June 01, 2014 - When questions arose about appropriate mapping, the reviewers discussed and ultimately agreed upon a … Across the 6 measures, there were 169 individual measure items (e.g., survey questions).
June 01, 2014 - SBHCs created and distributed pamphlets on the questions youth should ask during a clinic visit and how … States featured in this Highlight , their review of an early draft, and the time they spent answering questions … evaluation team and the State-specific evaluation teams have produced on specific evaluation topics and questions
August 01, 2010 - It also
gives them the chance to ask questions and provide input into the care process. … As such, this guidance provides choices and questions for
hospital leaders on how to implement this … Whenever you
go in the room, the family is going
to ask questions, the patient is
going to have questions … Questions related to nursing include:
• Q1: During this hospital stay, how often did nurses treat you … In
determining how the brochure will be distributed, answer the following
o Who will go
May 01, 2015 - simulations help tremendously with orienting new staff and provide an
opportunity for them to ask questions … AHRQ Safety Program for Perinatal Care Case Studies 10
by asking whether the patient or family has questions … These conversations addressed three key questions: (1) What went well? (2) What didn’t go
well? … Although the implementation team
restructured the debriefing form to match the key questions, the team
April 01, 2022 - Listen, empathize, and ask open questions.
Fix the problem quickly and fairly.
September 01, 2020 - Skip to main content
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May 01, 2017 - It includes an opportunity to ask questions,
clarify, and confirm. … simulations help tremendously with orienting new staff
and provide an opportunity for them to ask questions … report in front of the patient and
concludes the report by asking whether the patient or
family has questions … These conversations addressed three key
questions: (1) What went well? (2) What didn’t go well? … Although
the implementation team restructured the debriefing
form to match the key questions, the team
May 01, 2017 - It includes an opportunity to ask questions,
clarify, and confirm. … simulations help tremendously with orienting new staff
and provide an opportunity for them to ask questions … report in front of the patient and
concludes the report by asking whether the patient or
family has questions … These conversations addressed three key
questions: (1) What went well? (2) What didn’t go well? … Although
the implementation team restructured the debriefing
form to match the key questions, the team
September 01, 2017 - The module addresses the following questions:
How can you set up the Implementation Team for success … Address the following questions and present the decisions during Slide 6:
How often will … Capture all responses to the above questions on the flip chart. … Capture responses to the above questions on the flip chart. … Do: Write the answers to the questions on the slide or the flip chart.
September 01, 2015 - Be prepared to answer these
questions. Be friendly and introduce yourself. … Defer patients’ questions to
their primary care clinician or another appropriate staff person if they … that the patient has questions he or she would like to discuss. … • Refer patients to their clinician or other staff person if they have questions you cannot
answer … You can cluster
questions for a practice in one email, rather than sending multiple inquiries.
March 01, 2019 - You will have 10 minutes to discuss four questions:
What characteristics, attitudes, or skills made … Questions were encouraged. … Here are two guidelines for conducting debriefs:
Facilitate the discussion as a leader by asking questions … For example, questions might include: What did we do well? … Answer the questions related to Leading Teams as you think about your identified teamwork issue.
September 01, 2020 - Specifically, we aimed to answer two research questions:
What are the roles of language barriers and … We developed a discussion guide that included 22 questions across three domains: (1) structure and design
December 29, 2022 - Diagnostic Decision-Making
Strategy Minimize/ Individual/ Existing empirical evidence Future research questions … have largely been tested in other areas
of health care and psychology, we propose future research
questions … Along with the specific
empirical questions listed in Table 1, we also propose several
general research … questions that will help clinicians better man-
age interruptions and improve diagnostic decision-making
January 01, 2018 - The questions
that were actually asked in a given state reflected the categories of activities that … were instructed to ask
before moving on to other questions. … The interview guide questions that would have generated the bulk of the interviewee responses used in … Examples of other questions that would have elicited remarks about collaboratives
include the following … • Have practice facilitators work one-on-one with practices on an ongoing basis to answer questions
October 01, 2016 - perform some care coordination
and nurse triaging at night; they are the first line of response for questions … A community paramedic performs a medical
assessment and answers questions about prescribed medications
January 01, 2020 - first part, a QI team guides development of its strategy and action plan by answering the following questions
September 01, 2020 - 102.pdf
A Medical Interpreter's Guide to Telephone Interpreting
Medical interpreters often have questions … In July 2007, IMIA offered to respond to questions from its membership about this topic. … with extensive experience in providing telephone interpreting services, resulted in the compilation of questions
August 01, 2017 - Four questions/issues were addressed separately through group discussion:
Based on your professional … Based on participants’ responses to the case study questions, we identified three major themes related … The situation may be further compounded by patients’ reluctance to ask questions. … One patient commented that he did not ask questions because he “doesn’t want to look uneducated.” … bias or participants feeling pressured to give similar answers as other members to the facilitator’s questions
July 01, 2021 - Texas: “Hard edits” on prescribing antipsychotics require clinicians to answer a set of questions before … Questions to Ask .
November 01, 2013 - evaluation team and the State-specific evaluation teams have produced on specific evaluation topics and questions … appreciate the time that demonstration Staff and providers in the featured States spent answering our questions