January 01, 2021 - Patients who had utilized the telehealth system
completed this survey via telephone interview approximately … Distress – Anxiety and the PROMIS® - Emotional Distress – Depression
short form 8a scales, completed via telephone … If unsuccessful, telephone calls or
videoconferencing were used to further resolve the issue, and, if … As a result, project staff relied on telephone and
videoconferencing for recruiting patients, evaluating
January 01, 2015 - Each site used an identical telephone screening procedure.
January 01, 2013 - Interviews for
current perspectives were conducted at PPRNet annual meetings, and by telephone. … Telephone
interviews followed up the annual 2011 meeting to gain perspectives of other providers and
January 01, 2007 - For example, we excluded patients for lack of
telephone, absence of English or Spanish language skills … The software
automatically supplied addresses and telephone numbers for follow-up appointments. … Six months after discharge from the index hospitalization, research personnel
performed telephone interviews … One
week after discharge, trained research personnel conducted telephone interviews with patients or … One week after discharge, telephone interviewers read items from the Satisfaction
with Information about
January 01, 2013 - 20850
Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of Telephone-Linked … Report
The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of an innovative technology, Telephone … Data were collected by interview at baseline (index hospitalization) and 3 and 6 months by
human telephone … unassisted or did not have regular access to either a land line or cellular telephone for
the six-month … Effects of a computer-
based, telephone-counseling system on physical
January 01, 2010 - performed a systematic review, analyzed existing data, conducted exploratory
focus groups, and conducted telephone … The participants gave informed consent, had a valid telephone number and address, and
were able to complete … systematic review, analyzed existing data, conducted exploratory focus
groups, and then conducted telephone … We designed a 10 to 15 minute telephone survey to understand themes that emerged
from the exploratory
January 01, 2019 - Lack of accessibility to telephone or email for follow-up surveys
There was a broad practice mix … Questionnaires were administered electronically and via telephone to capture data over
different time
May 01, 2012 - • Berner tested a method for gathering patient
feedback following ambulatory visits via telephone … and interactive voice response (IVR), which allows
a patient to talk to a computer over the telephone
January 01, 2017 - Self-Management for
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Randomized Trial of In-Person
versus Combined In-Person and Telephone
January 01, 2014 - At least three emails, one fax, and one telephone reminder were
sent to practice coordinators and individual
January 01, 2013 - dramatic impact on care
delivery and patient engagement
– expansion and increased sophistication of telephone-based
January 01, 2011 - prescription medications at baseline (self-report
at time of enrollment); (6) reported access to a telephone … and could provide telephone number; (7)
reported having an active email address OR was willing to let … We then
combined the discharge summary, information from the telephone interviews, and any
May 23, 2007 - in connection with decisions with respect to the individual; informal or
sporadic records such as telephone
May 23, 2007 - in connection with decisions with respect to the individual; informal or
sporadic records such as telephone
January 01, 2014 - Connected health care: A term encompassing telemedicine, telehealth, mHealth, and use of telephone text … patients and families as much as possible in the care process, by videoconference when
feasible and by telephone … Stakeholders included
parents, telephone management nurses (“phone triage nurses”) from pediatric offices … Nurse
August 06, 2013 - ▪ Telephone referral to a website was not
January 01, 2020 - more than one cancer diagnosis (i.e., recurrence or second primary cancer); or 4) could not provide a telephone … interviews except for one (conducted in-person) were completed by telephone
January 01, 2012 - A Longitudinal Telephone and Multiple Disease Management System to Improve Ambulatory Care RFA-HS-08-
May 02, 2014 - They also examined paper, verbal, telephone,
the effect of using human factors analysis tools (usability … reason for
the request, taking the place of submitting Access for urgent issues
requests by fax or telephone
January 01, 2011 - materials that included plain language
educational brochures relevant to each topic, and attempted telephone … When
telephone contact was successful, the care manager attempted to identify and resolve any
barriers … Both the letter and the brochure
included the clinic telephone number and asked patients to call for … We reached 109 of the 314 intervention group participants (34.7%) by telephone to complete a
brief process