October 01, 2014 - The AHRQ QI are provider- and area-
level quality indicators and currently consist of four modules: … , state, and national levels;
hospital quality improvement initiatives; performance assessment for … Users of the AHRQ QI vary and include researchers, State data
organizations, hospital systems and networks … public‐private purchaser coalitions, and consumer groups. … advantage of the additional
specificity of ICD–10–CM/PCS to improve the validity and usefulness of
January 01, 2005 - Association of Health Data Organizations
State Hospital Reporting Systems Overview
What … report, compete, and implement the hoped for change. … report, compete, and implement the hoped for change. … guidance around quality reporting initiatives
To promote the use of administrative data for the public … for reasons of cost and availability
Process measures avoid the outcomes/risk adjustment issue but
March 24, 2023 - and medical condition and utilization of
procedures where there are questions of overuse, underuse, … among pediatric
patients, taking into account the special characteristics of
the pediatric population … • Hospitals and hospital systems nationwide use the
AHRQ Qls to assist quality improvement efforts … • State hospital associations, state data associations,
hospitals and hospital systems use the AHRQ … of care
and increase transparency regarding health care
January 01, 2005 - other
considerations related to the use and interpretation of the AHRQ
QI. … care
and access to health care providers, especially among patients
with chronic conditions … and to identify
opportunities for changes in processes of care and systems of
care; approaches … including hospitals,
health systems, hospital associations, state data agencies, and
Medicaid … the AHRQ QIs in National and State Healthcare Quality Reporting
An overview of the
April 20, 2015 - Hospitals and hospital systems nationwide use the AHRQ QIs to assist quality improvement efforts in acute … State hospital associations, state data associations, hospitals and hospital systems use the AHRQ QIs … AHRQ WinQI runs on Windows operating systems and requires freely available software components: AHRQ-produced … AHRQ QIs now serve multiple purposes; including research, needs assessment for planning at the local, … state, and national levels, hospital and community quality improvement initiatives, performance assessment
April 20, 2015 - Hospitals and hospital systems nationwide use the AHRQ QIs to assist quality improvement efforts in acute … State hospital associations, state data associations, hospitals and hospital systems use the AHRQ QIs … AHRQ WinQI runs on Windows operating systems and requires freely available software components: AHRQ-produced … AHRQ QIs now serve multiple purposes; including research, needs assessment for planning at the local, … state, and national levels, hospital and community quality improvement initiatives, performance assessment
August 01, 2011 - In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite
measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for
selecting a hospital or health plan, provider use for identifying … The PQI composites provide the following advantages:
• Provide assessment of quality and disparity … ; Ohio
Hospital Association; Oregon Association of Hospitals & Health Systems; Pennsylvania Health Care … Council; Utah Department of Health; Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems; Virginia Health
July 01, 2020 - system that contribute most to quality or
detracting from the impact and credibility of reports. … In weighing the benefits and concerns of
composite measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use
for selecting a hospital or health plan, hospital use for identifying … The PDI composites provide the following advantages:
• Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PDI composites are calculated by summing the number of
discharges that meet the inclusion and exclusion
July 01, 2021 - care system that contribute most to quality or
detracting from the impact and credibility of reports … In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite
measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for selecting a
hospital or health plan, hospital use for identifying … The PDI
composites provide the following advantages:
• Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PDI composites are
calculated by summing the number of discharges that meet the inclusion and exclusion
January 01, 2005 - Goals of
National Healthcare Reports
National Level
Provide assessment of quality and disparities … Detract from the impact and credibility of reports
Independence of components
Interpretation of components … and drivers of quality
Purchasers – To select hospitals in order to improve the health of employees … Analytic Methods for Constructing Cross-Sectional Profiles of Health Care Providers (2000)
Hierarchical … Association of Hospitals and Health Systems; Virginia Health Information; Washington State Department
July 01, 2021 - care system that contribute most to quality or
detracting from the impact and credibility of reports … In weighing the benefits and concerns of composite
measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use for selecting a
hospital or health plan, provider use for identifying … The PQI
composites provide the following advantages:
• Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PQI composites are calculated by summing the number of discharges that meet the inclusion and
July 01, 2020 - system that contribute most to quality or
detracting from the impact and credibility of reports. … In weighing the benefits and concerns of
composite measures there are also a number of potential uses … to consider, such as: consumer use
for selecting a hospital or health plan, provider use for identifying … The PQI composites provide the following advantages:
• Provide assessment of quality and disparity … The PQI composites are calculated by summing the number of discharges that meet the
inclusion and exclusion
December 23, 2003 - ,
provide baseline views of the
quality of health care and differences in use of health care services … Launched yesterday, the site serves as a Web-based clearinghouse to make it easier for health care … providers, health plans, policymakers, purchasers, patients and consumers to take effective steps to … made between the release of the technical report
and the release of the SAS and SPSS software. … the release of the technical report and the release of the SAS
and SPSS software is available for
January 13, 2004 - additional columns (i.e. the number of covariates and the
odds ratio) and to correct the covariate labels … the QIs and benefits and limitations of using
the QIs for quality improvement or comparative reporting … delivery systems, hospitals, physicians, and other providers
Accreditation and other intermediary … as
part of the suite of AHRQ quality tools, where to access data and
software used to construct the … The May program is structured for healthcare providers and
others involved with hospital quality improvement
January 01, 2012 - assessment and
treatment (Dong, 2005) … care providers and
settings (Kottner, 2009). … "Assessment and management of chronic pressure ulcers
in the elderly." … Age-related changes in the somatosensory, vestibular and visual
systems, which contribute to the maintenance … In this model, community-based non-healthcare workers such as
utility workers or repair workers who
October 13, 2006 - and Patient Safety Composite Measures
February 20 2006 – Release of the AHRQ QI Version 3.0 and the … Partner
organizations may include individual hospitals, hospital systems, hospital associations, … The purpose of the meeting was to
begin the process of standardizing the terminology and implementation … of the Medical Care Research and
Review (MCRR). … version of the remainder of the AHRQ QI modules and to provide confidence
limits on the rates.
October 09, 2024 - Information Systems Research 33, no. 1 (2022): 55-75. … How report cards on physicians,
physician groups, and hospitals can have greater impact on consumer … Assessment of a novel hybrid Delphi and nominal group technique to evaluate
quality indicators. … A preliminary assessment of pediatric
healthcare quality and patient safety in the U.S. using readily … Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions
and Alternative Approaches (Vol. 1: Assessment).
June 30, 2009 - existing data elements and
improving the quality and consistency of the coding of diagnosis and procedure … It should have the potential to inform consumer choice and warrant
the time and effort required for … Users of the AHRQ
QI should take into account where the evidentiary gaps are for each measure and the … and the
outcome of interest. … Supporting Evidence
• The US Department of Health and Human Services and other organizations have
January 01, 2005 - process measures
Directly actionable by health care providers (“opportunities for intervention”)
Highly … the confidence of providers, purchasers/consumers, and other stakeholders
Reference: Remus D, Fraser … and that we used in this study: the Arizona Department of Health Services; California Office of Statewide … Health Systems; Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council; South Carolina State Budget and Control … ; and Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Service.
January 01, 2005 - public health departments in utilizing the indicators for assessment, intervention effectiveness and … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State … Indicator definitions were revised prior to public release of the software and calculation of the State