March 01, 2014 - Safety: Military Health System's Approach to Change
Rooted in decades of aviation research, the transition
October 01, 2024 - This toolkit provides customizable resources for hospitals that wish to improve safety when newborns transition
June 01, 2014 - Translation and validation of the Care Transition Measure into Hebrew and Arabic. … Translation and validation of the Care Transition Measure into Hebrew and Arabic.
December 01, 2017 - Patients who transition from one
ambulatory care facility clinician to another are especially vulnerable … Patients who transition from one clinician to another are especially vulnerable
to patient-safety errors … ■ Synchronous communication
■ Interoperability
■ Information that moves with the patient during transition … .4 This model, while designed for an inpatient setting, outlines the key
components of a successful transition … The
proposed workflow assumed the sites could identify patients who would need transition of care support
January 01, 2021 - Neonatal abstinence syndrome and maternal opioid-related diagnoses: analysis of ICD-10-CM transition … Researchers sought to evaluate whether the transition from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM may have affected surveillance … Using HCUP data, they found that the ICD-10-CM transition did not appear to affect NAS. … However, coding of maternal OUD alone may not capture the same population across the transition, potentially … Neonatal abstinence syndrome and maternal opioid-related diagnoses: analysis of ICD-10-CM transition,
September 28, 2021 - Frequent components
► Coordination/ communication, tailored assessment and care, social
support, transition
November 01, 2017 - Patients who transition from one ambulatory care facility clinician to another are especially vulnerable … Patients who transition from one clinician to another are especially vulnerable to patient-safety errors … .4 This model, while designed for an inpatient setting, outlines the key components of a successful transition … care setting and during the discharge process to help prepare patients and their caregivers for the transition … The proposed workflow assumed the sites could identify patients who would need transition of care support
January 01, 2015 - person-centered planning for families with school-
age children with disabilities to help them make a successful transition … Innovation and Opportunity Act advisory committee on
integrated employment, and Federal Partners in Transition
October 01, 2014 - have demonstrated that QI interventions focused on improving the quality of the discharge process, the transition … Preventing the rebound: improving care transition in hospital discharge processes.
Topic: Hospital Discharge
AHRQ has research, tools and resources for clinicians to improve the hospital discharge process, including the Re-Engineered Discharge Toolkit.
Improving Hospital Discharge Through Medication Reconciliation and Education
Improving the Emerg…
September 01, 2024 - report synthesizes findings across five of the topics and identifies three overarching themes: a need to transition
June 01, 2023 - In conclusion, the ED-to-hospital transition is a high-risk time for diagnostic errors.
June 01, 2023 - Dropping the baton: a qualitative analysis of failures during the transition from emergency department … Transition of care practices from emergency department to inpatient: survey data and development of algorithm … Adverse events after transition from ICU to hospital ward: a multicenter cohort study. … Transition of care in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit: a review of handoffs in perioperative cardiothoracic … Ascertaining design requirements for postoperative care transition interventions.
July 01, 2019 - Academic activities include the Continuity, A-PCTC (K15), and Transition of care clinics, and research … A team of resident physicians and MAs manages the care transition, usually in a single visit, and hands … MAs call patients after discharge following a protocol for transition care management. … Care and transition management of high-risk patients
Care management is by RN case managers. … An MA and backup MA are dedicated to following up and scheduling patients for care-transition visits,
January 01, 2012 - Hospital Readmissions
Reducing preventable hospital readmissions is a national priority for payers, providers, and policymakers seeking to improve health care and lower costs. In 2012, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services began reducing Medicare payments for certain hospitals with excess 3…
May 01, 2016 - Of the 230 claims examined, 13 (5.7%) were determined to involve a potential transition of care event … hospital’s clinical and administrative documents to identify potential failures occurring during the transition … (tasks, organization, patient/caregiver, provider, technology and tools, and environment) and care transition … This project also found that of the 13 claims judged to have potentially involved a suboptimal care transition
June 01, 2024 - readmissions by addressing the role of primary care in improving the quality and safety of care as patients transition … Transitions) This resource provides hospitals a comprehensive set of interventions to improve the care transition … Resource Toolkit This toolkit provides customizable resources to help hospitals and families safely transition
August 01, 2022 - Patient Safety
Washington State University
The project found that medication discrepancies in the transition … To fill a gap in existing tools, two surveys were developed and tested to assess care transition quality
March 01, 2006 - TeamSTEPPS Model for Change
Rooted in decades of aviation research, the transition of formal
December 01, 2017 - Discharge Planning helps reduce preventable readmissions by engaging patients and family members in the transition