February 06, 2006 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … And that’s what we again want you to take back as you go back to the workplace. Okay? Questions? … She had Nancy's back. … When you teach slide 15, ask your learners these questions about shared mental models.
February 06, 2006 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … And that’s what we again want you to take back as you go back to the workplace. Okay? Questions? … She had Nancy's back. … When you teach slide 15, ask your learners these questions about shared mental models.
February 23, 2022 - study, hospital faculty and pediatric interns used the Assessment of Reasoning Tool (ART) to assess, teach … April 13, 2017
Using the NAM diagnostic process framework to teach clinical reasoning … treat-and-release diagnoses prior to sepsis hospitalization among adult emergency department patients: a look-back
February 01, 2024 - Communication
Communication Self-Assessment
Communication Observation Form
Plain Language Words
Use the Teach-Back … Method: Tool 5
The Teach-Back Method Poster
Teach-Back Questions for Informed Consent
Follow Up … https://www.ahrq.gov/health-literacy/improve/precautions/tool22.html
July 12, 2023 - Clinicians and caregivers both stated that
teach-back protocols were helpful but inconsistently used
March 01, 2014 - The pharmacist would have done a check-back on the irregular order. … Check-back by Mrs. Peters and her daughter of signs and symptoms to monitor. … the end of Day 1 or Day 2 of instruction, assign participants with Fundamentals course modules 1-6 to teach … back to the class during the practice teaching exercise on Day 3. … Say:
On Day 3 of this course, you and a partner are going to have an opportunity to teach back assigned
March 01, 2014 - The pharmacist would have done a check-back on the irregular order. … Check-back by Mrs. Peters and her daughter of signs and symptoms to monitor. … the end of Day 1 or Day 2 of instruction, assign participants with Fundamentals course modules 1-6 to teach … back to the class during the practice teaching exercise on Day 3. … Say:
On Day 3 of this course, you and a partner are going to have an opportunity to teach back assigned
March 01, 2014 - The pharmacist would have done a check-back on the irregular order. … Check-back by Mrs. Peters and her daughter of signs and symptoms to monitor. … the end of Day 1 or Day 2 of instruction, assign participants with Fundamentals course modules 1-6 to teach … back to the class during the practice teaching exercise on Day 3. … Say:
On Day 3 of this course, you and a partner are going to have an opportunity to teach back assigned
July 31, 2024 - Participants also identified two prototypes for the solutions – a visit preparation guide to teach patients … treat-and-release diagnoses prior to sepsis hospitalization among adult emergency department patients: a look-back … January 11, 2023
Using the NAM diagnostic process framework to teach clinical reasoning
December 01, 2005 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative while also teaching you how to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … You will be able to share these examples when you teach. … Here's an example of a check-back.
December 01, 2005 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative while also teaching you how to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … You will be able to share these examples when you teach. … Here's an example of a check-back.
December 01, 2005 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative while also teaching you how to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … You will be able to share these examples when you teach. … Here's an example of a check-back.
December 01, 2005 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative while also teaching you how to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … You will be able to share these examples when you teach. … Here's an example of a check-back.
December 01, 2005 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative while also teaching you how to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … You will be able to share these examples when you teach. … Here's an example of a check-back.
December 01, 2005 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative while also teaching you how to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … You will be able to share these examples when you teach. … Here's an example of a check-back.
December 01, 2005 - It teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative
While also teaching you to teach … teaches you all the concepts that comprise the TeamSTEPPS initiative while also teaching you how to teach … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide.
The Materials You Will Use
When you deliver … You will be able to share these examples when you teach. … Here's an example of a check-back.
July 26, 2012 - your responsibility
If you are being challenged, acknowledge the
Correct the problem
Teach … following
myocardial infarction
3 characters: a nurse, an interpreter, and a
Check-Back … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Confirmation of understanding
Opportunity to correct miscommunication
Comprehensive … Teach-back
Enhancing Safety for Patients With �Limited English Proficiency
Overview/Objectives … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Putting It All Together
July 26, 2012 - your responsibility
If you are being challenged, acknowledge the
Correct the problem
Teach … following
myocardial infarction
3 characters: a nurse, an interpreter, and a
Check-Back … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Confirmation of understanding
Opportunity to correct miscommunication
Comprehensive … Teach-back
Enhancing Safety for Patients With �Limited English Proficiency
Overview/Objectives … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Putting It All Together
July 26, 2012 - your responsibility
If you are being challenged, acknowledge the
Correct the problem
Teach … following
myocardial infarction
3 characters: a nurse, an interpreter, and a
Check-Back … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Confirmation of understanding
Opportunity to correct miscommunication
Comprehensive … Teach-back
Enhancing Safety for Patients With �Limited English Proficiency
Overview/Objectives … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Putting It All Together
July 26, 2012 - your responsibility
If you are being challenged, acknowledge the
Correct the problem
Teach … following
myocardial infarction
3 characters: a nurse, an interpreter, and a
Check-Back … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Confirmation of understanding
Opportunity to correct miscommunication
Comprehensive … Teach-back
Enhancing Safety for Patients With �Limited English Proficiency
Overview/Objectives … Is…
Teach-Back Is…
Putting It All Together