
Total Results: 257 records

Showing results for "telephone counselling".

    March 20, 2018 - The mode of delivery varied and included mail-based, face-to-face or telephone counseling, and technology-based … For the single study in adolescents, clinicians directly counseled participants, with 4 follow-up telephone
    August 18, 2020 - frequently paired with other treatment components, such as individual counseling, videos, video games, or telephone … included in this review, but that tested an adaptation of an included intervention, 25 found that ongoing telephone … Efficacy of a telephone-delivered sexually transmitted infection/human immunodeficiency virus prevention … seeking oral contraception Intervention 1: one 45 min, individual, clinic-based counseling session +>6 telephone … Women aged 16-44 y at risk of unintended pregnancy WRAP (1 individual counseling session + follow-up telephone
    March 20, 2018 - The mode of delivery varied and included mail-based, face-to-face or telephone counseling, and technology-based … For the single study in adolescents, clinicians directly counseled participants, with 4 follow-up telephone
    February 01, 2014 - CONSIDERATIONS Although some studies have reported that women pre- fer in-person genetic counseling, telephone … Phenocopies in breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) families: implications for genetic counselling [Letter]. … Effects of a telephone counseling intervention on sisters of young women with breast cancer. … Results of a randomized study of telephone versus in-person breast cancer risk counseling. … A randomised comparison of UK genetic risk counselling services for famil- ial cancer: psychosocial outcomes
    August 01, 2013 - delivered by face-to-face sessions, written self-help ma- terials, computer- or Web-based programs, or telephone … Electronic screening and brief intervention uses electronic devices (for example, computers, telephones … can range from being fully automated (computer-based) to interactive (provided by a person over the telephone
    March 20, 2018 - The mode of delivery varied and included mail-based, face-to- face or telephone counseling, and technology-based … For the single study in adolescents, clinicians directly counseled participants, with 4 follow-up telephone
    July 01, 2012 - In adults, 4 of 5 intervention studies (12–15) that used telephone counseling sessions packaged with
    December 15, 2013 - Effects of a telephone counseling intervention on sisters of young women with breast cancer. … Results of a randomized study of telephone versus in-person breast cancer risk counseling. … A randomised comparison of UK genetic risk counselling services for familial cancer: psychosocial outcomes … The use of videotaped information in cancer genetic counselling: a randomized evaluation study. … The impact of genetic counselling on risk perception and mental health in women with a family history
    December 01, 2014 - Interven- tion methods included face-to-face counseling, videos, written materials, and telephone support … of STI services Duration: two 4-h group sessions on 2 consecutive Saturdays, followed by 4 (15-min) telephone … female health educators Methods: discussion, exercises, games, practice, printed materials, role play, telephone
  10. JAMA JATS (pdf file)
    July 11, 2017 - high-intensity interventions commonly included face-to-face individual or group counseling or both, with telephone … high-intensity interventions commonly included face-to-face individual or group counseling or both, with telephone
    August 20, 2019 - Effects of a telephone counseling intervention on sisters of young women with breast cancer. … The use of videotaped information in cancer genetic counselling: a randomized evaluation study. … Results of a randomized study of telephone versus in-person breast cancer risk counseling. … A randomised comparison of UK genetic risk counselling services for familial cancer: psychosocial outcomes … The impact of genetic counselling on risk perception and mental health in women with a family history
  12. JAMA (pdf file)
    November 12, 2019 - The use of videotaped information in cancer genetic counselling: a randomized evaluation study. … Effects of a telephone counseling intervention on sisters of young women with breast cancer. … Results of a randomized study of telephone versus in-person breast cancer risk counseling. … A randomised comparison of UK genetic risk counselling services for familial cancer: psychosocial outcomes … The impact of genetic counselling on risk perception and mental health in women with a family history
    October 15, 2008 - documented in only about one third to one half of appropriate encounters. 8 In a random digit-dialing telephone … Sexually active African-American females age 14-20 y Sexual health education program, with periodic telephone
    May 25, 2021 - included individual or group counseling that was delivered in person, by computer/Internet, or by telephone … Trials used various delivery methods (face-to-face, com- puter, internet, or telephone).1 Effective
    May 15, 2012 - In adults, four of five intervention studies 12-15 that used telephone counseling sessions packaged
    June 15, 2003 - 5 minutes or less of primary care provider counseling supplemented by patient self-help materials, telephone
    August 20, 2019 - Effects of a telephone counseling intervention on sisters of young women with breast cancer. … The use of videotaped information in cancer genetic counselling: a randomized evaluation study. … Results of a randomized study of telephone versus in-person breast cancer risk counseling. … A randomised comparison of UK genetic risk counselling services for familial cancer: psychosocial outcomes … The impact of genetic counselling on risk perception and mental health in women with a family history
    January 01, 2010 - Sexually active African-American females age 14–20 y Sexual health education program, with periodic telephone
    November 15, 2018 - program), or arranging further contacts   Interventions may be delivered via face-to-face contact, telephone
    November 15, 2018 - program), or arranging further contacts   Interventions may be delivered via face-to-face contact, telephone

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