July 01, 2002 - Agree, Assist, and Arrange/Adjust) originally developed to describe the elements of brief provider tobacco-cessation … Treating tobacco use and dependence. Quick reference guide for clinicians.
May 01, 2004 - described);
allocation concealment unclear;
fairly comparable when evaluated
by age, smoking history, non-
tobacco … method not
described; allocation concealment
unclear; similar distribution age,
smoking exposure to non-tobacco … Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer in
nonsmoking women. A multicenter study.
March 01, 2022 - morbidity and mortality in adults20
• Screening for high blood pressure in adults33
• Interventions for tobacco … Interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in
adults, including pregnant persons: US Preventive
August 23, 2022 - screening for high blood pressure, 24 screening for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, 25 interventions for tobacco … Interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant persons: US Preventive Services
November 13, 2018 - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA] 2-item screener, BSTAD [Brief Screener for Tobacco … Validity of brief screening instrument for adolescent tobacco, alcohol, and drug use. … Performance of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substance Use (TAPS) tool for … Design of the NIDA clinical trials network validation study of Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications
June 23, 2020 - family history, excess weight and obesity, lifestyle habits (lack of physical activity, stress, and tobacco
October 23, 2018 - integrated behavioral counseling intervention in women with 1 or more risk factors (smoking, environmental tobacco … at reducing behavioral risks, including depression, IPV (emphasizing safety behaviors), smoking, and tobacco
May 01, 2021 - screening for high blood pressure,24 screening for prediabetes and
type 2 diabetes,25 interventions for tobacco … Interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in
adults, including pregnant persons: US Preventive
March 09, 2021 - 1950 cohort and 60 years old for the 1960 cohort) and are representative of different periods of the tobacco … Impact of reduced tobacco smoking on lung cancer mortality in the United States during 1975-2000.
May 15, 2004 - described); allocation concealment unclear; fairly comparable when evaluated by age, smoking history, non-tobacco … method not described; allocation concealment unclear; similar distribution age, smoking exposure to non-tobacco … Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer in nonsmoking women. A multicenter study.
April 20, 2021 - Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant
May 15, 2009 - proportion of case patients were white (79.3% vs. 69.1%) and reported having been exposed to environmental tobacco … and 57 control participants (reference)
Adjusted for age, race, body mass index, environmental tobacco
August 01, 2013 - made recommendations on screening for illicit drug use and counseling and interventions to prevent
tobacco … for and interventions to decrease the unhealthy use of
other substances, including illicit drugs and tobacco
May 15, 2009 - proportion of case patients were white (79.3% vs. 69.1%) and reported having been exposed to environmental tobacco … and 57 control participants (reference)
Adjusted for age, race, body mass index, environmental tobacco
January 01, 2024 - lack of
brushing and flossing teeth, high sugar diets from beverages and food, low fluoride exposure, tobacco … Prevention of BRCA-
Related Cancer
Counseling to Prevent
Food Allergies in Infants
Interventions for
Tobacco … Children
Research Plan
Enhanced Risk
Assessment for
Cardiovascular Disease
Interventions for Tobacco
May 01, 2009 - proportion
of case patients were white (79.3% vs. 69.1%) and reported
having been exposed to environmental tobacco … size; few received multivitamins regularly
Adjusted for age, race, body mass index,
environmental tobacco
March 29, 2022 - evidence suggests that these differences are partially explained by higher rates of obesity, asthma, and tobacco
November 13, 2018 - National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA] 2-item
screener, BSTAD [Brief Screener for Tobacco … Validity of brief screening
instrument for adolescent tobacco, alcohol, and
drug use. … Performance of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription
Medication, and Other Substance Use (TAPS) tool
for … Design of the
NIDA clinical trials network validation study of
Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications
March 09, 2021 - 1950 cohort and 60 years old for the 1960 co-
hort) and are representative of different periods of the tobacco … Impact of reduced tobacco smoking on lung cancer
mortality in the United States during 1975-2000.
December 30, 2013 - diet and exercise modifications, lipid-lowering medications, aspirin, hypertension management, and tobacco