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    December 01, 2022 - the effect of behaviors that promote effective communication (e.g., confirming understanding through teach-back
    June 01, 2013 - The pharmacist uses the "teach back" method with patients to confirm their understanding of the information
    January 22, 2016 - When the nurse would take them back she would reinforce the pamphlet and encourage them to talk about … positive, but the more amazing thing was that fewer patients were stopping to ask questions or calling back … Practices found the following programs useful, especially when used in conjunction with Tool 5: Use the Teach-Back
    January 18, 2017 - We’ll talk more about teach-back later in this course. … We also use teach-back to ensure that patients have understood the information that has been presented … The new forms use simpler language, encourage discussion, and promote teach-back by leaving space for … For example, after a patient has viewed a decision aid, the clinician can use teach-back to make sure … This flows into a teach-back exercise in which the clinician encourages questions.
    December 01, 2017 - So when they checked to see whether or not diabetic patients could teach back to them the symptoms they … read at a fourth grade level or below, so roughly one in three of any patient that you're trying to teach … On Slide 30, the fourth step that you can do is an individual team measure, is to use a “teach back” … So you can really, to be quite frank, it's a waste of your time to try to teach somebody some of the … to come back
  6. Paul Tedrick (doc file)
    July 09, 2013 - So when they checked to see whether or not diabetic patients could teach back to them the symptoms they … read at a fourth grade level or below, so roughly one in three of any patient that you’re trying to teach … On Slide 30, the fourth step that you can do is an individual team measure, is to use a “teach back” … So you can really, to be quite frank, it’s a waste of your time to try to teach somebody some of the … to come back.
    March 01, 2020 - BOOST promotes patient education through the use of the teach-back technique. … BOOST provides a video and 60–90 minute curriculum to educate the care team about the teach- back … The BOOST Model stresses the importance of communicating with patients using the teach- back technique … Model (((MH “Teaching") OR (AB "Teach-Back Communication" OR “Teach-Back” OR “Teachback”)) AND … Communication" OR “Teach-Back” OR “Teachback”)) AND ((MH “Patient Discharge” OR “Patient Transfer
    February 09, 2006 - Do you think about helping each other, supporting one another, having your team member's back? … Use the navigation buttons in the lower right to work through the online modules Select here to move back … And select the back arrow to go back to the previous slide. 2 The Materials You Will Use When you deliver … When you teach, ask participants the same question Ms. Gannon just asked you. … Andrew changes his order, she repeats the correct order back to him, and the correct dose of Benadryl
    September 01, 2019 - The team incorporated plain language, teach-back concepts, and criteria in AHRQ’s Health Literacy Universal
    January 01, 2010 - the diagnosis, condition, and next steps in the patient’s care to the patient and family and use teachback.
    October 01, 2014 - So you can teach your participants all together, mixing the professional roles. … More information on how to teach this material is presented in the "Giving Your Presentation" section … measure" like compliance rates for wearing ID badges with the SBAR or CUS acronym spelled out on the back … Try a change—for example, provide a new I.D. badge with SBAR and CUS on the back, as well as a 1-hour … and nursing assistants take the online teaching and receive badges with SBAR and CUS written on the back
    September 01, 2009 - Clinical research in low-literacy populations: using teach-back to assess comprehension of informed consent
    May 01, 2015 - Renfro said medication reconciliation, the teach-back method, and the follow-up phone calls to patients
    January 01, 2010 - explain the diagnosis, condition, and next steps in the patient’s care to the patient and family and use teachback.
    October 01, 2014 - It is designed to be accessible and relevant to all these care providers, so you can teach your participants … More information on how to teach this material is below, in the "Giving Your Presentation" section. … measure like compliance rates for wearing ID badges with the SBAR or CUS 6 acronym spelled out on the back … Try a change, e.g., provide a new I.D. badge with SBAR and CUS on the back, as well as a 1-hour, online … and nursing assistants take the online training and receive badges with SBAR and CUS written on the back
    September 02, 2016 - care for patients once they leave the hospital and noticed that you were here recently and now you’re back … identified opportunities that your hospital team can address (e.g., bedside delivery of medication, teach-back
    January 20, 2006 - DISCUSSION: Imagine that the individual in this video came back and said that the DESC Script didn’t … The TeamSTEPPS communication tools are: SBAR Check-back Handoffs (including I PASS THE BATON) … success of the whole team, it is just as important that the coach explain that “watching each other’s back … (Possible answers: Situational awareness, mutual support, huddle) What skills is she using to teach the
    January 20, 2006 - but need to be practiced 100-level tools include: SBAR Brief Closed loop communication Call-out Check-back … modeled via coaching Coaching “in the moment” helps TeamSTEPPS communication tools to “stick”: SBAR Check-back … What skills is she using to teach the CUS tool to Nurse Larry?
    July 01, 2023 - If you teach this content or want additional insights into how the material can be more fully learned … caregiver to repeat the schedule for medication dosing to ensure that both have the same understanding (teach-back … Laboratory results Repeat back laboratory results conveyed over the phone to confirm the receiver heard
    July 25, 2023 - Teach-back is an evidence-based health literacy strategy to ensure that you have explained information … Find teach-back implementation guidance and training materials here.  … Choice: Training Modules for Health Care Leaders and Professionals--two interactive training modules--teach

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