July 01, 2008 - inclusion criteria
Not condition of interest (n = 33): Not asymptomatic bacteriuria
(e.g., symptomatic UTI … Study exclusively involving persons younger
than age 18 years
RCT � randomized, controlled trial; UTI … between intervention
and placebo groups
in symptomatic UTIs,
pyelonephritis, or
hospitalization for a
UTI … decline or the
development of
hypertension in
women with
RR � relative risk; UTI
July 15, 2008 - criteria
Not condition of interest (n = 33): Not asymptomatic bacteriuria (e.g., symptomatic UTI … The legend at the bottom of the flow chart reads:
RCT = randomized, controlled trial; UTI = … RCT = randomized, controlled trial; UTI = urinary tract infection. … between intervention and placebo groups in symptomatic UTIs, pyelonephritis, or hospitalization for a UTI
July 15, 2008 - RCT = randomized, controlled trial; UTI = urinary tract infection.
Text Description . … between intervention and placebo groups in symptomatic UTIs, pyelonephritis, or hospitalization for a UTI
October 15, 2007 - during placebo run-in, 1 in diltiazem group (facial/peripheral edema), 1 in ramipril group (severe UTI … trial; SBP = systolic blood pressure; SF-36 = Short Form-36; URI = upper respiratory tract infection; UTI
December 01, 2007 - trial; SBP � systolic blood
pressure; SF-36 � Short Form-36; URI � upper respiratory tract infection; UTI … during placebo run-in, 1 in
diltiazem group (facial/
peripheral edema), 1 in
ramipril group (severe UTI
October 15, 2007 - during placebo run-in, 1 in diltiazem group (facial/peripheral edema), 1 in ramipril group (severe UTI … trial; SBP = systolic blood pressure; SF-36 = Short Form-36; URI = upper respiratory tract infection; UTI
January 10, 2017 - defect; OR, odds ratio; RDA, recommended dietary allowance; USPSTF, US Preventive Services Task Force; UTI
January 10, 2017 - defect; OR, odds ratio; RDA, recommended dietary allowance; USPSTF, US Preventive Services Task Force; UTI
January 01, 1996 - UTI in the elderly: common yet atypical. Geriatrics . 1981;36:113–115. [ PubMed ] 10.
October 23, 2023 - ), and findings for contextual ques-
tions (not systematically reviewed) on adherence, persistence, uti
July 10, 2023 - ), and findings for contextual ques-
tions (not systematically reviewed) on adherence, persistence, uti