
Total Results: 20 records

Showing results for "the consumer assessment of healthcare providers and systems".

  1. Background (pdf file)
    October 01, 2014 - The AHRQ QI are provider- and area- level quality indicators and currently consist of four modules: … , state, and national levels; hospital quality improvement initiatives; performance assessment for … Users of the AHRQ QI vary and include researchers, State data organizations, hospital systems and networks … public‐private purchaser coalitions, and consumer groups. … advantage of the additional specificity of ICD–10–CM/PCS to improve the validity and usefulness of
    January 01, 2005 - Association of Health Data Organizations Outline State Hospital Reporting Systems Overview What … report, compete, and implement the hoped for change. … report, compete, and implement the hoped for change. … guidance around quality reporting initiatives To promote the use of administrative data for the public … for reasons of cost and availability Process measures avoid the outcomes/risk adjustment issue but
    March 24, 2023 - and medical condition and utilization of procedures where there are questions of overuse, underuse, … among pediatric patients, taking into account the special characteristics of the pediatric population … • Hospitals and hospital systems nationwide use the AHRQ Qls to assist quality improvement efforts … • State hospital associations, state data associations, hospitals and hospital systems use the AHRQ … of care and increase transparency regarding health care performance.
    January 01, 2005 - other considerations related to the use and interpretation of the AHRQ QI.  … care and access to health care providers, especially among patients with chronic conditions … and to identify opportunities for changes in processes of care and systems of care; approaches … including hospitals, health systems, hospital associations, state data agencies, and Medicaid … the AHRQ QIs in National and State Healthcare Quality Reporting An overview of the National
    April 20, 2015 - Hospitals and hospital systems nationwide use the AHRQ QIs to assist quality improvement efforts in acute … State hospital associations, state data associations, hospitals and hospital systems use the AHRQ QIs … AHRQ WinQI runs on Windows operating systems and requires freely available software components: AHRQ-produced … AHRQ QIs now serve multiple purposes; including research, needs assessment for planning at the local, … state, and national levels, hospital and community quality improvement initiatives, performance assessment
    April 20, 2015 - Hospitals and hospital systems nationwide use the AHRQ QIs to assist quality improvement efforts in acute … State hospital associations, state data associations, hospitals and hospital systems use the AHRQ QIs … AHRQ WinQI runs on Windows operating systems and requires freely available software components: AHRQ-produced … AHRQ QIs now serve multiple purposes; including research, needs assessment for planning at the local, … state, and national levels, hospital and community quality improvement initiatives, performance assessment
    August 01, 2011 - In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for selecting a hospital or health plan, provider use for identifying … The PQI composites provide the following advantages: • Provide assessment of quality and disparity … ; Ohio Hospital Association; Oregon Association of Hospitals & Health Systems; Pennsylvania Health Care … Council; Utah Department of Health; Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems; Virginia Health
    July 01, 2020 - system that contribute most to quality or detracting from the impact and credibility of reports. … In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for selecting a hospital or health plan, hospital use for identifying … The PDI composites provide the following advantages: • Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PDI composites are calculated by summing the number of discharges that meet the inclusion and exclusion
    July 01, 2021 - care system that contribute most to quality or detracting from the impact and credibility of reports … In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for selecting a hospital or health plan, hospital use for identifying … The PDI composites provide the following advantages: • Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PDI composites are calculated by summing the number of discharges that meet the inclusion and exclusion
  10. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - Goals of National Healthcare Reports National Level Provide assessment of quality and disparities … Detract from the impact and credibility of reports Independence of components Interpretation of components … and drivers of quality Purchasers – To select hospitals in order to improve the health of employees … Analytic Methods for Constructing Cross-Sectional Profiles of Health Care Providers (2000) Hierarchical … Association of Hospitals and Health Systems; Virginia Health Information; Washington State Department
    July 01, 2021 - care system that contribute most to quality or detracting from the impact and credibility of reports … In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for selecting a hospital or health plan, provider use for identifying … The PQI composites provide the following advantages: • Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PQI composites are calculated by summing the number of discharges that meet the inclusion and exclusion
    July 01, 2020 - system that contribute most to quality or detracting from the impact and credibility of reports. … In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for selecting a hospital or health plan, provider use for identifying … The PQI composites provide the following advantages: • Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PQI composites are calculated by summing the number of discharges that meet the inclusion and exclusion
    December 23, 2003 - , provide baseline views of the quality of health care and differences in use of health care services … Launched yesterday, the site serves as a Web-based clearinghouse to make it easier for health careproviders, health plans, policymakers, purchasers, patients and consumers to take effective steps to … made between the release of the technical report and the release of the SAS and SPSS software. … the release of the technical report and the release of the SAS and SPSS software is available for
    January 13, 2004 - additional columns (i.e. the number of covariates and the odds ratio) and to correct the covariate labels … the QIs and benefits and limitations of using the QIs for quality improvement or comparative reporting … delivery systems, hospitals, physicians, and other providers Accreditation and other intermediary … as part of the suite of AHRQ quality tools, where to access data and software used to construct theThe May program is structured for healthcare providers and others involved with hospital quality improvement
    January 01, 2012 - assessment and treatment (Dong, 2005) … care providers and settings (Kottner, 2009). … "Assessment and management of chronic pressure ulcers in the elderly." … Age-related changes in the somatosensory, vestibular and visual systems, which contribute to the maintenance … In this model, community-based non-healthcare workers such as utility workers or repair workers who
    October 13, 2006 - and Patient Safety Composite Measures February 20 2006 – Release of the AHRQ QI Version 3.0 and the … Partner organizations may include individual hospitals, hospital systems, hospital associations, … The purpose of the meeting was to begin the process of standardizing the terminology and implementation … of the Medical Care Research and Review (MCRR). … version of the remainder of the AHRQ QI modules and to provide confidence limits on the rates.
    October 09, 2024 - Information Systems Research 33, no. 1 (2022): 55-75. … How report cards on physicians, physician groups, and hospitals can have greater impact on consumerAssessment of a novel hybrid Delphi and nominal group technique to evaluate quality indicators. … A preliminary assessment of pediatric healthcare quality and patient safety in the U.S. using readily … Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches (Vol. 1: Assessment).
  18. I (pdf file)
    June 30, 2009 - existing data elements and improving the quality and consistency of the coding of diagnosis and procedure … It should have the potential to inform consumer choice and warrant the time and effort required for … Users of the AHRQ QI should take into account where the evidentiary gaps are for each measure and theand the outcome of interest. … Supporting Evidence • The US Department of Health and Human Services and other organizations have
  19. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - process measures Directly actionable by health care providers (“opportunities for intervention”) Highly … the confidence of providers, purchasers/consumers, and other stakeholders Reference: Remus D, Fraser … and that we used in this study: the Arizona Department of Health Services; California Office of Statewide … Health Systems; Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council; South Carolina State Budget and Control … ; and Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Service.
  20. DFWHC (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - public health departments in utilizing the indicators for assessment, intervention effectiveness and … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State

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