
Total Results: 121 records

Showing results for "telephone counselling".

    January 01, 1996 - Abstract "This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of automated telephone patient monitoring … Among nonadherent subjects, mean DBP decreased 6.0 mm Hg for telephone users, but increased 2.8 mm Hg … For telephone system users, mean DBP decreased more if their medication adherence improved (P = .03). … The majority of telephone system users were satisfied with the system. … "The majority of the telephone system users was satisfied with the system."
    January 01, 2023 - Conversational Information Technology (IT) for Better, Safer Pediatric Primary Care Telephone … Survey - Script from SFHP about the intervention and evaluation Description Script for a telephone
    outpatient clinics Intervention:  Electronic medical records with medication component Evaluation Method:  Telephone
    January 01, 2023 - Personal Health Partner Brochure for Patients Description: This brochure describes an automated Telephone
    January 30, 2014 - recognition capability, conversation between the PHP and parent flows without the parent having to use a telephone
    January 01, 2011 - telephony systems are particularly well-suited for use by vulnerable populations since access to the telephone … First, these systems can use the most ubiquitous telecommunications device, the telephone, which is … The PHP does not require that users touch their telephone keypad after initial dialing. 7 … Parents liked each system because it could be used at home and was telephone-based. … The use of IVR rather than an Internet-connected computer leveraged a ubiquitous technology, the telephone
    January 01, 2023 - Project Name Closing the Feedback Loop to Improve Diagnostic Quality TelephoneTelephone follow-up in primary care: can interactive voice response calls work?
    January 01, 1997 - Distance technology applications were described in 6 categories: computerized communication, telephone … follow-up and counseling, telephone reminders, interactive telephone systems, after-hours telephone … access, and telephone screening. … follow-up and counseling (20 of 37), telephone reminders (14 of 23), interactive telephone systems ( … 5 of 6), telephone access (3 of 4), and telephone screening (1 of 3).
    January 01, 2010 - Approximately 40 percent of those who expressed interest in more frequent exercise provided telephone
    January 01, 2010 - Approximately 40 percent of those who expressed interest in more frequent exercise provided telephone
    January 01, 2012 - Funding Amount $100,000 Summary: This study evaluated the Self-Management Automated Real-Time Telephone … SMART-Steps used an automated telephone self-management (ATSM) support system to provide monitoring and … patients manage their care outside traditional ambulatory settings, blending automated pre-recorded telephone … queries and education with targeted ‘live’ telephone counseling by care managers.
    January 01, 2012 - AHRQ Funding Amount: $100,000 Summary: This study evaluated the Self-Management Automated Real-Time Telephone … SMART-Steps used an automated telephone self-management (ATSM) support system to provide monitoring … patients manage their care outside traditional ambulatory settings, blending automated pre-recorded telephone … queries and education with targeted ‘live’ telephone counseling by care managers.
    January 01, 2011 - SMART-Steps used an automated telephone self-management (ATSM) support system to provide monitoring and … help patients self-manage outside traditional ambulatory settings, blending automated pre-recorded telephone … queries and education with targeted 'live' telephone counseling by care managers. … Additionally, an analysis of care manager telephone call records was conducted to determine the frequency … The call manager telephone data showed that more than 95 percent of calls were correctly delivered.
    January 01, 2017 - not have any other chronic disorders that present pulmonary complications; and 6) had access to a telephone … Collection/Sources: Physician Surveys: Physicians were offered the choice of completing their surveys by telephone … Interviewing Center on site at the University of Michigan, School of Public Health was utilized to collect telephone … Reliability and predictive validity of the Asthma Control Test administered by telephone calls using
    January 01, 2014 - Quit attempts and smoking abstinence were assessed with 1-month follow up telephone surveys with patients … However, patient telephone surveys found that patients were significantly more likely to report a quit … Patients who completed the PEIs at both time periods were also asked to complete a telephone survey … The Quitline, when receiving these referrals, provides proactive telephone counseling. … To assess patient quit attempts and smoking abstinence we conducted follow-up telephone interviews,
    January 01, 2023 - Molfenter, Todd David Use of telemedicine in addiction treatment: current practices and organizational implementation characteristics. Citation Molfenter T, Brown R, O’Neill A, et al. Use of telemedicine in addiction treatment: current practices and organizational implementati…
    January 01, 2012 - They received a telephone call to learn more about the study and complete the consent process if willing
    January 01, 2012 - Hass worked with the IVRS vendor to revise, refine, and record the scripts for the telephone survey and
    July 09, 1997 -   1997 Jul 9 Volume:  278 Issue:  2 Pages:  152-9 HIT Description:  Electronic communication with telephone
    January 01, 2011 - Funding Amount: $100,000 Summary: This study is evaluating the Self-Management Automated Real Time Telephone … SMART-Steps used an automated telephone self-management (ATSM) support system to provide monitoring … help patients self-manage outside traditional ambulatory settings, blending automated pre-recorded telephone … queries and education with targeted ‘live’ telephone counseling by care managers. … The call manager telephone data showed that more than 95 percent of calls were correctly delivered.

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