March 01, 2016 - Observed events/Expected events ) * reference population rate
Smoothed rate = Risk-adjusted rate * weight … – reference population rate * (1 − weight)
The counts that are used to calculate the rates of each … weighted average of the hospital’s risk-adjusted rate and the reference population rate, where
the weight … Weighted average of the hospital’s risk-adjusted
rate and the reference population rate, where the
April 01, 2014 - Final survey person weight, PERWT10F,
is provided in every survey data set for a calculation of weighted … Healthcare Spending per Capita, by Number of Chronic
Conditions - 2010
– Run PROC SURVEMEANS where weight … visits for
each DUPERSID, let’s call it Total_Visits ; take simple weighted
frequency on MCC where weight … DUPERSID, let’s call
the sums Total_RX and Total_Expense respectively; run PROC
SURVEMEANS where weight … – Based on Full-Year Consolidated file run PROC SURVEYMEAN
where weight= PERWT10F, domain = Group
May 17, 2019 - Missing Birth
December 01, 2013 - ■ Lower chance of becoming over weight. … ■ Quicker return to pre-pregnancy weight. … ■ Watch for adequate weight gain (15-30 g/day). … • Improvements in weight gain. … Weight
■ Weight gain of 20-30 g/day is desirable in preterm infants (>2 kg).
February 23, 2012 - Measure #3: Behavioral Health Risk Assessment 21-25
Measures #4: BMI Assessment and Recommended Weight … (III-B)
2.BMI should be calculated from pre-pregnancy height and weight. … (II-
3.Obese pregnant women should receive counseling about weight gain, nutrition,
and food … Obese women are more likely to gain in excess of current gestation
weight guidelines, which increases … The majority of respondents almost always
recommended a range of weight gain (74%), advised regular
February 23, 2012 - Measure #3: Behavioral Health Risk Assessment 21-25
Measures #4: BMI Assessment and Recommended Weight … (III-B)
2.BMI should be calculated from pre-pregnancy height and weight. … (II-
3.Obese pregnant women should receive counseling about weight gain, nutrition,
and food … Obese women are more likely to gain in excess of current gestation
weight guidelines, which increases … The majority of respondents almost always
recommended a range of weight gain (74%), advised regular
February 23, 2012 - Measure #3: Behavioral Health Risk Assessment 21-25
Measures #4: BMI Assessment and Recommended Weight … (III-B)
2.BMI should be calculated from pre-pregnancy height and weight. … (II-
3.Obese pregnant women should receive counseling about weight gain, nutrition,
and food … Obese women are more likely to gain in excess of current gestation
weight guidelines, which increases … The majority of respondents almost always
recommended a range of weight gain (74%), advised regular
February 23, 2012 - Measure #3: Behavioral Health Risk Assessment 21-25
Measures #4: BMI Assessment and Recommended Weight … (III-B)
2.BMI should be calculated from pre-pregnancy height and weight. … (II-
3.Obese pregnant women should receive counseling about weight gain, nutrition,
and food … Obese women are more likely to gain in excess of current gestation
weight guidelines, which increases … The majority of respondents almost always
recommended a range of weight gain (74%), advised regular
January 01, 2017 - lasting more than 2 hours into a standard ventilation strategy (tidal volume of 9 mL/kg ideal body weight … , respectively, and zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP), or 6 mL/kg ideal body weight with PEEP (10 cm … Upon enrollment in the study, the mean tidal volume/actual weight was 9.2 mL/kg, and the tidal volume … and no PEEP (n=21) or lower Vt of 6 mL/kg ideal body weight and 10 cm H2O PEEP. … , respectively, and ZEEP, or Vt=6 mg/kg ideal body weight with positive PEEP of 10 cm H2O.
March 01, 2014 - practices consistently report that they do not have the luxury of spending time counseling patients on weight … There is hope, however, in the form of community resources dedicated to obesity and weight loss efforts
April 01, 2018 - diabetic, patient (30 < BMI < 40)
Event 543 SSI risk for obese patient, weight … improved
Event 173 Staff fails to provide patient with instructions for weight
January 01, 2010 - Smoking cessation for weight-concerned
women: group vs. individually tailored,
dietary, and weight-control … How much weight gain occurs following
smoking cessation? … Cognitive-behavioral therapy to reduce
weight concerns improves smoking cessation
outcome in weight-concerned … Smoking cessation and weight gain.
Obes Rev 2004;5:95-103.
850. … Smoking cessation, weight gain, and DRD4 -
521 genotype.
January 01, 2020 - Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report | 13
In analyzing data from the DCS, a “diabetes pseudo-weight … ” was used with the file
subset to cases where the original DCS weight is positive in order to produce … The “diabetes pseudo-weight” was
defined to equal the diabetes weight when the diabetes weight is positive … , to equal 1
when the diabetes weight is zero and the SAQ weight is positive; and is set as undefined … when the SAQ weight is zero.
December 01, 2021 - In analyzing data from the DCS, a "diabetes pseudo-weight" was used with the file subset to
cases where … the original DCS weight was positive in order to produce the same variance
estimates using different … The “diabetes pseudo-weight” was defined as equal
to the diabetes weight when the diabetes weight is … positive, equal to 1 when the diabetes weight
is zero and the SAQ weight is positive, and undefined … when the SAQ weight is zero.
March 01, 2014 - Run Time: 1:46
The Weight of the Nation
This is a series … Choices—describes how it is possible to successfully lose weight with appropriate diet and physical activity
January 01, 2017 - end-expiratory pressure
Maintain plateau pressure at ≤ 30 cm H20
Use tidal volume of 6-8 cc/kg predicted body weight … centimeters OR inches
Circle patient’s gender
Enter the target tidal ventilation based on predicted body weight
January 01, 2019 - Data Source)
Baseline Rate
and Year
Current Rate and
Year AAPC P Value
Pediatric Height and
Weight … Children who had their height and weight
measured by a health provider within the
past 2 years … Two measures, one examining weight loss in nursing home residents, did not change over time. … Two
measures examined infant mortality and low-birth weight. … Live-born infants with low birth weight
(less than 2,500 g) (NVSS-L)
8.2% in 2007 8.3% in 2018 0.1
February 04, 2020 - Diastolic blood pressure value present 6 6 (100) 1
Documentation of height 6 6 (100) 1
Documentation of weight
May 01, 2014 - care clinic and community-based resources that can help your patients maintain or achieve a healthy weight … the Bridge
Measure and assess your clinic's current performance in obtaining an accurate height, weight
May 01, 2014 - The influence of physician acknowledgement of patients' weight status on patient perceptions of overweight … Do the 5 A's work when physicians counsel about weight loss? Fam Med 2011; 43(3):179-184.