September 03, 2016 - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/therapy"[Mesh] OR "Endometriosis/therapy"[Mesh] OR "Nutrition Therapy"[Mesh] OR "Weight … tiab] OR “Firmagon”[tiab] OR “ganirelix”[tiab] OR “antagon”[tiab] OR exercise[tiab] OR diet[tiab] OR “weight … Interventions
Clomiphene citrate, letrozole, diet/exercise/other weight loss strategies, timed intercourse
December 13, 2012 - Enoxaparin is a low-molecular-weight heparin that has the advantage of being administered subcutaneously … :
Adult patients with UA/NSTEMI and comorbid or multimorbid disease:
Subgroups by age, sex, weight … Analyses by subgroup (e.g., age, sex, weight, body mass index, diabetes, heart failure, previous stroke … tw] OR "ym466"[tw]
heparin[MeSH] OR heparin[tw] OR (low[tw] AND molecular[tw] AND weight … tw] OR "ym466"[tw]
heparin[MeSH] OR heparin[tw] OR (low[tw] AND molecular[tw] AND weight
May 09, 2016 - foot ulcers
§ Lifestyle interventions (carbohydrate-controlled diet aimed at glucose
reduction, weight … OR resistance[tiab] OR strength [tiab] OR
balance [tiab] OR endurance[tiab] OR endurances[tiab] OR weight … muscle strength[mh] OR muscle strength[tiab] OR proprioception[mh] OR
Proprioception[tiab] OR))
OR Weight-Bearing … [mh] OR WeightBearing[tiab]
OR “weight loss”[mh] OR “weight loss”[tiab] OR “Diet, Carbohydrate-
May 01, 2017 - improved challenging behaviors
in the short term (<6 months,
high SOE), but side effects
include weight … Harms of these agents, including extrapyramidal
symptoms and weight gain, were also clinically significant … Greater weight gain
was associated with less irritability improvement in the
risperidone group. … )
Harms High SOE
for clinically
significant harms
associated with
Harms including weight … Harms High SOE
for clinically
significant harms
associated with
Harms including weight
May 13, 2016 - for foot ulcers
Lifestyle interventions (carbohydrate-controlled diet aimed at glucose reduction, weight … OR resistance[tiab] OR strength [tiab] OR balance [tiab] OR endurance[tiab] OR endurances[tiab] OR weight … muscle strength[mh] OR muscle strength[tiab] OR proprioception[mh] OR Proprioception[tiab] OR))
OR Weight-Bearing … [mh] OR WeightBearing[tiab]
OR "weight loss"[mh] OR "weight loss"[tiab] OR "Diet, Carbohydrate-Restricted
December 09, 2010 - atypical fractures, renal toxicity, and osteonecrosis of the jaw. 11-15 Alternative therapies, including weight-bearing … vibration was originally proposed as a means to build bone density for astronauts in space; 24 like other weight-bearing … density. 24,34-36 Another hypothesis is that the effect of whole-body vibration is similar to other weight-bearing
January 01, 2020 - provider/patient preferences
Induction of labor
Operative vaginal delivery
o Inappropriate weight … o Mortality
o Perinatal morbidity (e.g., birth trauma)
o Small for gestational age (e.g., birth weight … <10% for similar age neonates)*, low birth
weight (e.g., <2.5 kg [5 lb, 8 oz])*
o Abnormal Apgar … delivery outcomes (cesarean delivery, induction
of labor, operative vaginal delivery), inappropriate weight … Preterm birth
• Full-term delivery
• Gestational age at birth
• Small for gestational age / Low birth weight
December 02, 2009 - Skip to main content
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February 12, 2014 - separately and report a measure of the treatment's effectiveness for each, letting the patient and clinician weight
Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing diabetes.
Signs of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, constipation, weakness, and weight loss.
June 24, 2022 - TableOfContent
Table of content
Abstraction of criteria from existing sources Sheet number
[Click to go to specific sheet]
Pearson et. al 2018, white paper 1
Duke Margolis 2017, white paper 2
International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) position paper 3
Berger et al. 2017 (ISPOR-ISPE) 4
Wang e…
January 01, 2014 - meditation programs on affect, attention,
and health-related behaviors affected by stress, pain,
and weight … The studies measure weight in
pounds or kilograms. … What are the efficacy and harms of
meditation programs on pain and weight among those with
a clinical … Two
mindfulness trials evaluated weight as an outcome, and it
was a primary outcome for both. … Three TM trials evaluated
weight as a secondary outcome.
August 18, 2016 - prenatal factors (e.g.,
tobacco use, alcohol use, substance abuse), perinatal factors (e.g., low birth weight … treatment outcomes, including prenatal tobacco, alcohol, or substance abuse; prematurity or low
birth weight … or
specific risk factors (prenatal tobacco, alcohol, or substance abuse; prematurity or
low birth weight … § Adverse effects of treatment include changes in appetite, growth suppression,
weight decrease, … or specific risk factors (prenatal tobacco,
alcohol, or substance abuse; prematurity or low birth weight
October 01, 2012 - The checklist places significant weight
on issues such as transparency, whether the study objective … One
solution is to apply an equal weight for each item, but this strategy does not allow analysts to … point, some of these checklists and appraisal criteria assume that each criterion
shares an equal weight … should be stated and
should be based on the likely use and effect of the
drug, together with the weight
November 01, 2016 - psychosocial issues related to living with diabetes;
b) a structured dietary intervention (related to weight
January 01, 2016 - Dietary program: Focuses on how to eat a healthy diet in order to manage blood sugar,
stay at a healthy weight
November 26, 2024 - demographic often uses stimulants for academic or work-related performance
enhancement,4 as well as weight … Racial / ethnic and sex composition
• Reason for misuse
Enhance academic or work performance
April 01, 2013 - effects of newer triple therapy regimens with a protease inhibitor in
subgroups defined by age, body weight … likelihood of SVR include female sex, age less than 40 years, non-African-American race, lower
body weight … dose) vs. higher doses (800 or 1,200
mg flat dose or 800 to 1400 mg weight-based dose). … + pegylated
interferon + ribavirin) with a protease
inhibitor in subgroups defined by age,
body weight … Virologic response rates of weight-based
taribavirin versus ribavirin in treatment-
naive patients with
March 01, 2010 - suspected that prepubertal patients would have the greatest advances in height but may not improve weight … intermediate outcomes, including pulmonary function (FEV percent and FEV1 absolute value), growth (height, weight … pulmonary function (FEV [forced expiratory volume] percent and FEV1 absolute value), growth (height, weight … not limited to, age (prepubertal, pubertal, postpubertal); gender; baseline clinical status (height, weight … not limited to, age (prepubertal, pubertal, postpubertal); gender; baseline clinical status (height, weight