January 01, 2023 - The DEcIDE
network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … adults and the risk of MI or SCD. … Because the computerized data systems at study sites had differing start-up dates, ranging
from 1986 … Given the very low prevalence of use of ADHD medications in adults and the relatively
low rates of the … However, with these surveillance systems,
which are known to only capture a small percent of adverse
January 01, 2010 - The object is to help
consumers, health care providers,
and others in making informed
choices among … Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems address
these issues by recording blood glucose levels day … Data Extraction and Quality Assessment
Data Abstraction
We extracted information on general study characteristics … Quality Assessment
We used different quality assessment tools for RCTs
and observational studies. … The feasibility of creating a checklist for the
assessment of the methodological quality both of randomised
September 01, 2011 - The object is to help
consumers, health care providers, and
others in making informed choices
among treatment … between
the increased risk of death and antipsychotics drugs, and
comparison of the development of adverse … , iloperidone, and paliperidone) have been
approved by FDA for the treatment of schizophrenia and
bipolar … for only a few of the drugs
and for only a few of the off-label indications. … Most of
the evidence is for the drugs risperidone, olanzapine,
and quetiapine, for the off-label indications