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    June 30, 2014 - Outcomes (breastfeeding mechanics, nipple pain, rate of breastfeeding, sucking, weight gain) all improved … pain, milk intake and feeding, and weight … • Breastfeeding, including latch, nipple pain, nipple excoriations, nipple infections (mastitis), weight … Final outcomes include duration of breastfeeding, failure to thrive, infant weight gain and oral . and … following: breastfeeding (including latch, nipple pain, nipple excoriations, nipple infections (mastitis),weight
    January 01, 2015 - monotherapy FDA-approved diabetes medications (see Table 1) for the intermediate outcomes of hemoglobin A1c, weight … of FDA-approved diabetes medications (see Table 1) for the intermediate outcomes of hemoglobin A1c, weight … (will not evaluate metformin vs. sulfonylureas, evidence is high grade from the prior report) § Weight … strength of evidence from our prior evidence report for other outcomes (specifically fracture and weight … will include studies addressing the following intermediate outcomes for KQ1: § Hemoglobin A1c^ § Weight
    January 22, 2015 - FDA-approved diabetes medications (see Table 1 ) for the intermediate outcomes of hemoglobin A1c, weight … FDA-approved diabetes medications (see Table 1 ) for the intermediate outcomes of hemoglobin A1c, weight … A1c (will not evaluate metformin vs. sulfonylureas, evidence is high grade from the prior report) Weight … strength of evidence from our prior evidence report for other outcomes (specifically fracture and weight … will include studies addressing the following intermediate outcomes for KQ1: Hemoglobin A1c ^ Weight
    January 01, 2013 - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Programs for Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Adults: Future Research Needs Future Research Needs Paper Number 36 Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Programs for Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Adults: Future Research Needs Future Research Needs Paper N…
    June 01, 2017 - Most studies evaluated low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), not low- risk interventions (such as aspirin … devices.1 Pharmacologic prophylactic treatments include unfractionated heparin (UFH), low molecular weight … comparative efficacy of individual thromboprophylaxis interventions within classes (low molecular weight … least 90 percent of a subgroup of interest, including sex, race/ethnicity, older age group, body weight … Other abbreviations: DVT = deep vein thrombosis, FXaI = factor Xa inhibitor, LMWH = low molecular weight
    June 01, 2017 - Most studies evaluated low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), not low- risk interventions (such as aspirin … devices.1 Pharmacologic prophylactic treatments include unfractionated heparin (UFH), low molecular weight … comparative efficacy of individual thromboprophylaxis interventions within classes (low molecular weight … least 90 percent of a subgroup of interest, including sex, race/ethnicity, older age group, body weight … Other abbreviations: DVT = deep vein thrombosis, FXaI = factor Xa inhibitor, LMWH = low molecular weight
    May 19, 2010 - strong evidence that atypical antipsychotics can increase chances of adverse events such as significant weight … Dizziness Blood Dyscrasias Neutropenia Agranulocytosis Leukopenia Metabolic syndrome Weight … and Bulimia Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire Version (EDEQ) Questionnaire on Eating and Weight
    May 19, 2010 - strong evidence that atypical antipsychotics can increase chances of adverse events such as significant weight … Sedation Dizziness Blood Dyscrasias Neutropenia Agranulocytosis Leukopenia Metabolic syndrome Weight … and Bulimia Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire Version (EDEQ) Questionnaire on Eating and Weight
    February 01, 2018 - We could allow the 400 women to represent all 500 women in the study by giving each woman a weight of … Similarly, we could allow the 300 men to stand in for all 500 men by giving each one a weight of (300
    October 01, 2015 - Telemonitoring Remote monitoring of physiological data (e.g., electrical activity of the heart, blood pressure, weight
    January 01, 2012 - incorporation of uncertainty; and the option to explore the extent to which every criterion, judgment, and weight
    January 10, 2012 - The Waterlow Scale 1,8,9 consists of nine items: build/weight for height, visual assessment of the … risks for pressure ulcers vary according to patient characteristics (e.g., physical impairment; body weight … ‡Such as age, race or skin tone, physical impairment, body weight, or specific medical comorbidities … †Patient characteristics include age, race or skin tone, physical impairment, body weight, specific medical
    January 10, 2012 - The Waterlow Scale 1,8,9 consists of nine items: build/weight for height, visual assessment of the skin … risks for pressure ulcers vary according to patient characteristics (e.g., physical impairment; body weight … ‡Such as age, race or skin tone, physical impairment, body weight, or specific medical comorbidities … †Patient characteristics include age, race or skin tone, physical impairment, body weight, specific medical
    February 01, 2023 - gestation) Studies exclusively among: • Preterm (gestational age <37 weeks) infantsa • Low birth weight … death syndrome / sudden unexpected infant death • Infant mortality • Inflammatory bowel disease • Weight-related … outcomes, specifically: o Weight gain velocity (birth to 24 months) o Obesity Any other outcome … contextually discuss potentially harmful unintended consequences related to breastfeeding such as excessive weight … Formula versus maternal breast milk for feeding preterm or low birth weight infants.
    And since they have lots of sugar, they can contribute to weight gain and worsen diabetes.
    January 01, 2020 - atypical fractures, renal toxicity, and osteonecrosis of the jaw.11-15 Alternative therapies, including weight-bearing … vibration was originally proposed as a means to build bone density for astronauts in space;24 like other weight-bearing … density.24,34-36 Another hypothesis is that the effect of whole-body vibration is similar to other weight-bearing
    April 25, 2013 - In this reanalysis, the Breast Cancer Erythropoietin Survival Trial (BEST) study had a weight of 20.3% … In the AHRQ analysis shown in Figure 11, the study (BEST) reported by Leyland-Jones et al has a weight … studies included a 3- to 6-month on-study period, resulting in the BEST study having a very large weight … Its weight is due to its size and underlying risk (control arm mortality rate). … BEST study (n = 939) was very influential in the AHRQ meta-analysis of on-study morality and had a weight
    July 01, 2013 - Need to define and weight outcomes.
    September 25, 2007 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Effective Health Care Program Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers …
  20. TND-555-09-03-2013 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2013 - babies (e.g., preterm birth, hospitalization or stay in the intensive care unit, excessive birth weight

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