February 01, 2021 - lung disease. 31-37 ED patients who track and trend important symptoms or key variables (blood sugar, weight
February 01, 2021 - Patients Understand Doctors’ Instructions
Disparities Continue in Infant Mortality and Low Birth Weight
January 01, 2024 - Final Progress Report: Auditory Perception of Drug Names: Neighborhood Effects
Title: Auditory Perception of Drug Names: Neighborhood Effects
Bruce L. Lambert, Ph.D. (PI), Department of Pharmacy Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago
(UIC), Laura Walsh Dickey, Ph.D., Department of Communication Science …
April 21, 2014 - procedure to be performed matches consent form
· Site marked
· Patient position
· Known allergies
· Patient weight
May 01, 2017 - | Procedure to be performed matches the consent
|___| Known allergies
|___| Patient height, weight
January 01, 2018 - within the past 2
years about eating healthy
10.79 1.94 MEPS 2016
Children who had their height and weight … care due to financial
or insurance reasons
113.1 7.57 MEPS 2016
Children who had their height and weight … lumpectomy or mastectomy)
-3.62 0.012 0.013 NCDB 10 (2005-2014)
Children who had their height and weight … dental visit in the calendar year -0.175 -0.842 MEPS 2002-
Children who had their height and weight … professional to
exercise more
-0.427 -0.816 MEPS 2002-
Children who had their height and weight
April 04, 2018 - Penny – 32-year-old male with
persistent cough, low-grade fever
for 3 days
Temp 38.1 C, BP 128/82,
weight … Penny’s temperature is 38.1 degrees Celsius, his BP is 128/82, and his weight is 179, down from 186 a
April 11, 2018 - Penny – 32-year-old male with
persistent cough, low-grade fever
for 3 days
• Temp 38.1 C, BP 128/82,
weight … Penny’s temperature is 38.1 degrees Celsius, his BP is 128/82, and his weight is 179, down from 186 a
December 01, 2013 - Lower chance of becoming over weight. … Quicker return to pre-pregnancy weight.
Food source for their babies even during emergencies.
January 01, 1995 - Persons who can be taught should shift their weight every 30 minutes while sitting in a chair. … Persons who can be taught should shift their weight every 30 minutes while sitting in a chair.
January 01, 2016 - The relationship among child weight status,
psychosocial functioning, and pediatric health care expenditures … and health care expenditures in a
nationally representative sample: How do overweight and healthy-weight
August 01, 2017 - Persons at risk for pressure injury/ulcers should be nutritionally assessed (i.e., weight, nutrition … Persons, who are immobile and can be taught, should shift their weight every 30 minutes while sitting … Persons at risk for pressure injury/ulcers should be nutritionally assessed (i.e., weight, nutrition … Persons, who are immobile and can be taught, should shift their weight every 30 minutes while sitting
January 01, 2019 - HACs, the estimate is a weighted average of the HAC
rate for each group, where each group is given a weight … MPSMS samples by the number of
hospital inpatients represented by the sample, as calculated by the weight
April 24, 2024 - Care COE: Pediatric Measurement Center of Excellence (PMCoE)
BMI Assessment and Recommended Weight
March 01, 2015 - not have one of these conditions.2
● Antipsychotics have serious, common side effects, including weight
January 01, 2015 - During pregnancy, depression can lead to preeclampsia, preterm delivery, and low birth weight.
December 31, 2021 - Child) data were calculated using
plan weights, i.e., all respondents in a plan received the same weight … birth order; and mother’s marital status; and of maternal and infant health
information, such as birth weight … Hispanic origin, marital status, attendant at birth, method of delivery, period of
gestation, birth weight … , plurality, medical risk factors, maternal weight gain, obstetric
procedures, characteristics of labor … Data Period
ADE - IV Heparin Adverse drug
2004-2007 and
ADE - Low Molecular Weight
April 01, 2017 - individual performing the procedure
|___| Patient position
|___| Known allergies
|___| Patient weight
July 01, 2013 - In a third program to promote weight loss and physical activity, clinicians write "prescriptions" for
April 01, 2018 - Person.birth_dt_tm (calculation)
Pharmacy/ Lab
Height & weight