December 01, 2006 - Is everyone familiar
with the procedure? Well, here's the operative plan and here's plan B. … By doing that before every procedure, you build an expectation in
all the workers' minds that they will … Our assessment method is that you measure things hospital wide, but capture information at the patient … RW: How do you relate this back to a policy level?
BS: Keep it evidence based, period.
March 01, 2015 - Patient summary, Action list, Situational
awareness and contingency planning, and Synthesis or read-back
November 01, 2010 - Case & Commentary: Part 2
Eleven days later, the patient's family brought him back to the ED after he … references
Improving patient and family education by using the "Teach … Back" method and patient-friendly
discharge forms.
December 01, 2006 - Is everyone familiar with the procedure? Well, here's the operative plan and here's plan B. … By doing that before every procedure, you build an expectation in all the workers' minds that they will … Our assessment method is that you measure things hospital wide, but capture information at the patient … RW: How do you relate this back to a policy level?
BS: Keep it evidence based, period. … Policy, Management, and BehaviorSchool of Public Health, University of Albany, SUNY
June 01, 2016 - How does that change the thinking about the content and the methods of both training and certification … As you reflect back over 15 or 20 years of experience, has anything surprised you in terms of content … GM : I often reflect back on the honor and privilege I had to be there at the beginning of the federal … A few years ago for the series, I called him back to do an update on safety culture . … One method that I utilize is storytelling, and I find it to be quite effective.
January 03, 2017 - Case & Commentary: Part 2
Eleven days later, the patient's family brought him back to the ED after … These interventions include:
Improving patient and family education by using the "Teach Back" method … From the Same Author(s)
Using human factors design principles and industrial engineering methods
November 01, 2003 - employed to assess neurosurgeon and orthopedic surgeon staffing needs for trauma centers.(1,2) Similar
methods … unit (3), as well as the minimum number of operating room nurses that should be on call for
urgent procedures … Simulators
have been widely adapted for use in anesthesia crisis resource management, and these methods … medical staffing requirements, which should
include defined and rational protocols for primary and back-up
February 28, 2024 - Research has found that active learning methods
(e.g., simulations, discussions) are more effective … for retaining information and supporting attitude and
behavioral changes than passive learning methods … explanation of the value of the
TeamSTEPPS curriculum, and guidance for instructors or trainers who teach
June 15, 2022 - base is comprised of studies that are small, of low to intermediate quality, and with heterogeneous methods … Awareness could begin with focused efforts to teach trainees and practicing clinicians about the diagnostic … thinking process and methods to improve it. … Teach Learn Med. 1999;11:110-117. [Available at] 16. … Medication Disorder
May 1, 2007
WebM&M Cases
January 09, 2019 - Lost information during the handover of critically injured trauma patients: a mixed-methods … Differences in hospitals' workplace violence incident reporting practices: a mixed methods … , clinical work satisfaction, and patient care coordination between primary care providers: a mixed methods … April 18, 2018
The Safe Home Care Intervention Study: implementation methods and effectiveness … April 27, 2016
"Teach-back" from a patient's perspective.
March 01, 2011 - Effectiveness of a course designed to teach handoffs to medical students. … Very few people are using read back even though it's been suggested. … one-on-one exchange and can be haphazard if the person they're signing out to is in the middle of a procedure … 2020
Implementation and sustainability of a medication reconciliation toolkit: a mixed methods … Multicenter development, implementation, and patient safety impacts of a simulation-based module to teach
March 01, 2006 - such as in the OR, the ICU, or the ED), one has to simultaneously make
clinical decisions, perform procedures … These two
approaches are complementary methods to improve decision-making and teamwork skills, and I … Box
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Inexpensive Simulation? … Table
Back to TopTable. … after each
simulation scenario
Team performance measurement is a
part of successful team training
April 01, 2018 - literacy, using language appropriate to patient understanding, utilizing visuals, and practicing the teach-back … method.( 13-15 ) Simple interventions like a leaflet to explain hospital diagnoses and new medication … Is "teach-back" associated with knowledge retention and hospital readmission in hospitalized heart failure … One time I came back from an overseas trip. … We would avoid blood draws, Foley catheters, tests, and procedures except what is absolutely necessary
October 06, 2021 - emergency and
what’s normal and who to ask if she's not sure, and that she feels like she’d want to come back … stay, she might go home and have a headache and have high blood pressure and say, “Well
I’m not going back … devices], and
to be provided instructions for their follow-up care, and then we see that they can't fall back … resultant
consequences, and I'm wondering if there's an opportunity to integrate some of those safety methods … to do with this hypertension curriculum idea is to build the
model for what it looks like to really teach
February 28, 2024 - Research has found that active learning methods (e.g., simulations , discussions) are more effective … for retaining information and supporting attitude and behavioral changes than passive learning methods … explanation of the value of the TeamSTEPPS curriculum, and guidance for instructors or trainers who teach … The website has resources , including training slides, for people who teach TeamSTEPPS.
February 28, 2024 - The website has resources , including training slides, for people who teach TeamSTEPPS. … Research has found that active learning methods (e.g., simulations , discussions) are more effective … for retaining information and supporting attitude and behavioral changes than passive learning methods … explanation of the value of the TeamSTEPPS curriculum, and guidance for instructors or trainers who teach
April 27, 2022 - Critical incident reporting is an important method to detect patient safety hazards and improve care. … Critical incident reporting is an important method to detect patient safety hazards and improve care. … This multi-center study found that a transitional pharmacy care program (including teach-back, pharmacy … patient outcomes remains inconsistent, potentially due to variations in implementation and completion methods … complications associated with IO lines, the importance of anticipating procedural complications, and methods
February 01, 2007 - Patient summary, Action list, Situational awareness and contingency planning, and Synthesis or read-back
July 01, 2012 - Investigating further back, the ED physician discovered that the letters "PE" were first noted nearly … The Commentary
Copying of notes in the medical record is a practice that dates back at least 100 years … "(9) Others (10) have suggested that we "go beyond
reflex criticism of copy-and-paste methods to search … Education and mentoring
There is a dearth of effective strategies to teach and foster high-quality and … In reflecting back to our case presentation, it does end on an upbeat note with the emergency physician
August 01, 2010 - Building a high reliability organization through a multi-method approach to monitoring the practice environment … Med Teach. 2005;27:298-3016. [go to PubMed]
24. Walton MM, Shaw T, Barnet S, Ross J. … [go to PubMed]
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Figure. … How many times does the procedure have to be interrupted because the proceduralist doesn't have what … What is different in academic medicine is the opportunity to engage workers in process-improvement methods