August 30, 2023 - inhalers and aerosol medications; 4 falls; delays in receiving treatment, surgery, or tests ; and wrong procedure … Assessment: Conduct an organizational health literacy assessment that examines current health literacy procedures … – from the telephone , to the reception area, to the finance area, and finally to the examination, procedure … to engage patients as active partners in their healthcare, (6) Confirming comprehension using the teach-back … or show-me method, (7) Being sensitive to the culture, customs, and beliefs of patients and (8) Providing
December 01, 2013 - It also called for rigorous new evaluation methods to be developed and implemented in both medical schools … There wasn't any looking back after that—I finally got a K23 grant [a larger 5-year faculty development … HS : Absolutely, and that goes back to the time that I was in practice.
August 01, 2010 - MDProfessor of Medicine Vice Dean for Academic AffairsTulane University School of
Back … Building a high reliability organization through a multi-
method approach to monitoring the practice … Med Teach.
2005;27:298-3016. [go to PubMed]
24. Walton MM, Shaw T, Barnet S, Ross J. … [go to
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November 01, 2012 - Prompt, accurate diagnosis reduces the number of procedures and invasive tests, decreases the number … I would be the first to say that the routine annual physical, for example, is a low-yield procedure. … But, it's clearly not a one-way street where we are showing them only old-fashioned methods. … I'd never go back. … I think the pendulum is swinging back.
February 01, 2010 - Participating EIP programs have
developed methods to conduct individual practice assessment in ambulatory … Dean for Graduate and Continuing
EducationUniversity of California, San Francisco
March 01, 2009 - providers are advised to use simple and concise language with patients and to apply certain
communication methods … , such as the "teach-back" or "teach-to-goal" technique.(10,11) In this manner,
potential errors or … Literacy and Learning Program Institute for Healthcare
StudiesNorthwestern University
January 01, 2006 - In aviation, we have a lot of emergency checklists and procedures because we deal with a more limited … In health care, the tasks are not as routine, and that makes checklists and emergency procedures less … Even with a low-cost simulator, you can create scenarios that will teach people the skill sets they need … JB: Well, we've had a couple of instances where people came back and told us that they probably stopped … References
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1. Air France jet overran runway. CBS News. August 5, 2005.
November 01, 2011 - There must be a proper space for training and the right support so that the trainers can teach and the … to old methods and don't apply the newly learned skills. … What are your procedures? What types of signals is top leadership sending? … What are the policies and the procedures, etc.?" And that's where they say, "Oh, we didn't know. … What do we know about that and how do you teach people to think differently?
November 01, 2011 - to old methods and don't apply the newly learned skills. … What are your procedures? What types of signals is top leadership sending? … What are the policies and the procedures, etc.?" And that's where they say, "Oh, we didn't know. … What do we know about that and how do you teach people to think differently? … At the same time, in order for individuals to monitor their own thinking and behavior, we teach them
February 01, 2013 - answer all your
questions or for you to share all your observations at that time, someone can come back … RW: As we try to engage patients in new ways and also teach them a new set of skills, is technology … BJ: I think we need to use a variety of methods designed to reach patients and families more effectively … If we can get back to the mindset that we're in a partnership together, we make decisions
January 01, 2014 - There wasn't any looking back after that—I finally got a K23 grant [a larger 5-year faculty development … HS : Absolutely, and that goes back to the time that I was in practice. … It also called for rigorous new evaluation methods to be developed and implemented in both medical schools
December 01, 2005 - responsibility for independent practice, a model sometimes derisively referred to as “see one, do one, teach … who understand principles of adult education, appreciate the
limitations of traditional educational methods … Methods to educate and train future generations of health care professionals must evolve away from
traditional … lecture-based techniques and embrace new modalities in order to effectively teach patient
safety competencies … language used in the delivery room often is not standardized, important
communications are rarely read back
September 28, 2022 - As an
educator, I've developed a new curriculum, Community-Oriented Quality Improvement, to teach medical … worker was able to go to grandma's house, get the meds, bring them to the patient,
and get the patient back … Some states are going back
to the requirement that telemedicine is done with video, and this will result … The
community health workers can teach them how to do that, collect the information on their vitals … Providers have excellent ideas, but the MPH training can drive the Community-Oriented
Quality Improvement methods
March 01, 2013 - feedback.( 2 ) While these assertions have prima facie credibility, it seems reasonable to take a step back … Comparative effectiveness of technology-enhanced simulation versus other instructional methods: a systematic … Med Teach. 2013;35:e844-e875. [go to PubMed]
6. Cook DA, Hatala R, Brydges R, et al. … If you teach them, they will learn: why medical education needs comparative effectiveness research. … Pieces of it relate to performing procedures. Others relate to teamwork behaviors.
February 01, 2019 - So when I was in faculty roles, I worked to change that and bring new methods to teaching our future … For example, they might have multiple lectures on low back pain across the 4 years. … That really brings value back to the health care system. … diagnoses in your area, in the state of New York, what are the average charges for different kinds of procedures … We have people coming back from other health care jobs.
March 01, 2013 - Some people push back and say, "The evidence is not strong enough and doing it is too expensive," despite … Pieces of it relate to performing procedures. Others relate to teamwork behaviors. … Comparative effectiveness of technology-enhanced simulation versus other instructional methods: a systematic … Med Teach. 2013;35:e844-e875. [go to PubMed]
6. Cook DA, Hatala R, Brydges R, et al. … If you teach them, they will learn: why medical education needs comparative effectiveness research.
February 01, 2019 - So when I was in faculty roles, I worked to change that and bring new methods to teaching our future … For example, they might have multiple lectures on low back pain across the 4 years. … That really brings value back to the health care system. … diagnoses in your area, in the state of New York, what are the average charges for different kinds of procedures … We have people coming back from other health care jobs.
December 01, 2006 - Policy, Management, and BehaviorSchool of Public Health, University of Albany, SUNY
Back … Is everyone familiar with the procedure? Well, here's the operative plan and here's plan B. … By doing that before every procedure, you build an expectation in all the workers' minds that they will … Our assessment method is that you measure things hospital wide, but capture information at the patient … RW: How do you relate this back to a policy level?
BS: Keep it evidence based, period.
January 21, 2017 - responsibility for independent practice, a model sometimes derisively referred to as “see one, do one, teach … who understand principles of adult education, appreciate the limitations of traditional educational methods … Methods to educate and train future generations of health care professionals must evolve away from … traditional lecture-based techniques and embrace new modalities in order to effectively teach patient … language used in the delivery room often is not standardized, important communications are rarely read back
April 01, 2018 - One time I came back from an overseas trip. … We would avoid blood draws, Foley catheters, tests, and procedures except what is absolutely necessary … literacy, using language appropriate to patient understanding, utilizing visuals, and practicing the teach-back … method.( 13-15 ) Simple interventions like a leaflet to explain hospital diagnoses and new medication … Is "teach-back" associated with knowledge retention and hospital readmission in hospitalized heart failure