September 03, 2013 - The second trial, a fair-quality treatment trial ( n = 355), assessed whether a telephone intervention
December 10, 2013 - of tube; catheter insertion
depth; reason for tracheostomy; potential individual risks; names and telephone
December 01, 2017 - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
September 01, 2013 - The second trial, a fair-quality treatment trial (n �
355), assessed whether a telephone intervention
September 03, 2013 - The second trial, a fair-quality treatment trial ( n = 355), assessed whether a telephone intervention
October 01, 2018 - ) Somewhat
( ) Not important
or Not Applicable
The cyberseminar platform allows for telephone
January 01, 2016 - Pediatrics Using Health
Information Technology PA-14-001
Beebe, Lora The Long-Term Effectiveness of Telephone
October 01, 2018 - ) Somewhat
( ) Not important
or Not Applicable
The cyberseminar platform allows for telephone
December 10, 2013 - of tube; catheter insertion
depth; reason for tracheostomy; potential individual risks; names and telephone
November 18, 2024 - depends on the circumstance and includes completing
5-step multi-pass 24-hour recalls (in person, by telephone
August 19, 2024 - depends on the circumstance and includes completing 5-step multi-pass
24-hour recalls (in person, by telephone
April 27, 2021 - Archived April 27, 2021)
Randomised trial of monitoring, feedback, and management of care by telephone
May 21, 2015 - minimizing the period of time between discharge and
the first scheduled outpatient appointment, providing telephone
May 21, 2015 - minimizing the period of time between discharge and
the first scheduled outpatient appointment, providing telephone
November 02, 2017 - Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … We fielded our survey in both English and Spanish and by either
mail or telephone. … Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … For example,
mixed-mode administration (i.e., using mail with telephone follow-up) is typically more … Mailing Address: 300 Longwood Avenue
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02115
November 02, 2017 - Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … We fielded our survey in both English and Spanish and by either
mail or telephone. … Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … For example,
mixed-mode administration (i.e., using mail with telephone follow-up) is typically more … Mailing Address: 300 Longwood Avenue
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02115
November 02, 2017 - Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … We fielded our survey in both English and Spanish and by either
mail or telephone. … Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … For example,
mixed-mode administration (i.e., using mail with telephone follow-up) is typically more … Mailing Address: 300 Longwood Avenue
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02115
November 02, 2017 - Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … We fielded our survey in both English and Spanish and by either
mail or telephone. … Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … For example,
mixed-mode administration (i.e., using mail with telephone follow-up) is typically more … Mailing Address: 300 Longwood Avenue
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02115
November 02, 2017 - Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … We fielded our survey in both English and Spanish and by either
mail or telephone. … Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … For example,
mixed-mode administration (i.e., using mail with telephone follow-up) is typically more … Mailing Address: 300 Longwood Avenue
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02115
November 02, 2017 - Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … We fielded our survey in both English and Spanish and by either
mail or telephone. … Testing also showed that it is feasible to administer
surveys via both mail and telephone using standard … For example,
mixed-mode administration (i.e., using mail with telephone follow-up) is typically more … Mailing Address: 300 Longwood Avenue
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02115