May 01, 2021 - evidence suggests that these differ-
ences are partially explained by higher rates of obesity, asthma, and
January 01, 2001 - For example, counseling for tobacco cessation pro-
duces a change in behavior in only a small proportion … of patients,27 but the societal implications are sizable
because of the large number of tobacco users
April 01, 2014 - Potential Harms
Important harms have been shown with �-carotene in
persons who smoke tobacco or have
January 15, 2011 - obtainable clinical information, such as age, body mass index (BMI), parental fracture history, and tobacco
January 01, 1996 - and emotional development adolescents and adults who were abused as children are more likely to abuse tobacco
September 06, 2016 - recommend systematic testing for LTBI among persons who have diabetes, engage in harmful alcohol use, smoke tobacco
August 23, 2022 - risk factor (elevated waist-hip ratio, low high-density lipoprotein [HDL-C] level, current or recent tobacco … aged ≥65 y with ≥1 CV risk factor (including elevated waist-hip ratio, low HDL-C, current or recent tobacco
April 07, 2020 - associated with both bacterial vaginosis and preterm delivery include young age, nulliparity, current tobacco
July 26, 2022 - preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD), including guidance on healthy lifestyle counseling, 4 , 5 tobacco … Interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant persons: US Preventive Services
April 11, 2016 - The model accounts for a correlation between risk for CVD and CRC because of tobacco use. … risk equations that would account for a correlation between GI bleeding and CVD risk factors, such as tobacco
April 11, 2016 - The model accounts for a correlation between risk for CVD and CRC because of tobacco use. … risk equations that would account for a correlation between GI bleeding and CVD risk factors, such as tobacco
July 11, 2017 - treatment for obesity,8 hypertension,9 and abnormal
blood glucose levels10; aspirin11 and statin12 use; and tobacco … Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for
tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including
pregnant … Behavioral
counseling and pharmacotherapy interventions for
tobacco cessation in adults, including pregnant
April 06, 2004 - This finding contrasts with the significant results seen for very brief and brief tobacco interventions … Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: U.S. … Outcomes were reported for all substances combined (alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs of abuse).
August 22, 2017 - Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for
tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including
January 01, 2012 - obtain-
able clinical information, such as age, body mass index
(BMI), parental fracture history, and tobacco
July 30, 2013 - Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer in nonsmoking women. A multicenter study. … Women's susceptibility to tobacco carcinogens and survival after diagnosis of lung cancer.
July 30, 2013 - Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer in nonsmoking women. A multicenter study. … Women's susceptibility to tobacco carcinogens and survival after diagnosis of lung cancer.
April 01, 2016 - The model accounts for a correlation between risk
for CVD and CRC because of tobacco use. … equations that would account for a corre-
lation between GI bleeding and CVD risk factors, such
as tobacco
July 26, 2022 - to preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD),
including guidance on healthy lifestyle counseling,4,5 tobacco … Interventions
for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including
pregnant persons: US Preventive Services
April 07, 2020 - associated with both bacterial vaginosis and preterm
delivery include young age, nulliparity, current tobacco