
Total Results: 1,153 records

Showing results for "techniques".

    May 01, 2013 - Academic center, with experience in genetics and tissue banking also neuro- gastro staining techniques … correlated with ongoing genetic and advanced neurogastro- enterological pathology diagnostic techniques … Academic center, with experience in genetics and tissue banking also neuro- gastro staining techniques … correlated with ongoing genetic and advanced neurogastro- enterological pathology diagnostic techniques
    September 23, 2014 - Page 20 of 260 (line 46): “Key Question 3: What are the rates of harms of imaging techniques…” Most … Comments Reveiwer agrees with our conclusions on Key Question 3: What are the rates of harms of imaging techniques … Reviewer agrees with our conclusions on Key Question 4: What is the screening accuracy of imaging techniques
    July 28, 2016 - Interventions: o Immediate pushing upon complete dilation • Comparators: o Other specified maternal techniques … oxytocin • KQ 8: Intermittent auscultation of fetal heart rate • KQ 9: Other specified maternal techniques … publication bias specifically in our quantitative synthesis of the included literature through meta-analysis techniques
    January 01, 2015 - account for these potential limitations, investigators can use several statistical and methodological techniques … women undergoing hysterectomy in a sample of women electing hysterectomy.15 Despite numerous surgical techniques … account for these potential limitations, investigators can use several statistical and methodological techniques … Other specific procedures/techniques 8. Impact and resource utilization a.
    May 04, 2015 - Peer reviewer #2 Results Results: It would be helpful to better define the lack of data on CAM techniques … Conclusions One area that is reported by some speech-language pathologists is the use of non-surgical techniques … So I believe this is a gap as well…the reported but not studied use of nonsurgical techniques for speech
  6. PEPTIC ULCER #11 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - and calcium channel blockers. 21 POEM is intended to be less invasive than current laparoscopic techniques
    October 01, 2012 - analyses pose special challenges for those who perform reviews and those who use them. 20 Traditional techniques … Economic evaluation techniques in healthcare. Reinventing the wheel? … Quality of life measurement techniques 23. Source of QALY valuations 24.
    December 23, 2014 - Tests establishing proof of concept for new testing techniques (such as fecal calprotectin) Comparator … Yes Statistical techniques used must be appropriate to the data.
    December 01, 1969 - In 1978, Freedman classified designs to evaluate and compare imaging techniques and observed a parallel … Evaluating and comparing imaging techniques: a review and classification of study designs.
    August 10, 2016 - Surgical management is used most commonly, and specific techniques include simple surgical excision … We will synthesize data on important KC-related outcomes using network meta-analysis techniques, which
  11. PEPTIC ULCER #11 (pdf file)
    June 01, 2015 - gastrointestinal health (e.g., using laxatives or antidiarrheals as appropriate), and use of stress-relief techniques … who have not obtained adequate relief from conservative measures, such as diet and stress relief techniques
  12. #14 SUBSTANCE ABUSE (pdf file)
    December 01, 2015 - Interactive text messaging programs use behavior therapy techniques delivered through short messaging … During these sessions, care providers use personalized motivational interviewing techniques to inform
    January 01, 2013 - • The Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS) included current surgical techniques … • The Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS) included current surgical techniques

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