January 01, 2017 - � Lose weight if you are overweight.
� Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. … triamcinolone
��Fluid retention
(body tissues hold
extra water)
��Mood changes
�� Increased appetite
May 06, 2011 - Quality that focus on cesarean birth, maternal request, elective induction, and outcomes of maternal weight … These trials focus almost exclusively on interventions related to maternal weight gain, including exercise … or secondary outcome included the following interventions: diet and lifestyle counseling to prevent weight … ethnicity, educational status, and maternal age (>15 studies); sleep and fatigue (2 studies); maternal weight
January 01, 2007 - to several
effective nonpharmacological
interventions—including diet, exercise, and
control of body weight—many … reported,
withdrawal rates, and switch rates.
5Specific adverse events included, but were no limited to, weight
January 01, 2010 - Quality that
focus on cesarean birth, maternal request, elective induction, and outcomes of maternal weight … These trials focus almost exclusively on interventions related
to maternal weight gain, including exercise … secondary outcome
included the following interventions: diet and lifestyle counseling to prevent weight … ethnicity,
educational status, and maternal age (>15 studies); sleep and fatigue (2 studies); maternal weight
November 21, 2011 - behavioral, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions (e.g., hormonal treatment, weight … behavioral, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions (e.g., hormonal treatment, weight … behavioral, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions (e.g., hormonal treatment, weight … intrauterine system
Vaginal ring contraceptive device
Behavioral strategies (e.g., stress reduction, weight … surgical and nonsurgical treatments
Harms 2 (e.g., thromboembolic events, emotional side effects, weight
January 01, 2010 - Since their introduction in 20xx, DES have been shown in clinical trials to decrease TLR (…
The DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness) network is
part of AHRQ’s Effective Health Care program. It is a collaborative network of research
centers that support the rapid development o…
March 01, 2011 - score, an ANCOVA estimate is the weighted sum of the two estimates
from options 1 and 2, and the weight … If the correlation is greater than 0.5, the difference in change in score from option 2 has more
weight … ; otherwise, the difference between followup scores has more weight. … has an SD that is much
smaller than that of all the other trials and has a disproportionally high weight … 49.64
June 01, 2011 - to several effective
nonpharmacological interventions—
including diet, exercise, and control of
body weight—many … events, withdrawal rates, and
switch rates).
• Specific adverse events (including, but not limited to, weight … e Specific adverse events: These included, but were no limited to, weight gain, impaired renal function
December 02, 2009 - Development of Statistical Estimators to Address Questions of Comparative Effectiveness in Elderly Heart Failure Patients
Research Report December 2, 2009
Findings from this study were published in the following journal article.
Kramer JM, Curtis LH, Dupree CS, Pelter D, Hernandez A, Massing M, and An…
November 21, 2011 - behavioral, and
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions (e.g., hormonal treatment,
weight … behavioral, and
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions (e.g., hormonal treatment,
weight … behavioral, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions (e.g.,
hormonal treatment, weight … surgical and
nonsurgical treatments
(e.g., thromboembolic events, emotional side effects, weight … Ethynodiol diacetate
(Demulen®, Zovia®, Kelnor®)
Stress reduction
March 08, 2013 - , rate of low birth weight, mean gestational age, and preterm birth rate. … [Weight cycling during treatment of obese women]. … [Relationship between maternal cigarette smoking and newborn birth weight and physical condition]. … [The effect of tobacco smoking on maternal weight gain and the neonatal results]. … [Postpartum weight gain is not easy to explain]. Lakartidningen 1996 May 29;93(22):2145-7.
March 11, 2013 - birth, chronic
hypertension, and placenta previa.10-13 Health risks to the fetus include low birth weight … , rate of low birth weight, mean gestational age, and preterm birth rate. … [Weight cycling during treatment of obese women]. … [The effect of tobacco smoking on maternal weight gain and the neonatal
results]. … [Postpartum weight gain is not easy to explain]. Lakartidningen 1996 May 29;93(22):2145-7.
October 25, 2011 - )
The authors report on 3 parallel trials of weight
loss interventions. … loss or no weight loss. … Characteristic
s: Age, sex,
race, weight,
bed partner,
airway and
characteristic … •
s: Age, sex,
race, weight,
bed partner,
airway, other
characteristic … Characteristic
s: Age, sex,
race, weight,
bed partner,
airway and
February 01, 2013 - importance to
Treatment options include pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, weight … Osteoarthritis Behavioral: Walking exercise|Behavioral: Cycling Exercise
NCT00061490 The Effect of Weight … Loss and Exercise on Knee Osteoarthritis Behavioral: Behavioral weight control and lifestyle exercise … and Coping Skills Training For Patients
With Knee Osteoarthritis
Behavioral: Lifestyle Behavioral Weight … hip abductor muscles
NCT00462319 ARTIST: ARThrose Intervention STandardisée Behavioral: Education, weight
May 01, 2019 - • There was no difference in the odds of low
birth weight between ICSI versus conventional
IVF cycles … in the odds of low birth weight between
ICSI versus conventional-IVF cycles
(1 study with … Weight reduction
intervention for obese infertile women prior to IVF: a
randomized controlled trial … Preterm Delivery
and Low Birth Weight Among Neonates Conceived
With Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection … Association between periconceptional weight loss and
maternal and neonatal outcomes in obese infertile
May 01, 2019 - • There was no difference in the odds of low
birth weight between ICSI versus conventional
IVF cycles … in the odds of low birth weight between
ICSI versus conventional-IVF cycles
(1 study with … Weight reduction
intervention for obese infertile women prior to IVF: a
randomized controlled trial … Preterm Delivery
and Low Birth Weight Among Neonates Conceived
With Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection … Association between periconceptional weight loss and
maternal and neonatal outcomes in obese infertile
August 01, 2012 - we considered the following seven comparisons
to be major: standard polypropylene (PP) versus low-
weight … standard PP versus porcine (2 studies),
combination materials versus porcine (1 study), and
low-weight … Three types of
meshes (standard PP, low-weight PP, and porcine) had
approximately equivalent rates … Discussion
The typical adult in the included studies was a man in
his mid-50s, of average weight, experiencing … Short-term pain Approximate equivalence Moderate
Intermediate-term pain Low
Long-term pain Low
PP vs. low-weight
October 12, 2016 - , information about
maternal weight gain should also be provided since
increased levels of omega–3 … intake could be
associated with overall increase of calories and
increased weight gain. … on birth weight into the
proper perspective. … Gestation length and birth weight in
relation to intake of marine n-3 fatty acids. … Early preterm birth and birth weight are risk
factors for increased morbidity and mortality.
March 01, 2013 - surgical and nonsurgical treatments
• Harmsb (e.g., thromboembolic events, emotional side effects, weight … ,
behavioral, and complementary and alternative medicine
interventions (e.g., hormonal treatment, weight … ,
behavioral, and complementary and alternative medicine
interventions (e.g., hormonal treatment, weight … , behavioral, and complementary and
alternative medicine interventions (e.g., hormonal
treatment, weight … Effect of weight
loss on menstrual function in adolescents with polycystic ovary
July 18, 2018 - whether breastfeeding is associated with postpartum depression, cardiovascular disease, or postpartum weight