May 27, 2014 - I would prefer to take
a step back and say: what works for patients as they leave the
hospital for … I suspect most studies of MDS-HF do not
enroll patients that can’t make it back to the clinic. … TEP Reviewer 6 Executive
ES-12: line 43 and line 45 seem to have conflicting sentences
back … to back. … about functional status, quality of life, caregiver burden, or self-
care burden (which I will come back
May 27, 2014 - I would prefer to take
a step back and say: what works for patients as they leave the
hospital for … I suspect most studies of MDS-HF do not
enroll patients that can’t make it back to the clinic. … TEP Reviewer 6 Executive
ES-12: line 43 and line 45 seem to have conflicting sentences
back … to back. … about functional status, quality of life, caregiver burden, or self-
care burden (which I will come back
January 01, 2024 - Therapy
Present-centered therapy
Prolonged Exposure
Interventions that teach … Outpatient clinic Community
Only race data
reported Mixed
Back, 202336 Pharmacotherapy 141 U.S. … , 202336 A Doxazosin PTSD+SUD Pharmacotherapy Individual In Person
Back, 202336 B Placebo Inactive … A
pilot randomized trial of a dual n-back
emotional working memory training
program for veterans … Back S, Flanagan J, Mintz J, et al.
June 01, 2018 - The NCDB holds information on more than 29 million cases of reported
cancer diagnoses dating back to
May 02, 2019 - Teach staff how to change
the workflow if it is not working for them. … opioid
management policy and workflow implementation, and to get those who have reverted to
old ways back … o Chronic pain appointment workflow
o Opioid refill workflow
o Opioid list manager workflow
• Look back
January 01, 2024 - Back A, Arnold R, and Tulsky J: Mastering communication with seriously ill patients, 1st ed: Cambridge
March 01, 2020 - Practices
Sepsis Recognition 3-6
due to the time it takes to run lab tests and receive results back
March 01, 2020 - Practices
Sepsis Recognition 3-6
due to the time it takes to run lab tests and receive results back
December 20, 2011 - After 10–12 eye movements (back and forth), the clinician asks the client to rate the strength of the … Bringing the war back home: mental health disorders among 103,788 US veterans returning from Iraq and
August 01, 2013 - detained in a jail, prison, or forensic
hospital or who are transitioning from one of these settings
back … are usually initiated within 3 months of an inmate’s release
date and continue once he or she is back
August 01, 2013 - detained in a jail, prison, or forensic
hospital or who are transitioning from one of these settings
back … are usually initiated within 3 months of an inmate’s release
date and continue once he or she is back
October 01, 2024 - Once an area for improvement has been addressed, go back to your priority list, and move onto the next … essential steps, optimizes the roles and methods of environmental cleaning monitoring, and feeds data back
August 10, 2015 - personnel realize
that they are key components of the infection prevention
team including feeding back … KI Reviewer 6 Findings Page 10 Line 55 Recommend a reference to back up the
statement, (unless the end … Additionally, some of the
contractors have scaled back their training programs and
as a general course
August 10, 2015 - personnel realize
that they are key components of the infection prevention
team including feeding back … KI Reviewer 6 Findings Page 10 Line 55 Recommend a reference to back up the
statement, (unless the end … Additionally, some of the
contractors have scaled back their training programs and
as a general course
January 01, 2005 - information derived from the 2005
HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) with trend information
as far back … subcutaneous tissue infections 307 1.9 9 273 1.2 19
spondylosis, intervertebral disc disorders, other back … ■ Complications of medical device, skin and subcutaneous
tissue infections, and back problems were … 707.00 Decubitus ulcer, unspecified site
707.01 Decubitus ulcer, elbow
707.02 Decubitus ulcer, upper back … 707.03 Decubitus ulcer, lower back
707.04 Decubitus ulcer, hip
707.05 Decubitus ulcer, buttock
January 01, 2005 - information derived from the 2005
HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) with trend information
as far back … subcutaneous tissue infections 307 1.9 9 273 1.2 19
spondylosis, intervertebral disc disorders, other back … ■ Complications of medical device, skin and subcutaneous
tissue infections, and back problems were … septicemia (blood infection) 3.9 6.7 8.4 2 2 3 9 8 8
spondylosis, intervertebral disc disorders, other back … 707.03 Decubitus ulcer, lower back
707.04 Decubitus ulcer, hip
707.05 Decubitus ulcer, buttock
January 01, 2013 - The closing script states, "If you need a nurse before I come back, use the call bell or contact the … In either case, the pharmacist will make recommendations back to the medical team regarding medications … patient-safety/settings/hospital/fall-prevention/toolkit/practices.html
January 01, 2024 - analysis in the previous year, 79% dispensed the majority of oral medications in unit-dose
form, 73% read back … independent double checks of insulin prior to administration
o 20 implemented writing down and reading back … fully during
Written policy to write down and read back
January 01, 2013 - The closing script states, "If you need a nurse before I come back, use the call bell or contact the … In either case, the pharmacist will make recommendations back to the medical team regarding medications … patient-safety/settings/hospital/fall-prevention/toolkit/practices.html
January 01, 2013 - The closing script states, "If you need a nurse before I come back, use the call bell or contact the … In either case, the pharmacist will make recommendations back to the medical team regarding medications … patient-safety/settings/hospital/fall-prevention/toolkit/practices.html