January 01, 2010 - The last section of the training lets participants practice the
techniques presented. … Review techniques to improve communication
with low-literacy patients
5. Hands-on practice! … Name at least 2 techniques to improve
communication with low-literacy patients. … Review techniques to improve communication
with low-literacy patients
5. … This last section of the training allows you to practice the
techniques presented.
April 03, 2017 - Similarly, numerous instruments (or techniques) are used to assess current amputee function or status … KQ 1
What assessment techniques used to measure functional ability of adults with major lower limb … What is the association between these pre-prescription assessment techniques and validated outcomes with … What is the association between pre-prescription assessment techniques and validated outcomes with the … For the purposes of this review, assessment techniques of interest are those used in clinical practice
February 01, 2015 - how one hospital assessed catheter insertion practices and implemented strategies to correct improper techniques … Develop a policy on catheter insertion techniques if none is in place.
Consider … Time, financial, space, equipment constraints can all contribute to situations where aseptic insertion techniques
January 01, 2017 - • Different surgical techniques had
little effect on either outcomes or
bleeding risk. … , and 1 prospective cohort study)
comparing surgical techniques for tonsillectomy. … Frequencies were similar among techniques that
are more commonly used: cold dissection=3.8 percent; … Most studies evaluated partial vs. total tonsillectomy using
differing surgical techniques. … In studies comparing mixed techniques for partial or
total tonsillectomy, return to normal diet and
January 01, 2017 - • Different surgical techniques had
little effect on either outcomes or
bleeding risk. … , and 1 prospective cohort study)
comparing surgical techniques for tonsillectomy. … Frequencies were similar among techniques that
are more commonly used: cold dissection=3.8 percent; … Most studies evaluated partial vs. total tonsillectomy using
differing surgical techniques. … In studies comparing mixed techniques for partial or
total tonsillectomy, return to normal diet and
March 01, 2017 - progress and barriers related to the processes involved in catheter insertion, such as use of aseptic techniques
March 01, 2017 - progress and barriers related to the processes involved in catheter insertion, such as use of aseptic techniques
March 05, 2008 - The critical incident technique.
March 5, 2008
FLANAGAN JC. The critical incident technique. Psychol Bull. 1954;51(4):327-358.
This review details the background of a methodology aimed to record specific behaviors, rather than
opinions or estimates, in evalu…
October 13, 2016 - Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … counseling families to reduce lead exposure, nutritional interventions, residential hazard control techniques
September 01, 2014 - How are patient factors related to the harms of
different imaging techniques?
b. … and harms of different imaging techniques? … KQ1: Comparative Effectiveness of Imaging
Techniques for Diagnosis
KQ1a. … What is the comparative staging accuracy
of the different imaging techniques? … and harms of different imaging
September 01, 2014 - How are patient factors related to the harms of
different imaging techniques?
b. … and harms of different imaging techniques? … KQ1: Comparative Effectiveness of Imaging
Techniques for Diagnosis
KQ1a. … What is the comparative staging accuracy
of the different imaging techniques? … and harms of different imaging
August 21, 2014 - emphasize several critical points, including a need for better
understanding of available liver biopsy techniques … Once a decision to biopsy is made, several different techniques may be used to obtain liver tissue.(6 … of this technique include transthoracic real-time
image-guided and subcostal real-time image-guided techniques … Preferences for the various techniques vary and are
greatly influenced by local experience and expertise … Although evidence is limited, the safety of the different
techniques appears to be similar.
April 16, 2008 - resident-uncertainty-clinical-decision-making-and-impact-patient-care-
This study used critical incident analysis techniques
February 01, 2016 - Using tools and techniques to improve the provision of self-management support in primary care
Providing … self-management support includes a portfolio of techniques and tools that help patients choose and maintain … program by learning how to use tools, such as action plans, goal-setting worksheets, and problem-solving techniques
February 01, 2016 - Using tools and techniques to improve the provision of self-management support in primary care
Providing … self-management support includes a portfolio of techniques and tools that help patients choose and maintain … program by learning how to use tools, such as action plans, goal-setting worksheets, and problem-solving techniques
February 01, 2016 - Using tools and techniques to improve the provision of self-management support in primary care
Providing … self-management support includes a portfolio of techniques and tools that help patients choose and maintain … program by learning how to use tools, such as action plans, goal-setting worksheets, and problem-solving techniques
March 29, 2016 - Systematic Review Archived February 26, 2013
Intravascular Diagnostic Procedures and Imaging Techniques … Systematic Review Archived February 26, 2013
Intravascular Diagnostic Procedures and Imaging Techniques … August 29, 2011
Comparative Effectiveness of Intravascular Diagnostic Procedures and Imaging Techniques
July 16, 2008 - https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/twelve-tips-teaching-avoidance-diagnostic-errors
This article describes techniques
October 11, 2016 - This news piece highlights concern around the safety of elective premature deliveries and describes
January 07, 2009 - initiatives, specific strategies for team development, and case
studies to illustrate successful improvement techniques