April 05, 2018 - Teach-Back
Teach-Back: Role Play Scenarios
The Guide to Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care
Settings by Engaging Patients and Families
Role Play Scenario 1
Facilitator Instructions
1. As facilitator, play the role of the patient.
2. Request a volunteer to play the role of the clinici…
April 11, 2018 - Teach-Back
Guide to Improving Patient Safety in
Primary Care Settings by Engaging
Patients and Families
Presentation Notes
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, or AHRQ, funded the development of a Guide to Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings by…
August 01, 2023 - The guidance that follows addresses five issues:
Maximizing active learning in trainings
Teaching … objectives (relevant to all TeamSTEPPS training)
Teaching Module 2 in a 2-day format
Teaching Module … Evidence that lectures are ineffective for teaching is overwhelming, but they are still common because … Moreover, teaching norms have changed, and training participants now expect to be actively engaged in … However, as explained previously, active teaching methods may be more effective.
August 01, 2023 - The guidance that follows addresses five issues:
Maximizing active learning in trainings
Teaching … objectives (relevant to all TeamSTEPPS training)
Teaching Module 3 in a 2-day format
Teaching Module … Although substantial evidence shows that lectures are ineffective for teaching, they are still common … Peer teaching and learning are now widely used, and evidence for their value is strong. … However, as explained previously, active teaching methods may be more effective.
August 01, 2023 - objectives (relevant to all TeamSTEPPS training)
Teaching Module 4 in a 2-day format
Teaching Module … 4 in a half-day format (using a subset of materials from the 2-day format discussion)
Teaching Module … Evidence that lectures are ineffective for teaching is overwhelming, but they are still common because … Moreover, teaching norms have changed, and students now expect to be actively engaged in learning. … However, as explained previously, active teaching methods will be more effective.
December 01, 2015 - methods and aids used effectively? … levels of difficulty
To what extent were the teaching methods and aids used effectively … Begin planning your organizational change strategy
To what extent were the teaching methods … Prepare a plan for determining if TeamSTEPPS worked
To what extent were the teaching methods … Develop a TeamSTEPPS Implementation Plan
To what extent were the teaching methods and aids
April 04, 2018 - Teach-Back Tips
Teach-Back Tips
All patients can benefit from teach-back.
� Ask patients to teach information back to you in their own words,
not just repeat your words.
� Use plain language (blood thinner for anticoagulant, heart doctor
for cardiologist).
� Rephrase your message until the patient understa…
March 01, 2014 - methods and aids used effectively?............... … methods and aids used effectively?................. … methods and aids used effectively?............ … methods and aids used effectively?............. … methods and aids used effectively?..........
May 02, 2006 - State the outcomes of the TeamSTEPPS framework 1 2 3
To what extent were the teaching methods and aids … Describe conflict resolution strategies 1 2 3
To what extent were the teaching methods and aids used … Begin planning your organizational change strategy 1 2 3
To what extent were the teaching methods and … Describe how to implement coaching in TeamSTEPPS 1 2 3
To what extent were the teaching methods and … Prepare a plan for determining if TeamSTEPPS worked. 1 2 3
To what extent were the teaching methods
December 02, 2015 - methods and aids used effectively? … methods and aids used effectively? … methods and aids used effectively? … methods and aids used effectively? … methods and aids used effectively?
March 01, 2014 - Subsections:
Practice Teaching Session
Module Time: 4 hours
Teaching Feedback … Form
(Optional) Teaching Session
(Optional) Teaching Session
Today … we are going to practice teaching the Fundamentals Course. … After Module 1 is complete, have participants complete the Teaching Feedback Form. … Practice Teaching Session. Content last reviewed March 2014.
January 01, 2012 - Map
Advanced Search
PBRN Summary Slides
The Studying, Acting, Learning, and Teaching
March 01, 2014 - Practice Teaching Session
Classroom Slides
TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system developed jointly … Contents
Slide 1: Practice Teaching Exercise
Slide 1: Practice Teaching Exercise
Image: One … Practice Teaching Session. Content last reviewed March 2014.
February 01, 2024 - Simulation in Healthcare to develop the dictionary in order to boost communication and clarity in healthcare teaching … We also focus a lot on ultrasound teaching and advanced life support trauma training. … The team also assists professors by providing the simulation technology and support needed for teaching
January 01, 2019 - TEACHING
(448 systems)
(175 systems)
Systems with a high teaching intensity … Three systems are missing results for the safety net and teaching system variables; one system is missing … Nonteaching 56 175 32%
Teaching 231 448 52%
Minor teaching 147 286 51%
Major teaching 84 162 52% … Note: Three systems are missing results for the safety net and teaching system variables; one system … • Teaching: Systems are categorized as nonteaching, minor teaching,
or major teaching based on their
March 01, 2014 - Practice Teaching Session
Teaching Feedback Form
TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system developed … Practice Teaching Session. Content last reviewed March 2014.
June 01, 2023 - Overview of Key Concepts and Tools
Section 2: Explanation of Key Concepts and Tools
Section 3: Teaching … explanation of the situation monitoring concepts and tools (section 2) , and guidance and slides for teaching
June 01, 2023 - Overview of Key Concepts and Tools
Section 2: Explanation of Key Concepts and Tools
Section 3: Teaching … an explanation of the communication concepts and tools (section 2) , and guidance and slides for teaching
July 01, 2023 - Overview of Key Concepts and Tools
Section 2: Explanation of Key Concepts and Tools
Section 3: Teaching … of the team structure and leadership concepts and tools (section 2) , and guidance and slides for teaching
June 01, 2023 - Concepts and Tools
Section 2: Explanation of Mutual Support Key Concepts and Tools
Section 3: Teaching … an explanation of the mutual support concepts and tools (section 2) , and guidance and slides for teaching