January 01, 2015 - There's a volume
indicator that is for complex, high-risk procedures, where volume is an important … As you all know, hospitals that have a higher volume in select procedures, will
have a higher quality … anchored this cost improvement to a gain
sharing agreement with the physicians who perform these procedures … And, therefore, going back, reeducating the staff on how to apply
that. … Products and services, including the technical
specifications, methods, FAQs, user guides.
January 01, 2011 - Method. … Most QIs are
outcome measures, although a few process measures (e.g., procedure utilization) and structure … For instance, panels that include for review indicators of cardiac
procedures will include cardiologists … All this information is provided back to panelists to rate
the indicators. … type risk
category, pressure ulcer risk category, wound class procedure type, immune-compromised risk