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    September 01, 2011 - The VA has done a very good job with getting back to the reporter. … about what makes a good incident reporting system, it sounds like obviously a very strong follow-up procedure … For measuring the actual incidence of safety events, other detection methods are more sensitive, including … errors, are currently addressed through morbidity and mortality conferences and hospital credentialing procedures … The actions that hospital leaders take in response to reports teach providers whether the time and risks
    September 01, 2011 - For measuring the actual incidence of safety events, other detection methods are more sensitive, including … errors, are currently addressed through morbidity and mortality conferences and hospital credentialing procedures … The actions that hospital leaders take in response to reports teach providers whether the time and risks … The VA has done a very good job with getting back to the reporter. … about what makes a good incident reporting system, it sounds like obviously a very strong follow-up procedure
    August 31, 2020 - KH : Let’s go back to a couple of points you have made that I’d like to highlight. … KH : That idea really resonates - bringing together the culture and person and family engagement as methods
    August 31, 2020 - KH : Let’s go back to a couple of points you have made that I’d like to highlight. … KH : That idea really resonates - bringing together the culture and person and family engagement as methods
    March 27, 2024 - On day 3 after the first ED visit, the child was brought back to the ED by ambulance with pulseless electrical … educating clinicians about cognitive biases, their potential contribution to diagnostic errors, and methods … implement conscious consideration of alternative diagnoses, may also have some efficacy. 33,34 These methodsMethods Inf Med . 2019;58(S 02):e43-e57. [ Available at ] Ackermann K, Baker J, Green M, et al. … December 9, 2020 Using an online quiz-based reinforcement system to teach healthcare
  6. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2013 - that really lowers my bar for saying I'm willing to live with the warts that come with risk adjustment methods … AJ: Two things that have really held us back on progress on patient safety: one is incentives, which
    November 01, 2018 - With that back-of-the-envelope calculation, I guessed you could handle around 200 patients. … RW : Do you use any artificial intelligence–based algorithm or is the back of that same envelope to figure … Every week she would get up and repeat back the comments, which named the individual doctors by name. … 2011 Understanding communication during hospitalist service changes: a mixed methods
    November 01, 2018 - With that back-of-the-envelope calculation, I guessed you could handle around 200 patients. … RW : Do you use any artificial intelligence–based algorithm or is the back of that same envelope to figure … Every week she would get up and repeat back the comments, which named the individual doctors by name. … February 17, 2011 Understanding communication during hospitalist service changes: a mixed methods
  9. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    November 25, 2020 - She was urgently taken back to the OR, where she was found to have necrotizing soft tissue infection … absence of fever, absence of cutaneous manifestations, attributing severe pain to a recent injury or procedure … had her first surgical intervention within 24 hours of presenting symptoms and underwent a second procedure
    November 30, 2021 - She was urgently taken back to the OR, where she was found to have necrotizing soft tissue infection, … absence of fever, absence of cutaneous manifestations, attributing severe pain to a recent injury or procedure … patient had her first surgical intervention within 24 hours of presenting symptoms and underwent a second procedure
    April 27, 2022 - Patient safety issues are more amorphous and complex than talking about a brand-new drug or procedure … Going back to the 1999 IOM report To Err Is Human , the media had already done the reporting based on … KH: This gets back to my original question. … Novel methods of transmitting information through social media for the purpose of improving patient safety
    April 27, 2022 - Novel methods of transmitting information through social media for the purpose of improving patient safety … Patient safety issues are more amorphous and complex than talking about a brand-new drug or procedure … Going back to the 1999 IOM report To Err Is Human , the media had already done the reporting based on … KH: This gets back to my original question.
    September 01, 2006 - We did our first cultural survey back in 1998 to set the benchmark. … The data were then fed back to each VISN and facility. … Health PolicyHarvard School of Public HealthStaff Physician, VA Boston Healthcare System References Back … A range of sophisticated methods have been developed to analyze the structure and causes of error and
    January 01, 2003 - concept of evidence-based treatments has particular relevance to patient safety, because many recommended methods … , when discharging a patient with atypical chest pain from the emergency department, you might step back … Because mistaken substitution or reversal of alphanumeric information is such a potential hazard, read-back … In health care, traditionally, read-back has been mandatory only in the context of checking to ensure … , or had a procedure intended for another patient.
    January 01, 2003 - concept of evidence-based treatments has particular relevance to patient safety, because many recommended methods … , when discharging a patient with atypical chest pain from the emergency department, you might step back … Because mistaken substitution or reversal of alphanumeric information is such a potential hazard, read-back … In health care, traditionally, read-back has been mandatory only in the context of checking to ensure … , or had a procedure intended for another patient.
    May 01, 2013 - that really lowers my bar for saying I'm willing to live with the warts that come with risk adjustment methods … AJ : Two things that have really held us back on progress on patient safety: one is incentives, which … At this point, the goals we are trying to achieve are clearer than the best methods to reach them.
    May 01, 2013 - At this point, the goals we are trying to achieve are clearer than the best methods to reach them. … that really lowers my bar for saying I'm willing to live with the warts that come with risk adjustment methods … AJ : Two things that have really held us back on progress on patient safety: one is incentives, which
    November 01, 2019 - Theoretical pieces should articulate foundational concepts that help readers understand the methods and … Back to Top

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