February 07, 2014 - We will also review how to reduce the risk of CAUTIs (for example, proper insertion techniques and appropriate … Training
Bard was invited to provide classes reviewing the product and current insertion and maintenance techniques
July 01, 2023 - The Spanish-speaking translator in this video uses TeamSTEPPS techniques to make sure the doctor uses
October 01, 2014 - Practice Bulletins summarize current information on techniques and clinical management issues for the
April 27, 2005 - We have also become increasingly aware of
techniques that we might employ to bring reality closer to … measurement methodologies, various event taxonomies, various reporting
systems, and various analytic techniques … articles explicitly explore the utility of employing multiple methods (e.g., a
variety of analytic techniques
May 01, 2017 - the Change Process Capability Question-
naire (CPCQ) of Solberg et al to assess practices’ use of techniques … •
Some data reduction techniques are used to impute overall scale scores rather
than … The authors
reviewed 6 different imputation techniques applied to the Zung Self-reported De-
pression … Background: Multiple imputation has emerged as one of the preferred techniques
for dealing with missing
March 01, 2013 - The ethnographic method uses multiple data collection techniques including participant observation, … intimately
within the PCMH context and to use participant observation, interviewing, and focus group
techniques … The techniques used
for qualitative data analysis involve careful and repeated listening to the recordings … Interviewing and Focus Group Techniques
Côté-Arsenault D, Morrison-Beedy D. … ServicesResearch
Use of Anthropological/Qualitative Methods in PCMH Research
Interviewing and Focus Group Techniques
April 01, 2022 - Urine Culturing Stewardship in the ICU Setting Facilitator Notes
Urine Culturing Stewardship in the ICU Setting
AHRQ Safety Program for Intensive Care Units: Preventing CLABSI and CAUTI
AHRQ Pub. No. 17(22)-0019
April 2022
AHRQ Safety Program for Intensive Care Units: Preventing CLABSI and CAUTI
Case Study: To C…
March 01, 2011 - successfully implement the assessment tool in their pharmacies.
Quality improvement (QI) techniques … , what we have learned about health literacy quality improvement is that
Quality improvement (QI) techniques
March 01, 2024 - To explore machine learning techniques that yield robust, accurate models to predict diagnostic errors
November 01, 2020 - How to communicate better with your patients
Use these techniques with all your patients—not just
March 01, 2022 - Office-Based Care
TeamSTEPPS® Office-Based Care Version offers techniques, tools, and strategies
January 01, 2003 - .*
Insertion of C-VADs through open techniques/cut down increases the risk of CLABSI.
April 01, 2018 - cleanliness (e.g., colonized with MRSA); (2) institutional processes and policies; (3) skin preparation techniques
July 01, 2023 - B ackground, A ssessment, and R ecommendation), callouts, huddles, and closed-loop communication techniques … In the context of EFM, these techniques are particularly useful—
for communicating a sense of urgency … Use of transition communication techniques assures a shared mental model of plan of care and perceived
October 01, 2014 - elimination of medical errors, such as armband-checking, consent wherever possible, and full sterile techniques
December 01, 2015 - test that can detect and track CRE and other multi-drug resistant organisms using molecular genetic techniques
January 01, 2016 - When participants use various techniques in realistic simulations, they appreciate the power of TeamSTEPPS
January 01, 2025 - Risk Assessment
The overarching purpose of this study was to employ proactive risk assessment techniques … A small but growing literature
supports the application of these types of techniques to healthcare settings … Specifically, the risk assessment techniques are
complex and difficult to apply in practice, because … , specifically FMEA, to both develop and
refine our model; in a third phase, we used these techniques … RPI
staff provide training to appropriate hospital personnel in risk analysis techniques (e.g., root
December 01, 2017 - Innovative Techniques in Spine Surgery Conference. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; June 2, 2011.
December 01, 2022 - Engaging and Empowering Patients and Families for Success in Cardiac Rehabilitation
This module explores techniques