
Total Results: 96 records

Showing results for "the consumer assessment of healthcare providers and systems".

    November 01, 2001 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data and surveys. … status, presence of children in the household, and age of children. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … family size and the age of the head of the family. … each family member 18 years of age and over as of the date of the Round 1 interview.
    December 01, 2000 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data and surveys. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … The health insurance status of the U.S. population, especially the size and composition of the uninsured … Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1992). … Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Does health insurance make a difference?
    March 01, 2003 - Because of the size of expenditures for health insurance in the Nation and their high rate of increase … findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … and the sum of the weights of all private-sector establishments: the estimate of the total number of … Because of the size of expenditures for health insurance in the Nation and the large percent represented
    September 15, 2011 - The burden of asthma falls on children and their parents in the form of lost school and work days, lessened … Further, the control of asthma and the long-term course of the disease in children are both largely … period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1997 expenditures to … period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1997 expenditures to … , which control for the size of the family and the age of the head of the family.
    September 15, 2011 - The burden of asthma falls on children and their parents in the form of lost school and work days … Further, the control of asthma and the long-term course of the disease in children are both largely … our study period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1997 … period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1997 expenditures … , which control for the size of the family and the age of the head of the family.
    February 01, 2002 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data. … 2Formerly with Social and Scientific Systems, Inc. … , Social and Scientific Systems, Inc. … Rockville (MD): National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment;1989 … It was inflated to $0.7 billion in 1996 by using the Medical Care component of the Consumer Price Index
    April 01, 2000 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data and surveys. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … The health insurance status of the U.S. population, especially the size and composition of the uninsured … Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1992). … Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Does health insurance make a difference?
    July 17, 2012 - and use of medical care in the United States. … medications, tend to be driven by factors such as treatment guidelines, health policy, health systems … period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1998 expenditures … study period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1998 expenditures … , which control for the size of the family and the age of the head of the family.
    July 17, 2012 - and use of medical care in the United States. … medications, tend to be driven by factors such as treatment guidelines, health policy, health systems … period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1998 expenditures … study period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1998 expenditures … , which control for the size of the family and the age of the head of the family.
    July 17, 2012 - , tend to be driven by factors such as treatment guidelines, health policy, health systems dynamics … , we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1998 expenditures to 1999 … Role of infection in the development and exacerbation of asthma. … period, we used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for prescription drugs to adjust 1998 expenditures to … , which control for the size of the family and the age of the head of the family.
    June 01, 2000 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data. … The description includes preparation of the data, selection of donors, and the use of donor and other … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … The description includes preparation of the data, selection of donors, and the use of donor and other … eligible and enrolled part-time employees and the process of imputing the total number of eligible and
    December 01, 2000 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data and surveys. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … survived beyond the end of the year, and 15 percent of the total were admitted in 1996 and had died by … Most of the health status items collected in the nursing home were based on the Resident Assessment Form … a list format similar to that used in the MDS assessment form.
    January 01, 2001 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data and surveys. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … , compared with traditional indemnity plans, are the limited choice of health care providers and smaller … is an HMO in the area and if the employer offers a choice of plans. … Region of the country and degree of urbanization were associated with differences in the likelihood of
    August 01, 2001 - residents and on the use of and expenses for nursing home and health care services.  … The nursing home population represents a small proportion of both the elderly population and the general … According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Medical Care Consumer Price Index for all urban … The mandated Resident Assessment System may have helped facilities to better document Medicare … thresholds, which vary by family size and age of the head of the family.
    January 01, 2010 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data and surveys. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … Enumeration section of the MEPS HC Questionnaire and identified the number and type of provider visits … (MEPS HC) and the first year of the 1997 MEPS HC. … size and age of the head of the family.
    November 01, 2000 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data. … The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … populations of interest, such as the poor, the elderly, veterans, the uninsured, and racial and ethnic … population of the 50 States and the District of Columbia … of the provider, services provided, associated charges, and sources and amounts of payment.
    June 01, 2001 - findings, quality assessments, clinical information, consumer health, and data. … , Inc.; and Nancy Kieffer and Ed Hock, Social and Scientific Systems, Inc. … with Aspen Systems Corporation to provide coding support services as a subcontractor for the MEPS project … To meet these needs, the data processing contractor, Social and Scientific Systems, Inc. … charge data) RU Reporting unit RUP Retail unit price SF Self-filer SSS Social and Scientific Systems
    September 15, 2010 - The choice of diabetes therapy may depend on many factors such as biochemical assessment of the patient … , efficacy and tolerability of the medication, the duration and type of diabetes, age of the person, … dollars using the Consumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers for all items averaged across all U.S. cities … Expenditures for each year were adjusted using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and all estimates in this … , which control for the size of the family and the age of the head of the family.
    September 15, 2010 - The choice of diabetes therapy may depend on many factors such as biochemical assessment of the patient … , efficacy and tolerability of the medication, the duration and type of diabetes, age of the person, … Consumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers for all items averaged across all U.S. cities (CPI-U). … Expenditures for each year were adjusted using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and all estimates … thresholds, which control for the size of the family and the age of the head of the family
  20. Wp 12006 (pdf file)
    November 01, 2012 - The pharmacy-based data improve the accuracy of MEPS estimates of prescription drug expenditures and … onset of the symptoms of asthma, and related conditions, by reducing airway inflammation and constriction … Third, drug classification systems are not standardized, so it is difficult to make comprehensive comparisons … Yet, our analysis also reveals that continued and rapid up-take of new drugs and the expansions of … National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health.

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