March 04, 2015 - Study
The effects of electronic prescribing by community-based providers on ambulatory medication safety.
Citation Text:
Abramson EL, Pfoh ER, Barrón Y, et al. The effects of electronic prescribing by community-based providers on ambulatory medication safety. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf…
February 18, 2011 - Study
Alternatives to potentially inappropriate medications for use in e-prescribing software: triggers and treatment algorithms.
Citation Text:
Hume AL, Quilliam BJ, Goldman R, et al. Alternatives to potentially inappropriate medications for use in e-prescribing software: triggers and…
April 10, 2024 - Review
Interprofessional learning in multidisciplinary healthcare teams is associated with reduced patient mortality: a quantitative systematic review and meta-analysis.
Citation Text:
Webster CS, Coomber T, Liu S, et al. Interprofessional learning in multidisciplinary healthcare teams i…
February 25, 2015 - Commentary
The evolving literature on safety WalkRounds: emerging themes and practical messages.
Citation Text:
Singer SJ, Tucker AL. The evolving literature on safety WalkRounds: emerging themes and practical messages: Table 1. BMJ Qual Saf. 2014;23(10). doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2014-003416.
December 07, 2022 - Study
Identifying boundary spanning reporter roles in patient safety events.
Citation Text:
Hurley VB, Boxley C, Sloss EA, et al. Identifying boundary spanning reporter roles in patient safety events. J Patient Saf Risk Manag. 2022;27(4):181-187. doi:10.1177/25160435221103096.
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January 12, 2022 - Study
An acetaminophen icon helps reduce medication decision errors in an experimental setting.
Citation Text:
Shiffman S, Cotton H, Jessurun C, et al. An acetaminophen icon helps reduce medication decision errors in an experimental setting. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2016;56(5):495-503.e4…
March 25, 2015 - Study
Effect of patient-centred bedside rounds on hospitalised patients' decision control, activation and satisfaction with care.
Citation Text:
O'Leary KJ, Killarney A, Hansen LO, et al. Effect of patient-centred bedside rounds on hospitalised patients' decision control, activation and …
September 23, 2020 - Commentary
What I wish I’d known: how experienced physician managers diagnose, treat and prevent disruptive behaviour.
Citation Text:
Goodwin C, Haas S, Berry WR. What I wish I’d known: how experienced physician managers diagnose, treat and prevent disruptive behaviour. BMJ Lead. 2023;7(…
September 10, 2014 - Book/Report
Healthcare Inspection: Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration's National Consult Delay Review and Associated Fact Sheet.
Citation Text:
Healthcare Inspection: Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration's National Consult Delay Review and Associated Fact Sheet.…
September 05, 2018 - Study
Unintended discontinuation of medication following hospitalisation: a retrospective cohort study.
Citation Text:
Redmond P, McDowell R, Grimes TC, et al. Unintended discontinuation of medication following hospitalisation: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(6):e024747. d…
August 05, 2020 - Study
Opioid dependence and overdose after surgery: rate, risk factors, and reasons.
Citation Text:
Wylie JA, Kong L, Barth RJ. Opioid dependence and overdose after surgery: rate, risk factors, and reasons. Ann Surg. 2022;276(3):e192-e198. doi:10.1097/sla.0000000000005546.
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February 15, 2017 - Study
High risk prescribing in primary care patients particularly vulnerable to adverse drug events: cross sectional population database analysis in Scottish general practice.
Citation Text:
Guthrie B, McCowan C, Davey P, et al. High risk prescribing in primary care patients particular…
June 01, 2018 - Chartbook on Care Coordination
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Table of Contents
Chartbook on Care Coordination
Care Coordination
Trends in Care Coordination Measures
Transitions of Care
Preventable Emergency Department Visits
Potentially Avoidable Hospitalization…
October 19, 2022 - Review
A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care.
Citation Text:
James JT. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. J Patient Saf. 2013;9(3):122-128. doi:10.1097/PTS.0b013e3182948a69.
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November 11, 2020 - Commentary
Improving physician's hand over among oncology staff using standardized communication tool.
Citation Text:
Alolayan A, Alkaiyat M, Ali Y, et al. Improving physician's hand over among oncology staff using standardized communication tool. BMJ Qual Improv Rep. 2017;6(1). doi:10.1…
April 10, 2019 - Commentary
Bridging the gap between hospital and primary care: the pharmacist home visit.
Citation Text:
Ensing HT, Koster ES, Stuijt CCM, et al. Bridging the gap between hospital and primary care: the pharmacist home visit. Int J Clin Pharm. 2015;37(3):430-4. doi:10.1007/s11096-015-0093…
September 30, 2020 - Study
ASHP national survey of pharmacy practice in hospital settings: prescribing and transcribing—2007.
Citation Text:
Pedersen CA, Schneider PJ, Scheckelhoff DJ. ASHP national survey of pharmacy practice in hospital settings: prescribing and transcribing--2007. Am J Health Syst Pharm…
January 31, 2024 - Study
Temporal clustering of critical illness events on medical wards.
Citation Text:
Doshi S, Shin S, Lapointe-Shaw L, et al. Temporal clustering of critical illness events on medical wards. JAMA Intern Med. 2023;183(9):924-932. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.2629.
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August 28, 2017 - Study
Perceptions of risk to patient safety in the pediatric ICU, a study of American pediatric intensivists.
Citation Text:
Bauer P, Hoffmann RG, Bragg D, et al. Perceptions of risk to patient safety in the pediatric ICU, a study of American pediatric intensivists. Saf Sci. 2012;53. d…
May 04, 2010 - Study
Inadequate health literacy among paid caregivers of seniors.
Citation Text:
Lindquist LA, Jain N, Tam K, et al. Inadequate health literacy among paid caregivers of seniors. J Gen Intern Med. 2011;26(5):474-9. doi:10.1007/s11606-010-1596-2.
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