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    January 01, 2014 - He arranged for General Electric (GE) to teach 45 employees the methods of Lean and Six Sigma. … Since the WOWs were not in place until February 2010, progress was held back during the early phases … Finally, data can be used to feed information back to staff, so that they can see the impact of their … as a “flavor of the month,” where operations would be modified for a while but would slowly revert back … transferred to the ASU, as well as the procedure for transferring existing ED patients in the ASU back
    January 01, 2014 - He arranged for General Electric (GE) to teach 45 employees the methods of Lean and Six Sigma. … Since the WOWs were not in place until February 2010, progress was held back during the early phases … Finally, data can be used to feed information back to staff, so that they can see the impact of their … as a “flavor of the month,” where operations would be modified for a while but would slowly revert back … transferred to the ASU, as well as the procedure for transferring existing ED patients in the ASU back
  3. BD: Good afternoon (pdf file)
    October 27, 2008 - Back to those alerts. … Can you take us back to the chat? … We also go back to the study I presented that is associated with CDS success factors.
    January 01, 2014 - You can also try logging out and logging back in to the Webcast. … survey every year, and they only submitted data in 2013, and then the last time they submitted data was back … You would have to go back and run the two-way frequency again or do the particular items again. … And I believe we are at the point in the Webcast-- we will come back to as many of these questions as … easy it was to get hold of a practice, how easy it was to get an appointment, and how well they got back
    January 01, 2014 - You can also try logging out and logging back in to the Webcast. … survey every year, and they only submitted data in 2013, and then the last time they submitted data was back … You would have to go back and run the two-way frequency again or do the particular items again. … And I believe we are at the point in the Webcast-- we will come back to as many of these questions as … easy it was to get hold of a practice, how easy it was to get an appointment, and how well they got back
    January 01, 2019 - This liaison’s role was to act as a go-between carrying requests and ideas back and forth between the … We actually, back then, set up a special computer basics course of just how to turn on a computer, utilize … Even if I do it right now, if I changed it back today, after four weeks, I would get calls saying I … just remembered this new way and now you've changed it back … Just as we’re talking back and forth, and you’re able to determine what I’ve said or I’ve determined
    July 01, 2016 - codes that we could Spreadsheet sent to Pam Banning for review Received spreadsheet back … few questions Researched questions and responded Received completed spreadsheet back … Time, Every team is under time constraints right now A couple of other projects were put on the back … Amount of data being pulled back in report put a significant increase on system resources 2. … Privacy Notice , Viewers & Players Last modified 07/25/16 Back to Top
    January 01, 2014 - You can also try logging out and logging back in to the Webcast. … survey every year, and they only submitted data in 2013, and then the last time they submitted data was back … You would have to go back and run the two-way frequency again or do the particular items again. … And I believe we are at the point in the Webcast-- we will come back to as many of these questions as … easy it was to get hold of a practice, how easy it was to get an appointment, and how well they got back
    December 01, 2019 - Spotlights from: 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Go to back … Privacy Notice , Viewers & Players Last modified 12/5/19 Back to Top
    November 01, 2012 - Low Back Pain: counseling for adults i The USPSTF concludes that the evidence is insufficient to recommend … for or against the routine use of interventions to prevent low back pain in adults in primary care
    June 01, 2011 - University EPC Clinical Complementary & alternative care Complementary and alternative medicine in back … Complementary and alternative medicine in back pain utilization report. … outcomes No 8 No No 4 McMaster University EPC Complementary and alternative medicine in back … HSAC Yes 2007 scoping protocols are referred back to the clients (those who requested the specific
    June 01, 2011 - University EPC Clinical Complementary & alternative care Complementary and alternative medicine in back … Complementary and alternative medicine in back pain utilization report. … outcomes No 8 No No 4 McMaster University EPC Complementary and alternative medicine in back … HSAC Yes 2007 scoping protocols are referred back to the clients (those who requested the specific
    January 01, 2003 - development of capacities to detect unexpected threats and contain them before they cause harm, or bounce back … , when discharging a patient with atypical chest pain from the emergency department, you might step back … Because mistaken substitution or reversal of alphanumeric information is such a potential hazard, read-back … In health care, traditionally, read-back has been mandatory only in the context of checking to ensure
    January 01, 2003 - development of capacities to detect unexpected threats and contain them before they cause harm, or bounce back … , when discharging a patient with atypical chest pain from the emergency department, you might step back … Because mistaken substitution or reversal of alphanumeric information is such a potential hazard, read-back … In health care, traditionally, read-back has been mandatory only in the context of checking to ensure
    January 01, 2023 - of LI Headings Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back
    July 01, 2019 -   Back
  17. Puh-Erepguide (doc file)
    February 10, 2014 - Pressure Ulcer Healing Electronic Reports This training will provide you with the information you need to teach … Ulcer Location Code Ulcer Location Description HEAD Back of head EAR Ear: R/L SCAP Scapula:
    January 01, 2025 - endocrine clinic physicians or diabetes educators and parents of children with type 1 diabetes to teach … We took this product back to family member and clinic team to view and give feedback on. … MD/APRN responds and RN calls family back with their recommendations. … Outcomes – real-world assessments accompanying simulation scenarios Participants were asked about having “back … of LI Headings Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back
    April 01, 2013 - release spinal fluid) 32,957 6,633 20.1 3 Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc (back … Privacy Notice , Viewers & Players Last modified 5/18/16 Back to Top
    March 01, 2013 - device, implant or graft 596,062 121,036 20.3 12 Spondylosis, intervertebral disc disorders, other back … 10.7 203 Osteoarthritis 872,661 42,241 4.8 205 Spondylosis, intervertebral disc disorders, other back