January 01, 2023 - Intensive Care Unit Document Type: Journal Publication Population: Infants
Expert consensus to weight … score for audit and feedback of practices that prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight … Expert consensus to weight an adherence score for audit and feedback of practices that prevent necrotizing … enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants.
June 01, 1989 - , computerization produced an advantage only for blood pressure and breast examination, but not for weight
January 01, 2003 - risk factors for iron-deficiency anemia:
Before age 6 months, screen preterm infants and low birth weight … months later (at ages 15 to 18 months), screen the following:
Infants born preterm or with low birth weight
January 12, 2007 - this standard will use an EHR with:
– Information on age/gender diagnoses, medications, allergies,
weight … dose of antibiotic in a
Medication either contraindicated for this patient
based on age and weight … or for which age and
weight must be considered in appropriate dosing
Contraindication dose
limits … based on patient
age and weight
Normal adult dose regimen of
renally eliminated medication in
patient … Lab Duplicate Checking
Patient-specific checking:
lab studies
Patient-specific checking:
age and weight
August 21, 2004 - Limited evidence supports some effectiveness for adding email in terms of weight loss, diabetes care
January 01, 2023 - Disadvantages
All variables are considered to carry equal weight.
January 01, 2023 - implementation of four decision support function embedded in an electronic health record: 1) the influence of weight
January 01, 2023 - pediatric primary care clinicians with providing higher quality childhood obesity care to help slow weight
August 29, 2013 - Furthermore, accurate pediatric medication
administration requires: 1) knowledge of the child’s
precise weight … ; 2) correct age and weight-based dose
calculation by prescribers, including tailoring doses to
January 12, 2007 - this standard will use an EHR with:
– Information on age/gender diagnoses, medications, allergies,
weight … patient with
beta blocker
Contraindication dose
limits based on patient
age and weight … Medication either contraindicated for this patient
based on age and weight or for which age and
weight … Lab Duplicate Checking
Patient-specific checking:
lab studies
Patient-specific checking:
age and weight
January 01, 2009 - CDS was tested related to: 1) weight-based dosing,
2) reminders for preventive and chronic illness care … The controlled trial was designed to assess effects of an EHR with weight-
based dosing decision support
January 01, 1984 - Preventive care (occult blood testing, mammographic screening, weight reduction diets, influenza and
February 01, 2006 - Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: Entry of height and weight in patient record increased from
February 01, 2006 - Studies that reported data on change in body weight, blood pressure, microalbumin, and creatine generally
January 01, 2023 - Innovation in Primary Care
This project implemented an electronic health record-based weight
January 01, 2003 - risk factors for iron-deficiency anemia:
Before age 6 months, screen preterm infants and low birth weight … later (at ages 15 to 18 months), screen the
• Infants born preterm or with low birth weight
September 14, 2016 - ] [ ] [ ]
To read about my health conditions
(for example, blood pressure, diabetes,
or weight … [ ] [ ] [ ]
To read about my health conditions (for example,
blood pressure, diabetes, or weight
January 01, 2010 - hypertension treatment guideline education modules; self-reporting modules on topics such as blood pressure, weight … Secondary measures include the rate of self-monitoring, exercise measured as steps per day, weight, cardiovascular
February 23, 2021 - (Mark all that apply)
� Manage a chronic illness that I have � Eat healthier � Lose weight �Exercise … about a doctor
�Typed information on a website about what you eat, how much you exercise, or your weight
December 02, 2010 - patient has
arrived on EHR
Greet and
escort patient to
exam area
patient’s weight