight lifting: considerations for coaches,
trainers and gym environments. … Trauma-Informed Weight Lifting. 2023. https://www.traumainformedweightlifting.com/.
November 01, 2013 - (with proper documentation of methods, explanation and
justification), then they can give greater weight … Insufficient
Weight gain Observational: 4
Observational studies with medium study limitations … , including
controls for some critical confounders, reported consistent
effects on weight gain in 3 … of 4 studies at 3 months (range: 0.2
to 13.8 kg)
Low (weight
CI = confidence interval; LDL … but on balance we believe that different users may have
distinctive views about how to combine or weight
May 29, 2013 - consider including a brief review of the mechanism of
action of unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight … also recently conducted a study of
the comparative effectiveness of unfractionated and low molecular weight … We suggest that weight-based
dosing compared to fixed-dosing, rather
than BMI-based dosing compared … We specify that weight-based
dosing might be important in the bariatric
“We suggest … that weight-based dosing
compared to fixed-dosing, rather than BMI-
based dosing compared to fixed-dosing
November 01, 2012 - Thus, proportion estimates near the extremes receive less weight in the
meta-analysis compared to estimates … for proportions larger
than 0.5, and thus estimates near one have larger variance (and receive less weight
June 12, 2012 - outcomes:
Growth status as proxies for nutrition (height including leg length or tibia length, weight … outcomes:
Growth status as proxies for nutrition (height including leg length or tibia length, weight … outcomes:
Growth status as proxies for nutrition (height including leg length or tibia length, weight … outcomes:
Growth status as proxies for nutrition (height including leg length or tibia length, weight … outcomes:
Growth status as proxies for nutrition (height including leg length or tibia length, weight
October 12, 2015 - Clomiphene citrate, letrozole, diet/exercise/other weight loss strategies, timed
intercourse using … Adverse)EffectsOChild
• ShortOterm)
• LongOterm … weight!loss!
oral! … Weight!Loss"[Mesh]!
OR!"Exercise"[Mesh]!OR!"Exercise!Therapy"[Mesh]!OR!"Fertility!Agents"[Mesh]! … “weight!loss”[tiab]!OR!