
Total Results: 490 records

Showing results for "weight".
Users also searched for: obesity screening

    January 01, 2023 - P2P was designed to combine this data with self-reported data, including weight, fatigue, and diet, to
    January 01, 2020 - empiric antibiotics by day 5 of treatment; 2) avoidance of antacids; 3) feeding guidelines by birth weight … Expert consensus to weight an adherence score for audit and feedback of practices that prevent necrotizing … enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants.
    January 01, 2020 - screening; Osteoporosis screening (if high risk), Sexually transmitted infections counseling; Statin use; Weight … ipp-bmicalculator/v0.0.3/bmi) and appropriate inputs for engaging the endpoint to compute (e.g., height and weight … Screening OST Osteoporosis screening LUN Lung cancer screening STA Statin use SMO Stop smoking WEI Weight … rank order of these measures for each person, based on 97 person-specific features including height, weight
    January 01, 2007 - regarding medications for treatment of pain, OM, UTI and chronic asthma were specific to the child’s weight … A senior pediatric ED pharmacist created the algorithms for correct weight-based and allergy-based dosing … 3) medications that are recommended for treatment of pain, UTI, asthma and otitis media (including weight-based
    January 01, 2015 - standard mHealth patients and were less likely to report shortness of breath or clinically significant weight … Heart Failure – Shortness of Breath (SOB) SOB is worse than yesterday for 3 consecutive calls 0 0 Weight … gain of 3 pounds or more in a day 0 0 Weight gain of 5 pounds in the previous week 0 0 More swelling
    January 01, 2023 - Joseph records his vital signs, including weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar, and sends the data
    January 01, 2010 - Anti-platelet therapy • Blood pressure • Glucose control • Microalbuminuria • Immunizations • Smoking • Weight … Anti-platelet therapy • Blood pressure • Glucose control • Microalbuminuria • Immunizations • Smoking • Weight
    August 29, 2013 - Provider ID, Provider Role, Provider D/T ▪ Vitals Vitals D/T, HR, RR, SBP, DBP, O2 sat, Temp, Weight … ICD10 ▪ Disposition ED Disposition Hospital Discharge D/T Vital Status Performance Measures ▪ Weight
    June 03, 2010 - intermediate outcomes) Tobacco use cessation Yes, no Physical activity Sedentary, light, mod., vigorous Weight
    November 19, 2008 - Some self-monitoring, weighing, weight is up two pounds, call, or glucose above a certain amount. … If you have really bad vision or above the weight of the scale or dexterity to use the glucometer, it … The sixth inquiry they had was to input on their touch phone their daily weight. … It was important on a day-to-day basis to put weight in; if they had a significant weight variance
    November 19, 2008 - Some self-monitoring, weighing, weight is up two pounds, call, or glucose above a certain amount. … If you have really bad vision or above the weight of the scale or dexterity to use the glucometer, it … The sixth inquiry they had was to input on their touch phone their daily weight. … It was important on a day-to-day basis to put weight in; if they had a significant weight variance
    August 01, 2011 - the risks associated with the misidentification of patients or patient variables (e.g., height, or weight … The physician did not notice the erroneous weight during her examination. … The system's automated dose calculator used the erroneous weight that was entered earlier to calculate … In this case an erroneous weight was entered into the EHR during triage. … The erroneous weight led to a miscalculation of the heparin infusion, which caused major bleeding.
    January 03, 2011 - reports at the clinician’s office every time the patient submitted personal data (ie, blood pressure, weight … phone outlets in the bedroom or bathroom, or had rotary phones that could not be used to transmit weight … who needed assistance to walk often had trouble standing still long enough to record an accurate weight
    January 01, 2008 - Information previously entered about the patient such as age, allergies, and weight was integrated into
    January 01, 2009 - performance measures (beta-blocker, ACEI/ARB, warfarin, left ventricular ejection fraction assessment, weight
  16. Cardio-HIT Phase II (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - performance measures (beta-blocker, ACEI/ARB, warfarin, left ventricular ejection fraction assessment, weight
    January 01, 2009 - Information previously entered about the patient such as age, allergies, and weight was integrated into
    January 01, 2012 - Calculated set of PubMed citations closely related to the selected article(s) retrieved using a word weight
  19. No Slide Title (ppt file)
    June 09, 2005 - No Slide Title AHRQ Annual Meeting June 9, 2005 3 U’s of Rhode Island’s Health Information Exchange: Useful, Usable and Used Presented by Amy Zimmerman, MPH Rhode Island Department of Health RI HIT Project Manager HLN Consulting, LLC Health Care Landscape in RI 2 State Agencies with major health responsibi…
  20. No Slide Title (ppt file)
    June 09, 2005 - No Slide Title AHRQ Annual Meeting June 9, 2005 3 U’s of Rhode Island’s Health Information Exchange: Useful, Usable and Used Presented by Amy Zimmerman, MPH Rhode Island Department of Health RI HIT Project Manager HLN Consulting, LLC Health Care Landscape in RI 2 State Agencies with major health responsibi…

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