January 01, 2006 - charges.
• DISCWT_U for all analyses
Similar to the NIS, proper statistical techniques … There are several techniques available to help overcome this bias. … To accurately calculate variances from the KID, you must use appropriate statistical software and techniques … addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
April 09, 2010 - Distribution for PRCCS_ED1
PRCCS_ED1 Frequency Percent
226: Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques
January 01, 2007 - Distribution for PRCCS_ED1
PRCCS_ED1 Frequency Percent
226: Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques
January 01, 2006 - 3821 0.02
225: Conversion of cardiac rhythm 10251 0.05
226: Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques
January 01, 1997 - addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-
validation techniques … If the analytical
file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 1995 - addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 1997 - addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 1994 - addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 1996 - addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 1992 - addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
October 05, 2010 - calls, hospital staff were able to compare issues that had come up during the LOINC mapping and trade techniques
September 01, 2009 - calls, hospital staff were able to compare issues that had come up during the LOINC
mapping and trade techniques
January 01, 2015 - • There are several techniques available to help assess and overcome this missing data
bias.7 … )
• Because the NIS is a stratified sample, proper statistical techniques must be used to
calculate … To accurately calculate variances from the NIS, you must use appropriate statistical
software and techniques … addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-
validation techniques … • If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation
November 01, 2015 - analyses D10CWT_U for all analyses
Because the NIS is a stratified sample, proper statistical techniques … There are several techniques available to help overcome this bias. … To accurately calculate variances
from the NIS, you must use appropriate statistical software and techniques … addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-
validation techniques … If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 2007 - analyses
Return to Introduction
Because the NIS is a stratified sample, proper statistical techniques … There are several techniques available to help overcome this bias. … To accurately calculate variances from the NIS, you must use appropriate statistical software and techniques … addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 2008 - analyses
Return to Introduction
Because the NIS is a stratified sample, proper statistical techniques … There are several techniques available to help overcome this bias. … To accurately calculate variances from the NIS, you must use appropriate statistical software and techniques … addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 2009 - charges.
• DISCWT_U for all analyses
Similar to the NIS, proper statistical techniques … There are several techniques available to help overcome this bias. … To accurately calculate variances from the KID, you must use appropriate statistical software and techniques … addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 2009 - of total
1997 DISCWT_U for all analyses
Similar to the NIS, proper statistical techniques … There are several techniques available to help overcome this bias. … To accurately calculate
variances from the KID, you must use appropriate statistical software and techniques … addition to these subroutines, standard errors can be estimated by validation and cross-
validation techniques … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation
January 01, 2015 - We can use techniques described below to generate unbiased estimates and variances if
the data are … For a given data element, imputation
techniques may differ between univariate and multivariate imputations … Sampling Techniques, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley; 1977.
Congdon P.
September 01, 2013 - .3
Such trends may reflect changing standards in surgical care, the
introduction of new surgical techniques